Percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que facilitan el aprendizaje autorregulado del idioma inglés

Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar en qué medida el uso de herramientas tecnológicas facilita el aprendizaje autorregulado entre los estudiantes en formación que estudian inglés. La metodología empleada para este estudio fue un diseño de encuesta y se administró un cuestionario a 497 estudiantes de la Zona 3. Los resultados muestran que las estrategias más utilizadas para autorregular el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de los estudiantes están relacionadas con la búsqueda de información, revisión y memorización, revisión o repaso de apuntes y / o libros, y actividades de autoevaluación. En cuanto a la frecuencia de uso de herramientas digitales para autorregular el aprendizaje del idioma inglés, el 45% de los participantes mencionó que siempre usa estas herramientas. Además, el 63% de los estudiantes considera que el uso de herramientas tecnológicas facilita el aprendizaje autorregulado del idioma inglés. Se puede concluir que la importancia de las herramientas tecnológicas y su aplicación en el contexto académico facilita el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. También se recomienda realizar más investigaciones en el área para explorar las fortalezas que tienen las herramientas TIC para desarrollar el aprendizaje autorregulado.

Sarah Jacqueline Iza Pazmiño, Verónica Elizabeth Chicaiza Redin, Edgar Guadia Encalada Trujillo , Cristina del Rocío Jordan Buenaño


Promover el aprendizaje del idioma inglés mediante el uso de estrategias andragógicas efectivas

Introducción. Este trabajo de investigación implementó estrategias andragógicas para el aprendizaje del inglés en docentes de la Unidad Educativa “El Oro” de la ciudad de Ambato. Objetivo. Promover el aprendizaje del idioma inglés mediante el uso de estrategias andragógicas efectivas. Metodología. En esta investigación cuasiexperimental, la misma se ejecutó con la participación de 30 docentes (adultos) de diferentes áreas, quienes estaban automotivados para aprender y ayudarse mutuamente con el fin de actualizar su conocimiento del inglés. Se trabajó con dos grupos de la población objeto de estudio. Ambos grupos conformados por 15 docentes. El grupo experimental fue tratado con una propuesta de intervención que contenía estrategias andragógicas, tales como: la discusión, análisis, elaboración de proyecto, simulación, demostraciones y resolución de problemas; las que tenían una serie de tareas con enfoque comunicativo a través de la Plataforma Zoom a causa de la pandemia COVID-19. En cambio, el grupo control trabajó con actividades en línea quienes tenían documentos para llenar ejercicios gramaticales. Resultados. Ambos grupos respondieron a dos exámenes: el primero fue el pretest, antes de la intervención y el segundo o post-test después de la misma. Las medias de los dos exámenes fueron comparadas en el pretest y se evidenció que los dos grupos tenían un nivel bajo de inglés. En cambio, en el post-test, las medias de los dos grupos presentaron una notable diferencia por cuanto el grupo experimental, demostró una mejora considerable. Conclusión. Determina que las estrategias andragógicas ayudaron a los docentes a mejorar su aprendizaje del inglés. Se concluye que es de suma importancia la aplicación de estrategias andragógicas para mejorar su calidad profesional.

Marcia Magally Paredes Acosta, Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre, Ruth Elizabeth Infante Paredes, Alba Paulina Hernández Freire


Web 3.0 tools and the academic performance of university students: case study basic education career

This research is based on the identification of web 3.0 resources in the classroom application through a virtual education and once checking the level of academic performance of university students. The objective of the research is to identify the use of web 3.0 resources and the report within the academic performance of university students. The methodology used is of an experimental-analytical type through a part-by-part approach, taking first the qualitative through a diagnostic analysis focused on the perceptions of the environment and then through the tabulation of the data obtained through a survey carried out to the students of the Career of Basic Education, the instrument used is based on a 24-item structured questionnaire validated by Cronbach's Alpha statistic with a value of 0.841 reliable for the investigation. To test the hypothesis, the Kolmogórov-Smirnov statistic is used for k independent samples in which two questions are selected, the most representative of the experimentation. For the development of the 3.0 resources, the application of the ADDIE methodology is considered, which allows the pedagogical and technological performance and in addition to the TAM Model, in which the acceptance of the technology is measured for this case that of the based resources on web 3.0. The results of the research were highly favorable, which allowed us to identify the type of 3.0 resources that can be applied in a virtual classroom and after experimentation the acceptability they have in the study population. Finally, it is concluded that these types of resources are of great contribution to the development of a virtual classroom, they promote synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as individual and collaborative.

