Improvements in environmental management of the Iberostar Ordoño hotel in the tourist destination of Gibara, Cuba

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Migdely Barbarita Ochoa Avila
Dainis Leyva Driggs


The Iberostar Ordoño Hotel has a notable influence on the environment of Gibara, Cuba's touristic destination, which demands an integral environmental management. The investigation had as objective to develop a procedure that incorporates the environmental management in a traverse way to the rest of the processes of the hotel, focused by strategic, operative and support component, that favors the improvement of the environment, to foment the good operation of the installation, to execute legislations and at the same time to improve the administration of human, material, economic and technological  resources, as well as the image perceived by the clients. Theoretical, empiric and statistical methods were used, as well as instruments for the gathering, prosecution, analysis and interpretation of the indicators associated to each component. The procedure consists of four phases and thirteen steps, and it was applied partially until the phase II, item 7. The main practical contribution of the investigation was the realization of a diagnosis to each component, as well as the creation of an environmental management's program with strategic actions to achieve the transformation of the identified problems. The results of the investigation in the Iberostar Ordoño Hotel not just contribute to the improvement of the environment, but also to the execution of the objectives 4, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 of the Calendar 2030 for the Sustainable Development and to the Tasks 4, 8, 10 and 11 of the State of Cuba Plan up to the 2050 for the confrontation to the climatic change.


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How to Cite
Barbarita Ochoa Avila, M., & Leyva Driggs, D. (2021). Improvements in environmental management of the Iberostar Ordoño hotel in the tourist destination of Gibara, Cuba. Explorador Digital, 5(1), 297-316.


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