Claves para la disminución de la huella de carbono en el turismo: Caso Cuba

El presente trabajo se propone determinar acciones clave para un desarrollo turístico bajo en emisiones de carbono de acuerdo al contexto actual cubano. Para cumplir el objetivo, se estimó la huella de carbono promedio actual de los turistas y se identificaron los factores que intervienen en su disminución. El proceso metodológico de la investigación empleó el análisis comparativo de las metodologías de medición de la huella de carbono para determinar una propia de acuerdo a los datos disponibles, los cuales se obtuvieron a partir de referentes internacionales al no estar disponibles en el destino. La fórmula ideada permitió estimar la huella de carbono actual del turismo en la Habana como referente. En la identificación de factores que intervienen en la disminución de la huella de carbono se analizó el Modelo Pentagonal del sector turístico y la teoría de actores socioeconómicos convergentes para la sostenibilidad de un destino. Se tuvieron en cuenta el contexto cubano, los compromisos internacionales sobre medio ambiente firmados por Cuba y se evaluó la aplicabilidad de buenas prácticas, guías y recomendaciones hechas por organismos internacionales. Se determinó que los principales elementos que influyen en la huella de carbono del turismo en Cuba son su estructura de mercados, el desconocimiento de los actores con respecto al fenómeno y el bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial de Estados Unidos. Además de lo anterior, la principal acción que puede acometerse en el corto plazo es la capacitación a los diferentes actores que intervienen en el turismo. En aras de lograr el propósito trazado se consultaron diversas fuentes bibliográficas, seleccionándose las herramientas “Análisis de las cinco fuerzas competitivas” y “Análisis de la cadena de Valor” para la valoración del Grupo Gaviota S.A. En el análisis de la posición del Grupo Gaviota en el sector hotelero enfocado a la modalidad de ciudad, se empleó el Método Delphi. Además se realizó un análisis de las ventajas competitivas que posee Gaviota S.A operando bajo la forma de administración: Contrato de Gestión. Se realizaron entrevistas a los mandos de primer nivel en los hoteles seleccionados para determinar los elementos que aportan valor a la cadena. Entre los principales resultados se encuentran los Factores Claves de Éxito, determinados por las Capacidades Distintivas y las Ventajas Competitivas, así como las posibles estrategias para aumentar su situación competitiva. 

Lisandra Torres Hechavarría, Alejandro Delgado Castro


Market management in the Holguín destination to promote sustainable tourism development

Efficient management of tourist markets in a destination proves an essential element in getting satisfactory and growing outcomes for its sustainable development; therefore, organization and destination managers should constantly assess and improve managing practices. Holguin, as a tourist destination, strongly depends on a restricted number of source markets; consequently, management actions are required to achieve both diversification and consolidation of markets with positive repercussion on sustainable management in the territory. Hence, this research aims at assessing tourist market management in Holguin destination as well as proposing strategies to favor its development. As literature review did not reveal any appropriate procedure in relation to the above-mentioned objectives, a new one is proposed. This proposition, by using appropriate methods and techniques for every step, involves the analysis of present structure of markets, the assessment of competition market share, a thorough characterization of markets, the devising of potential sceneries for the chosen markets as well as proposal of strategies in addition to general actions and recommendations. As a result, a set of strategies and actions in relation to the three main markets plus a group of general recommendations aimed at improving source market management in Holguin destination were proposed in order to contribute to sustainable development.

Justa Ramona Medina Labrada, Merlinda Clarke Bloomfield, Elizabeth del Carmen Pérez Ricardo


Hallazgos iniciales de la evaluación de Holguín para su desarrollo como destino turístico inteligente

Presently, the development of smart tourist destinations represents a priority, which constitutes, at the same time, an essential tool for the sector progress as wells as for society in general. For a tourist destination to be considered as a smartly managed destination, numerous and constantly evolving factors should be taken into account: improvement of internal management processes as well as marketing processes; supplying network management; constant research which allows adaptation not only to demand but also to clients' cultural characteristics. These elements can be grouped into five main fields: technology, innovation, governance, sustainability and accessibility. The effect of these aspects on the continuous improvement of destinations and their capacity to compete in a global economy depends on good management. Holguin is an important tourist destination on the northeastern part of the Island, which possesses valuable assets such as accessibility, relevant cultural and natural tourist attractions plus the required infrastructure for its tourist development. Therefore, this research aims at assessing tourist market management in Holguín destination in view of its development as smart tourist destination. The determination of variables to be used in the assessment was carried out through an analysis of similarities. Subsequently, a case study was applied in order to specify the aspects showing favorable outcomes as well as the indicators demanding changes so that Holguín may develop as a smart tourism destination.