María Cristina Páez Quinde, Sonia Paola Armas Arias, Darwin Patricio Miranda Ramos, Héctor Daniel Morocho Lara


Fortalecimiento de la comprensión lectora del idioma inglés mediante el uso de la estrategia de inferir significado

Introducción. El idioma inglés es considerado uno de los idiomas más hablados en todo el mundo. Docentes del idioma inglés debe afrontar el reto de lograr un aprendizaje significativo y para conseguirlo es esencial utilizar algunas estrategias que faciliten el proceso de aprendizaje. A la hora de enseñar una de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas como es la lectura, hay una gran cantidad de estrategias a aplicar en función del objetivo del lector. Uno de los más útiles es la estrategia de inferir el significado. Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la eficacia de esta estrategia en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en 28 estudiantes del 5º semestre de PINE (Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros) de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Metodología. En un principio fue necesario aplicar una prueba de diagnóstico para comprobar los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes. Para ello se utilizó la segunda y cuarta parte de la sección de lectura del Preliminary English Test (PET). Los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de practicar la estrategia durante un mes. Durante este período de tiempo, tuvieron que completar algunas actividades de comprensión relacionadas con los textos leídos. Finalmente, el grupo experimental realizó una evaluación de PET para evaluar la efectividad de la estrategia. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos se analizaron mediante la prueba T de student a través de la cual se evidenció que la Estrategia de Inferir Significado contribuye al desarrollo y mejoramiento de la comprensión lectora.

Priscila Fernanda Pillaga, Dorys Maribel Cumbe Coraizaca, Ximena Alexandra Calero Sánchez, Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre


Mejorando las habilidades de habla inglesa a través de ECRIF: un estudio preliminar

Introducción. La destreza hablada del inglés es una destreza productiva que requiere de mucha práctica y de estrategias creativas de tal manera que los estudiantes adquieran el lenguaje siguiendo etapas que les permitan hablarlo de forma espontánea y fluida. La estructura de ECRIF es el camino para atender este requerimiento. Objetivo. Analizar la forma en la que la estructura ECRIF facilita la planificación de actividades para desarrollar la destreza hablada. Metodología. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se tomó una muestra de 32 estudiantes, 18 varones y 14 mujeres de edades entre 12 a 14 años. Además, la investigación se desarrolló desde un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño experimental y la investigación bibliográfica. Debido a la pandemia del Covid-19, el estudio se llevó a cabo en la modalidad en línea. Diez sesiones consecutivas fueron necesarias para la recolección de la información las cuales fueron dictadas a través de las aplicaciones Zoom y WhatsApp. Los instrumentos para la recolección de datos incluyeron una pre prueba, una post prueba y una rúbrica para la destreza hablada. Una vez aplicado el experimento y obtenidos los resultados de las pruebas se utilizó el software SPSS, la prueba de Wilcoxon y la prueba Shapiro-Wilk para el análisis de los datos y la validación de la hipótesis. Resultados. Al final del estudio se demostró que, la estructura ECRIF ciertamente facilita la planificación de actividades para el desarrollo de la destreza hablada en los adolescentes ya que brinda un apoyo al estudiante para que hable con precisión y espontaneidad. Conclusión. Los investigadores descubrieron que los estudiantes que participaron en el estudio demostraron una mejora significativa en su nivel de dominio de la destreza hablada ya que el modelo ECRIF facilita la planificación de actividades tanto de práctica controlada por el profesor como actividades iniciadas espontáneamente por los estudiantes.

