Explorador Digital magazine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that allows the dissemination of research in the areas of Education, Humanities and Art & Services, it is published in digital format on a quarterly basis.

Explorador Digital magazine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that allows the dissemination of research in the areas of Education, Humanities and Art & Services, it is published in digital format on a quarterly basis.

  • Chief Editor: MSc. Pablo Homero Velastegui..
  • ISSN (online): 2661-6831
  • Frecuency: Trimestral
  • SJIF Magazine impact value:  [ SJIF 2022 = 5.982]

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The journal is indexed and summarized in Latindex Catalog 2.0, Latinrev, Google Scholar. Newspaper publication.

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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Innovación

Published: 2025-01-05

Gamification and professional technical perspectives in the rural context

Introduction: The objective of the research was to explore the perspectives on gamified playful aspects and the development of technical-professional skills and interests in tenth-year students of basic education of the Pluridocente Mayor Educational Unit "Abg. Juan Benigno Vela Hervás", located in a rural context. Objectives: To identify criteria that relate gamified experiences and the technical and professional interest of students. Methodology: The study developed a qualitative approach, with a descriptive, explanatory, and cross-sectional scope. Focus groups were applied to students, teachers and parents and Interview with a manager. The population corresponds to the 25 students and representatives of the tenth year. 10 students, 10 parents and 3 teachers were selected. The following categories were explored: Gamified experiences and professional technical interest. The following criteria were investigated: Interest in gambling; Relationship between play and the development of technical skills; Experience between the game and technical skills; The professional technical interest from the game; Information on professional technical options; Professional interest; Relationship between play and learning; Relationship between the game and professional technical interest. Results: The importance of considering the specific needs and challenges of the rural context when designing and implementing gamification and professional development initiatives was highlighted, and opportunities were identified to integrate gamification as an effective tool in training and innovation in professional development in the rural sector, increasing students' confidence in their technical and professional skills. Conclusions: The analysis showed that, although there are challenges in the integration of games in the teaching process, both students, parents and teachers agree that their appropriate and well-structured use can be highly beneficial for the development of technical and collaborative skills. There is a consensus on the importance of gamified play activities in the educational process, which increases student motivation and commitment and encourages the development of collaborative and technical skills. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Methodology – Didactics. Item Type: Original.

Verónica Patricia Ávila Torres, Amarilis Isabel Campoverde Moscol


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