Justa R. Medina Labrada, Elizabeth del Carmen Pérez Ricardo, Ernesto Batista Sánchez


Influence of tourist consumer behavior trends in the responsible development of the Holguín destination

New trends in tourist consumer behavior have changed the way business operates internationally. Today, customers are loyal to brands that care about preserving the planet, local communities, and society in general. In this way, companies seek to respond to the growing demands of consumers, assuming social responsibility policies, understood as a new business culture based on ethical management, which can serve as a channel to improve the competitiveness and reputation of their businesses. Responsible tourism emerges in this context, which tries to offer an enriching experience to the client, at the same time that it corresponds to the new trends in consumer behavior. This type of tourism not only allows organizations to differentiate themselves in the market, but also to show a more humane image and obtain a reputation as a socially responsible tourism company, which can be an important competitive advantage. Holguin destination, of great relevance to the tourism industry in the country's east, has opted for responsible tourism as a development strategy, for which reason this research aims to assess the influence of international trends in tourist consumer behavior in the development of responsible tourism in the destination. To identify the main trends in the behavior of the tourist consumer from the literature consulted, a correlation analysis was performed and, in addition, expert judgment was used to determine the degree of influence of these trends in the development of responsible tourism. As a result, those trends in consumer behavior that influence good practices in responsible tourism in the destination Holguín were identified and the indicators that have positive results in the destination and the indicators that should be worked to achieve a total practice of tourism were analyzed. responsable.

Elizabeth del Carmen Pérez Ricardo, Justa Ramona Medina Labrada, Noel Fernández Cueria


Holguín, the most beautiful: development projection of the tourist destination to 2030

In the management of tourism, the combination of short-term actions, with attention to the longer-term challenges, allows a greater capacity to respond to the opportunities and threats that the sector has to face as a socio-economic activity in future scenarios , hence in Cuba today it is a priority to ensure that tourism activity has an accelerated growth that will boost the economy, based on an efficient development program. Holguin is one of the eight prioritized regions in the country for the development of international tourism. Therefore, from the indication of the Ministry of Tourism, the Development Policy of the Region was prepared in 1997, for which the diagnosis of the situation at that time in the different activities was based. Taking into account the main external threats to the destination, in this work the Tourism Development Program of Holguín 2016 - 2030 is exposed, which starts from a medium perspective scenario and expects to reach more than three hundred thousand visitors at the end of the period, which will allow achieve significant income, logically including aspects that in the last 15 years have impacted on the tourist development of the province, as well as the projections and policies to follow until 2030.

Rosa Isidora Palao Fuentes, Evelina Cardet Fernández, Yanitza Guerrero Rodríguez


Impact on the non-state sector community. Nirvana restaurant case study

The position that the non-state sector has acquired in recent years in the capital, with an emphasis on gastronomic activity, both in the structure of competition and in its capacity to generate value, justifies the conduct of this research, which has as objective, to assess the impact of the restaurant "Nirvana" in the community, for which a questionnaire was used in the form of a survey prepared for the purposes of this study and validated by the Alpha coefficient of Crombach. The number of respondents was defined based on the total number of families that live in the blocks closest to the restaurant, using the sample carculator program. The results were processed through parametric statistics, factor analysis and the Chi square contingency test, using the SPSS version 22 program. It was found that the restaurant positively impacts the community, basically due to its contribution to economic activity, variable highly correlated with the generation of employment, living conditions and personal income of the inhabitants: Similarly, it was observed that the perception of the impact of the restaurant by the respondents shows a significant difference (p <0.05), being better valued for those born in the locality, those who reside in it for a longer period of time, adults over 60 years of age, women and those who live closer to it.