Gabriela Alexandra Caiza Aucapiña, Xavier Sulca Guale, Wilma Elizabeth Suárez Mosquera, Galo Florentino Rizzo Chunga


Impulsar la competencia de escritura en inglés mediante el uso de conectores discursivos

Introducción. Los conectores discursivos son elementos lingüísticos cuyo objetivo principal es unir oraciones y dotar de fluidez al texto. Objetivo. El presente estudio investiga la relación entre los conectores discursivos y el mejoramiento de la competencia escrita en los estudiantes de tercer semestre de la Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros, en el período académico octubre 2020 – febrero 2021. Metodología. La investigación fue cualitativa y cuantitativa, de tipo transversal correlacional con un diseño experimental y revisión literaria de las variables. La población estuvo conformada por 30 estudiantes de la Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros, 12 mujeres y 18 hombres, de entre 20 y 24 años. Para recolectar la información se elaboró ​​una encuesta con 23 preguntas la cual fue validada por dos expertos en el campo de la escritura. Valoraron la validez, la pertinencia y la coherencia. Los resultados de la encuesta permitieron establecer las estrategias y actividades para enseñar los conectores discursivos. Los participantes también recibieron una prueba previa de escritura independiente, tomada de la Universidad de Cambridge y evaluada con una rúbrica proporcionada por la misma universidad. Luego, con la información obtenida se elaboró ​​una guía didáctica y los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de aprender y practicar los conectores discursivos durante dos meses. Finalmente, se aplicó una prueba posterior para medir la relación de los conectores discursivos y la mejora de la competencia escrita. Resultados. Con la ayuda de las estadísticas se comparó la pre y post prueba. El estudio mostró que los estudiantes usan la puntuación y la ortografía correcta, Adicionalmente, eligen el conector apropiado. Además, eligen el lugar correcto del conector dentro de la oración. Finalmente, sus párrafos contienen oraciones temáticas con idea de control, ideas de apoyo y conclusiones. En consecuencia, mejoraron la competencia de escritura.

Marbella Cumandá Escalante Gamazo, Alba Paulina Hernández Freire, Cristina del Rocío Jordán Buenaño, Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre


Puppets in the virtual modality: interactive teaching resource for early childhood education

Introduction. Virtual education is an inescapable reality today. After the effects of the global pandemic, many sectors have been affected, including early childhood education. Undoubtedly, teachers have had to adapt methodologies, strategies and resources to be able to reach students and continue with schooling from home. Objective: Analyze puppets as an interactive teaching resource that helps in the virtual modality for the classroom learning process at the early childhood level. Methodology: The methodology used was based on critical theory with an emergent design, qualitative approach and a descriptive and explanatory scope. The established objectives were achieved using interview and observation techniques with their respective instruments. Results. Among the most relevant results obtained when analyzing the information gathered, it is argued that puppets are used to create a relationship of trust within the virtual classroom in the present educational context; at present the need to improve the learning environment and turn it into a work-play space, despite its virtuality, is clear. Conclusion. After analyzing the information collected, it was concluded that the puppet is an interactive didactic resource which, among its multiple objectives, enhances interpersonal relationships from a suitable environment. As a resource, puppets offer countless advantages in the learning process such as concentration, stimulation of the imagination, development of social and communication skills, the opportunity for expression, development of spontaneity, and reflection.

Daniela Benalcázar Chicaiza, Mayra Isabel Barrera Gutiérrez, Mery Fernanda Pozo Ruiz, Carolina Elizabeth San Lucas Solórzano


Food, nutrition and healthy habits in the growth of children from 3 to 4 years old

This research shows that as part of a new global health standard, it seeks to create new healthy lifestyles that improve people's quality of life. The objective of this research is to define the foods that children need for adequate growth; Based on this concern, the research moves to a two-part process: the first begins with the compilation of reliable information based on experts and begins the proposed topic, a case study of the culinary heritage of Ecuador, and on the other hand to help to improve the nutritional wealth of our country and the benefits it can offer, in the second step, a theoretical and practical analysis was developed, the search for real data to verify the hypothesis: food, nutrition and healthy habits improve the growth of children from 3 to 4 years, with a work method applicable to a questionnaire for children of the aforementioned age group, a Child Growth Map and the food-based nutrition registry of Ecuador, and to conclude but at the same time provide a starting point towards an innovative nutritional proposal for children, a nutrition guide is developed that is nothing more than a summary of the research. The purpose of the research focuses on creatively prepared dishes, with the right ingredients, prepared in the right portions, and mixes right for children.

