La incidencia de los eventos científico técnicos en los activos intangibles de sus actores. Caso de estudio: pedagogía 2019 The incidence of technical scientific events on the intangible assets of its actors. Case study: pedagogy 2019

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Ailim Sánchez Fernández


The events as communicative pieces respond fully to the Knowledge Society, and their effectiveness for the acquisition of this is specified to a large degree in those with scientific-technical themes. However, if this benefit is completely explicit for the participants, texts or publications of this impact do not appear in the same way in the organizing actors of the same. In Cuba, specifically, business and public, tourist and non-tourist entities are integrated in the organization and execution of scientific and technical events, so that the economic benefits, tangible although they constitute an economic requirement of the country, are not unique, and the intangibles They point to a strategic vision. This situation promotes the general objective of the research defined as Identifying the benefits provided by technical scientific events to the development of intangible assets of its actors and the destination of Havana, whose fulfillment supports its application in the XVI Edition of the International Congress of Pedagogy as case study.

To fulfill this objective, theoretical methods such as bibliographic and documentary analysis and empirical methods were used, such as the application of surveys to eventists and conducting interviews with specialists from the different actors in the management of events. The results achieved form a guideline to be followed for the evaluation of other congresses with a similar nature and provide visibility to the importance of events of this nature, by determining that they contribute to the development of the human, structural and relational capital of their actors.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Fernández, A. (2021). La incidencia de los eventos científico técnicos en los activos intangibles de sus actores. Caso de estudio: pedagogía 2019 : The incidence of technical scientific events on the intangible assets of its actors. Case study: pedagogy 2019. Explorador Digital, 5(1), 470-483.


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