Julia Ma. Espinosa Manugás, Beatriz Romaní Bendig, Leonardo Angulo García


Proposal of strategic actions for the implementation of the online business model in the agencies of the OSDE Viajes Cuba

E-commerce is one of the fastest growing trends in the travel and tourism industry. In Cuba, the government travel agencies grouped in the OSDE Viajes Cuba have considered incorporating electronic commerce into their business model. However, there are still many limitations on the websites of these agencies and payment gateways have not been activated on most of these sites. Likewise, each agency separately carries out its own strategy for implementing the online business model.

This paper proposes a group of strategic actions to implement and perfect the online business model in OSDE Viajes Cuba travel agencies. For this, the best practices of the leading online travel agencies in the sector, the main trends related to electronic commerce in travel agencies and the experience accumulated by the OSDE Viajes Cuba agencies were taken into account.

Among the main proposals are: guidelines to follow for the design of websites and the selection of payment gateways, creation of an electronic commerce department within the agencies, development of online reputation management campaigns and social networks , establishment of a competitive pricing strategy, activation of loyalty programs, implementation of a collaboration strategy among Cuban travel agencies regarding electronic commerce, among others.

Alfonso Lázaro Roche Góngora


Study tours: New perspective of academic tourism at the University of Holguín

The internationalization of higher education represents an alternative to disseminate the academic, scientific and cultural work of higher education institutions in the world and promote national and international exchange. Taking into account this trend, the University of Holguin, from its different areas, proposes and organizes various ways to internationalize its academic services. Among the modalities are the offers of international study programs, called Study Tours. The Study Tours are trips of an academic nature, where the teaching activities are intertwined with the sociocultural ones to create an attractive binomial for foreign students and professors interested in living the experience of knowing and learning from new cultures. With the aim of achieving greater international projection, the International Relations Directorate of the University of Holguín has developed the Study Tours programs: Tourism Management in Cuba, Cuban Language and Culture and Sociocultural Anthropology that will allow it to provide valuable educational and educational opportunities. Immersion in the Cuban environment and culture, students can also enrich their knowledge of places and people, as well as gain a deeper understanding of real-life situations and trends in the country and the proposed locations.

Yaima Rodríguez Morales, Ernesto Batista Sánchez, David Almaguer La Rosa


Program to put in value of tourist use attractions of the cave system of the Gibara destination

The development of the nature tourism modality and its adventure byproduct are currently a necessity for the country, since one of its aims is to expand and diversify the existing product portfolio. However, there are territories that present interesting attractions of this nature that have not yet been exploited. The Gibara municipality is one of the most beautiful in the Holguin province and has great speleotouristic potential. That is why, this research addresses from the aforementioned modality and its sustainability, to the particularities of speleotouristic practices, including cave diving and has aimed to design a program for the value of tourism use of the cave system in the destination Gibara. For this purpose, a methodology was made up of five phases, seventeen steps and whose application also allowed diagnosing the situation of the cave system, proposing work areas, indicators and strategies, as well as actions to achieve them; contributing to eradicate the main problems that directly affect the caves, while contributing to the enrichment of the tourist offer of the destination and to the dynamism of the life of the local inhabitants, in addition to generating opportunities for them.

Evelina Cardet Fernández, Daniela Denisis Batista Rodríguez, Manuel Menéndez Pérez


Heritage tourism product for the Jaronú sugar mill, from a multidisciplinary approach.

The province of Camagüey is one of the most significant territories for Cuba's agro-industrial sugar heritage. Among its main exponents is the Jaronú sugar plantation declared in 2008 as a National Monument and which has historical, heritage and cultural singularities that merit its enhancement for tourist purposes as a complementary attraction to the prospective tourist development of the north of Camaguey. In this sense, the present work aims to show the multidisciplinary interrelation achieved at the Center for Multidisciplinary Tourism Studies (CEMTUR) of the University of Camagüey for the design of a heritage tourism product linked to the Jaronú sugar mill, as a faithful reflection of the culture - tourism relationship. The aforementioned interrelation is demonstrated starting from multidisciplinary conceptualization works on industrial heritage, the establishment of historical, social and cultural conditions for the development and consolidation of the sugar industry in the region, passing through studies of the potential and hierarchization of its attractions , the concretion of conceptual ideas for the design and operation of a visitor center in the referred batey, until reaching the conceptual design of a tourist product linked to the site.