Héctor E. Hurtado Puga, Dorys Cumbe Coraizaca, Jimena Paola Mantilla García, Daniela Benalcázar Chicaiza


Multisensory stimulation in comprehensive child development: systematic review from the perspective of social distancing

Introduction: In the educational context, one of the main objectives is to work on children's integral development; the Early Education curriculum characterizes the areas of development and learning for infants and describes the objectives and skills to be developed. Thus, sensory stimulation is significant in the development of the cognitive, affective-social, motor, and language areas affected by social distancing. Objective: To synthesize the studies on sensory stimulation in child development during social distancing. Methodology. The study followed a descriptive methodology; the use of theoretical and empirical methods and the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) allowed consulting in degree projects linked to the research project of the Program "Early multisensory stimulation based on the Montessori methodology for children from 0-5 years old with or without special educational needs after social distancing" carried out by the students of Nursery Education and Early Childhood Education of the periods that correspond to social distancing. Results: the selection of 6 investigations that contributed to synthesizing the theoretical foundations on the sensorial stimulation in integral child development, facilitating the concretion of the stimulation in 7 senses that promote the child's integral development, such as 2. Auditory stimulation. Tactile stimulation. 4. Taste stimulation. Olfactory stimulation 6. The vestibular stimulation 7. The proprioceptive stimulation allows executing the essential functions of the child such as comprehension, attention, memory, language, sensoperceptions, body scheme, laterality, directionality, temporal notions, fine and gross motor skills in the cognitive area, social, affective, motor, and language vital in childhood and a permanent challenge that in time of social distancing has been limited. Conclusions: The systematization of previous research on multisensory stimulation in child development highlights the need for the child to have an adequate stimulation of the environment to enhance his or her integral development, which has been limited by social distancing.

Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Elena del Rocío Rosero Morales, Jeanneth Caroline Galarza Galarza, Milena Aracely Estupiñán Guamaní


Child development from the perspective of brain physiology, a systematic review

Introduction. Neuroscience appears as a discipline that structures the study of the human brain, its complexities and the parts that make it up have attracted the attention of several scholars who since ancient times have recorded theories about its functioning. With the passage of time, these theories have been expanded and generated several axes of study, one of them is very correctly related to the learning processes. The objective of the study focuses on updating information on neurosciences and child development. Methodology. The qualitative methodology is applied, through documentary and bibliographic review in the regional databases Latindex, Scielo and Redalyc based on keywords such as neurosciences, child development, cognitive, brain evolution; The search is carried out in Spanish. Among the articles found, nine were selected that show that studies of the brain reveal among its components the cognitive processes typical of learning. Conclusion. Studies on the brain and its relationship with child development have a great impact on the research community, topics such as brain plasticity and neurosciences give significance to the understanding of brain development from physiological relevance

Milena Aracely Estupiñán Guamani , Jeanneth Caroline Galarza Galarza, Elena del Rocío Rosero Morales, Silvia Acosta Bones


The sandbox as a didactic resource for the development of gross motor skills in early childhood education

The Sandbox is a didactic resource for the development of gross motor skills in early-age children, enhancing capacities, abilities and skills that would later become competencies. The smaller the child is, the better he assimilates the conceptions of his context through the internalization of the parts of his body. Sand is a tactile and stimulating element, which, adapted in the educational field, becomes a didactic resource for the experimentation of children, where they can play, socialize, build, design, helping the development of their motor skills and creativity. Objective. The study aims to analyze the importance of using the sandbox in the development of children's gross motor skills. Methodology, a mixed methodology is applied, it is qualitative because the results of the research were entered into a criteria analysis to support the theoretical framework, and quantitative because data and results obtained scientifically in a numerical way were processed. Conclusion. Finally, it is concluded that it is important to carry out playful activities inside the sandbox since they still contribute to the development of gross motor skills, especially in the initial age, since different body areas are stimulated through play, awakening the interest of children.

