Holguín, the most beautiful: development projection of the tourist destination to 2030
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In the management of tourism, the combination of short-term actions, with attention to the longer-term challenges, allows a greater capacity to respond to the opportunities and threats that the sector has to face as a socio-economic activity in future scenarios , hence in Cuba today it is a priority to ensure that tourism activity has an accelerated growth that will boost the economy, based on an efficient development program. Holguin is one of the eight prioritized regions in the country for the development of international tourism. Therefore, from the indication of the Ministry of Tourism, the Development Policy of the Region was prepared in 1997, for which the diagnosis of the situation at that time in the different activities was based. Taking into account the main external threats to the destination, in this work the Tourism Development Program of Holguín 2016 - 2030 is exposed, which starts from a medium perspective scenario and expects to reach more than three hundred thousand visitors at the end of the period, which will allow achieve significant income, logically including aspects that in the last 15 years have impacted on the tourist development of the province, as well as the projections and policies to follow until 2030.
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