Gerson Herrera Pupo, María Elena Betancourt García, Geiser Perera Téllez


Improvements in environmental management of the Iberostar Ordoño hotel in the tourist destination of Gibara, Cuba

The Iberostar Ordoño Hotel has a notable influence on the environment of Gibara, Cuba's touristic destination, which demands an integral environmental management. The investigation had as objective to develop a procedure that incorporates the environmental management in a traverse way to the rest of the processes of the hotel, focused by strategic, operative and support component, that favors the improvement of the environment, to foment the good operation of the installation, to execute legislations and at the same time to improve the administration of human, material, economic and technological  resources, as well as the image perceived by the clients. Theoretical, empiric and statistical methods were used, as well as instruments for the gathering, prosecution, analysis and interpretation of the indicators associated to each component. The procedure consists of four phases and thirteen steps, and it was applied partially until the phase II, item 7. The main practical contribution of the investigation was the realization of a diagnosis to each component, as well as the creation of an environmental management's program with strategic actions to achieve the transformation of the identified problems. The results of the investigation in the Iberostar Ordoño Hotel not just contribute to the improvement of the environment, but also to the execution of the objectives 4, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 of the Calendar 2030 for the Sustainable Development and to the Tasks 4, 8, 10 and 11 of the State of Cuba Plan up to the 2050 for the confrontation to the climatic change.

Migdely Barbarita Ochoa Avila, Dainis Leyva Driggs


Improvement strategy to increase the competitiveness of products – city hotel services of the Gaviota tourism group s.a.

The research addresses competitiveness in city hotels from the comparison between the indicators of the main tourism groups at the national level: Gran Caribe S.A, Cubanacán S.A and Gaviota S.A. In this case, the Gaviota Group is privileged for being the one with the highest housing growth, perspectives in the development of tourism based on compliance with the Party's guidelines and national strategic projection. To demonstrate the current situation of city products-services in the Gaviota Group, the sample of three hotels located in the Miramar area in the Havana destination is analyzed: Hotel Memories Miramar, Hotel H10 Habana Panorama and Hotel Four Points By Sheraton La Havana.

In order to achieve the stated purpose, various bibliographic sources were consulted, selecting the tools "Analysis of the five competitive forces" and "Analysis of the value chain" for the assessment of Grupo Gaviota S.A. In the analysis of the position of the Gaviota Group in the hotel sector focused on the city modality, the Delphi Method was used. In addition, an analysis was carried out of the competitive advantages that Gaviota S.A. has operating under the form of administration: Management Contract. Interviews were conducted with top-level managers in the selected hotels to determine the elements that add value to the chain. Among the main results are the Key Success Factors, determined by the Distinctive Capabilities and Competitive Advantages, as well as the possible strategies to increase its competitive situation.

Mitsue Eumary Spengler Betancourt, Jimmy Eduardo Ascón Villa


Redesign of the conceptual bases of the Club Amigo brand

In today's globalized economy it is essential to differentiate your own products from those of your competition. For this, it is essential to have a brand that has distinctive capacity, and that provides value to the client and the hospitality industry is no stranger to this. In Cuba, the main objective of brand creation is to homogenize the quality and service standards in the hotels of the different chains, leaving aside the need to measure how distinctive the brand is in the market to guarantee a good positioning. For this reason, redesigning the conceptual bases of the Club Amigo brand of the Cubanacan Hotel Group to differentiate it in the market is the fundamental objective of this research. And for this purpose, the study was carried out in one of the hotels that comprise it, using different research methods and techniques that allowed determining the attributes and benefits that would favor the redesign, such as analysis and synthesis, induction/deduction, the historical-logical, the bibliographic and documentary review, as well as the survey, the Positioning Map, the evaluation matrix and hierarchy of attributes, and the Expert Criterion. In addition, statistical-mathematical techniques such as sampling, Cronbach's Alpha, frequency analysis, the coefficient of expertise, and the Kendall coefficient were used. The results obtained made it possible to redesign the conceptualization of the Club Amigo brand in such a way that it can be identified by customers who choose it and that it differs from other brands.