Verónica Patricia Gutiérrez Tasinchana, Gissela Alexandra Arroba López , Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco, Irelys Sánchez Fernández


The toy: a pedagogical tool in the group play, for the initial level

Introduction. This article is based on research conducted by Sánchez & Sánchez in the year 2021, that allowed to deepen the importance of the toy in group play at the initial level; for which the bibliographic references were extensively reviewed, and the technical and pedagogical characteristics of the toy were identified. Objective. To propose types of toys that allow optimal learning. Methodology. The research design was qualitative, due to the nature of the data and the type of information, with a descriptive depth level, for this reason the research is basic type. For the collection of information, the techniques of interview, focus group and for the analysis of the information the triangulation of data were applied; The population is made up of six early childhood teachers from the Teresa Flor Educational Unit and five psychologists and teachers who are experts on the subject. Each person has been considered as the unit of analysis. Results. The main contributions of the research can be summarized as follows: most authors indicate that toys facilitate the child's socialization in a better way in group games; the toy is a pedagogical instrument that stimulates learning with multiple benefits in terms of playful activity, while group play is considered the child's language. Conclusion. The toys most suitable for children from initial level I and II, from 3 to 5 years old, are: puppets, puzzles, stringing games, musical instruments, role plays, dolls, stories, legos, plasticine, among others, which allow them to develop comprehensively and, at the same time, improve their capacity for concentration and attention.

Dayana Jazmin Sánchez Condo, Irelys Sánchez Fernández, Gissela Alexandra Arroba López, Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco


Multiple intelligences in pedagogical processes, a systematic review

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences first appeared in the world of Psychology in 1983, and then expanded to other disciplines. Its mentalize is Edward Gardner who exposes, based on several studies, the existence of not one but eight different intelligences that develop in the two cerebral hemispheres. This theory enhances the analysis, studies and research on its application in the teaching-learning process, which encompasses everyone. The pedagogy applied in the different educational models further enhances the study of the relationship with differentiated intelligences and at the same time connected to each other. The objective of the study focuses on updating information on the application of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences with the teaching-learning process; For which the qualitative methodology is applied, through the documentary and bibliographic review in the regional databases Latindex, Scielo and Redalyc from keywords such as: Multiple intelligences, pedagogy, didactics, learning, cognitive development; The search is carried out in Spanish. Among the articles found, nine were selected that show that studies related to multiple intelligences and their direct relationship with pedagogy in its different forms.

Jeanneth Caroline Galarza Galarza, Milena Aracely Estupiñán Guamani, Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Elena del Rocío Rosero Morales


Measuring instrument: literacy process in elementary school students

The subject is focused on the need for Educational Units where poor phonological and comprehensive reading problems are evident, showing errors in the interpretation of the text, writing that presents lack of directionality in its features, illegible letters, confusion in letters due to form, orientation and directionality in the lines of the same, misspellings, inappropriate use of capital letters and small letters, all these premises have caused difficulties for the students of Basic Middle to be able to write using appropriate grammatical rules, thus hindering academic performance. On the other hand, the students show demotivation in the classes, since the lack of interest in reading makes them limit themselves to expand knowledge that only comprehensive reading achieves in their cognitive abilities. The article is based on measurement instruments that facilitate the teacher to know in a diagnostic way the literacy process in students, taking into consideration the process, levels and sublevels of the same. The observation files constructed were validated in the SPSS program, where they show that the three instruments are a reliable means of collecting information for the teacher as a measuring instrument that helps determine the literacy process in middle school students.

Elena del Rocío Rosero Morales , Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Milena Aracely Estupiñán Guamani , Jeanneth Caroline Galarza Galarza


Evaluation and sustainable tourism, Llangahua case study

Introduction. This research is focused on the Llangahua tourism center, which is considered from a community management to develop its activities in the paramo area that is collectively conserved and that since the beginning of 2021 has an influx of visitors. Objective. Structure a sustainable management model based on the evaluation of the Llangahua tourism center. Methodology. It is inductive, of a basic type, under a qualitative approach, it comprises a descriptive design of practical action research, supported by a bibliographic-documentary study that is the basis for a longitudinal study, developed with a three-stage approach: a situational diagnosis; proposal of a management model; and, evaluation after the intervention, establishing an analysis between before (evaluation 1) and after the intervention (evaluation 2), using cross tables and hermeneutical triangulation. Results. The work shows that the evaluation of the administration gives rise to the sustainable management model of the Llangahua tourism center, where the philosophy, structural organic, strategies, programs and tactical actions that include sixty-four instruments have been raised. Conclusion. The evaluation strengthens the review of the achievements of the tourism center administration and allows decision-making for the improvement and sustainability of the Llangahua tourism center.

Yadira Alexandra Proaño Gómez, María Fernanda Viteri Toro, Camilo Francisco Torres Oñate, Xiomara Abigail Chisag Andachi


Banana vinegar in the development of local manabita cuisine

Introduction: The present research project focuses on the local food manabita, mainly on one of the elements that give it its legendary identity as is the banana vinegar, that is currently being forgotten as part of the ancestral knowledge in the elaboration of the typical food and will be evidenced as both, gastronomy and vinegar, are strongly entrenched with the development of the same, is a condiment that very few people know, that went and has been part of the progress of Creole food in Manabí for generations and evolved in its uses as much as the people themselves of the province. Objective: To determine the development of the local cuisine manabita with the ingredient of banana vinegar Methodology: The design of the research is bibliographic documentary because it supports it concepts in research and scientific content. The sensory survey was applied to 20 individuals aged between 20 and 70 years and the SPSS program was used to calculate the variable Results: The statistical test that was used for hypothesis verification was Friedman’s two-way analysis and it was concluded that banana vinegar has a sensory impact on preparations is by them that most of the respondents preferred protein preparations traditionally known and more widely used, it was also found that the use of vinegar contributes to the development of local food manabita

Joselyn Tatiana Escalante Loor , Camilo Francisco Torres Oñate, María Fernanda Viteri Toro, Diana Alexandra Falcón Salazar


The tourist services and tourist imaginary, Ambato ‘study case

Introduction. This article focuses on the study of the imaginary that tourists have regarding a destination, taking Ambato as a reference. The imaginary is a process that seeks to subjectively interpret the perspectives that the tourist has only with the fact of referring to a destination. In other words, it seeks to analyze what is projected in the mind of the traveler prior to visiting a destination, considering that, for each tourist, there will be an ideal destination. Objective. Characterize the imaginary of the tourist projected in the destinations and their tourist offer. Methodology. The research has a mixed approach; It is quantitative in the sense that statistical data was collected and from a qualitative perspective the results are discussed from the hermeneutics of tourism. Its scope is descriptive phenomenological correlational. With a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Results. The most popular destination in the tourist imagination due to its tourist attractions is the United States and Mexico in Latin America, and Turkey with the study of tourists in relation to the European continent. Conclusion. To make the travel decision, it is based on the projection of the destination in areas such as political, social, environmental, economic, cultural and security, which are the elements that make up the tourist's imagination and directly affect the offer of a given geographical space.

Johanna Micaela Ortiz Martínez, María Fernanda Viteri Toro, Camilo Francisco Torres Oñate, Yadira Alexandra Proaño Gómez


Typical gastronomy as a cultural identity

Introduction. Currently the typical gastronomy is considered an important heritage for the development of tourism, the tasting of typical dishes generates a cultural and sensorial experience where diners have a connection with the gastronomy of the area. Objective. Analyze the typical gastronomy as a cultural identity of the inhabitants of Pelileo. Methodology. The research had a mixed design, that is, quantitative using a questionnaire as a tool and qualitative using the registration forms of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (INPC) with a field study. The questionnaire was sent to 383 inhabitants of Pelileo, the questionnaire was prepared on the Google forms platform and a reliability analysis was carried out for its application. The collection of information on typical gastronomy in 179 establishments in Pelileo was carried out using registration cards (INPC), a field of study that is as descriptive as it is deductive. Thanks to the registration form (INPC), the most typical dishes of the canton were identified, such as: roast guinea pig, roast rabbit, fried, sweet empanadas, baked, tamales, chawarmisqui, chicken broth and wind empanadas. Results. Among the results of the survey, it should be noted that most of the inhabitants of the canton show an inclination on the effective dimension with an average of 3.80 corresponding to 19.84%. Conclusions. Emotions are superimposed on other more rational aspects; therefore, a greater degree of relevance is required to inform the typically representative food by the possible means.