Suleena Cespedes Pavot


Thematization of the services hotel residencial Gibara, bet on cultural tourism from the destination Holguín

The 21st century imposes a great challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean: diversify its tourism offer by sustainably managing its cultural heritage. To this end, it is proposed that every city, region or country with cultural resources and tourist attractions must exploit them sustainably to offer a different product capable of satisfying the interests of the various markets. The thematization of hotel services is a modern strategy assumed by destinations that are looking for new ways of attracting their clients, which is carried out with the objective of transmitting to the client a different idea that complements their general perception of the service. Gibara is a fascinating coastal city located north of the province of Holguin that has great potential and plenty of historical and cultural attractions. Therefore, it is the interest of the Government and the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) management in the province, to promote the sustainable tourism development of the municipality for the period 2016-2030 by creating new offers related to the historical-cultural value of the city. Taking into account the above, the present investigation was developed with the aim of designing the thematization of the services of the Residencial Gibara Hotel, based on the seven wonders, recreating a transition from those of the ancient world to those of Gibara and taking advantage of the historical values - cultural facilities and the environment, in order to enhance cultural tourism at the destination and to contribute to the diversification and differentiation of the city's tourist offer.

Evelina Cardet Fernández, Alfredo Santiago Ricardo Miranda, Alfredo Santiago Ricardo Miranda


Local production systems and production chains in favor of local development: The local agricultural production system of the Gibara tourist destination in Holguín

The Strategic Axis Productive transformation and international insertion contained in the National Plan until 2030 emphasizes the need for the development of strategic sectors that have a long-term impact on the development of the economy and society; Tourism was identified as a catalyst for territorial economies, which has a specific expression at the local level, so it must be part of development on a territorial scale based on productive chains as one of the ways to manage such development. The objective of the present investigation was to diagnose the Agricultural Productive Local System (SPL) of the Gibara municipality and its conditions to contribute to the development strategy of the municipality and the tourism sector, as well as the identification of the production chains present in the SPL studied; To do this, a procedure was developed and applied based on the analysis of the economic structure of the municipality that contributes to promoting the development of tourism as a strategic sector in the territorial economic structure. The applied procedure allowed to create the necessary organizational conditions for the development of the investigation from establishing the basic input information for the diagnosis, obtaining as results the determination of the current situation of the Agricultural SPL, the identification of 31 production chains and the diagnosis, design and implementation of the guava production chain.

Merlinda Clarke Bloomfield, Ana Gloria Madruga Torres, Crecencio Ramón Rodríguez Galindo , José Luis Carballosa Ramírez


La incidencia de los eventos científico técnicos en los activos intangibles de sus actores. Caso de estudio: pedagogía 2019

The incidence of technical scientific events on the intangible assets of its actors. Case study: pedagogy 2019

The events as communicative pieces respond fully to the Knowledge Society, and their effectiveness for the acquisition of this is specified to a large degree in those with scientific-technical themes. However, if this benefit is completely explicit for the participants, texts or publications of this impact do not appear in the same way in the organizing actors of the same. In Cuba, specifically, business and public, tourist and non-tourist entities are integrated in the organization and execution of scientific and technical events, so that the economic benefits, tangible although they constitute an economic requirement of the country, are not unique, and the intangibles They point to a strategic vision. This situation promotes the general objective of the research defined as Identifying the benefits provided by technical scientific events to the development of intangible assets of its actors and the destination of Havana, whose fulfillment supports its application in the XVI Edition of the International Congress of Pedagogy as case study.

To fulfill this objective, theoretical methods such as bibliographic and documentary analysis and empirical methods were used, such as the application of surveys to eventists and conducting interviews with specialists from the different actors in the management of events. The results achieved form a guideline to be followed for the evaluation of other congresses with a similar nature and provide visibility to the importance of events of this nature, by determining that they contribute to the development of the human, structural and relational capital of their actors.

Ailim Sánchez Fernández