Karina Patricia Llerena Oñate, Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez Guerrero, Vanessa Catalina Lizano Saltos, Dayana Micaela Ruíz Villegas


The tourists' perception and the ecological parks of the Nueva Loja Parish, Sucumbíos Province

The tourist activity stands out as one of the most influential and growing economic activities worldwide, the ecological parks as tourist attractions in search of a projection towards sustainable tourism inquires about the behavior of visitors during the development of tourist activities, the objective of the research is to analyze the tourist activity for the development of sustainable tourism based on the profile and level of satisfaction of the visitor, the study is ascribed to simple descriptive research, a mixed methodology because it collects, analyzes and integrates qualitative and quantitative information of the object, non-experimental, cross-sectional type, thus, the research analyzed the profile of the tourist and the level of visitor satisfaction in the Ecological Recreational Park Lago Agrio and the Nueva Loja Tourist Park, a sample of 383 individuals was considered to apply a structured questionnaire adapted to the format proposed by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador (2015) applied in protected areas, the validation of the dimensions and constructs with 48 items was based on the 5-point Likert scale, the results yielded allow determining the profile of the visitor who can be men and women from 18 to 54 years of age, The results show that the level of satisfaction with the services offered is high, with 58.5%. This is reflected in the accumulated average of 80.4%, which places the tourists in the high satisfaction category.

Chloe Adriana Cuesta Chiriboga, Alicia Mercedes Porras Angulo, Darwin Vinicio Porras Angulo, Johana Belén Porras Quispe


Use of social networks in tourism promotion

Introduction. It is relevant to discuss that tourism promotion can be carried out both in the physical and virtual environment, where it is possible to reach a larger audience by transcending physical barriers such as distance. Due to confinement and the change in learning modality from face-to-face to virtual, the virtual technological tool Instagram was used to publicize the tourist sites of Ecuador. Target. This research aims to describe how the use of social networks allows the tourist promotion of destinations. The content published on this network was developed by students as a voluntary supplement where students could share tourist information. Methodology. To analyze the impact of the tourist content generated on the platform, the PRGS model proposed by IAB Spain Research was applied, which is based on the 4 variables presence, response, generation and suggestion, the last three united in a single variable called engagement. Results. There are 289 tourist publications. 77% are national tourists and 23% international. The scope is 3702 users. Conclusion. Consequently, it was possible to understand that social networks have the potential to be a space for complementary practice for the student and, in turn, as a space for tourism promotion.

Johanna Gabriela Monge Martínez , Gloria Estefanía Monge Martínez, Carmen Isabel Vaca Vaca, Fernando Israel Guerrero Ochoa


The behavior of consumption in food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport during the COVID-19 pandemic

Introduction. This article focuses on the study of the profile of the consumer of food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport in the province of Tungurahua from the COVID-19 pandemic, after the state of emergency, for which it is necessary to identify the visitor behavior patterns, consider the conditions, factors and image that determine the perception and / or preference and that influence the consumption decision. Objective. Analyze the differences in the consumption behavior of visitors in food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport. Methodology. The research is basic and inductive, follows a quantitative route, reaches a descriptive level, is based on a deep bibliographic-documentary study and a cross-sectional ex post facto fieldwork design, with a simple random sampling. The profile of the consumer of tourist services in the province of Tungurahua is modeled by the tree classification method. Results. The level of education is the demographic variable that most influences the factors that influence the frequency of consumption by customers of restaurants and cafeterias. The behavior of the consumption of the accommodation service is marked by the preference of spending the night with the family or partner, being the woman who mostly makes this decision. The behavior of tourist transport consumption is manifested with the preference of comfort and safety over audio and video technology or innovation; and, the cost does not determine the hiring of the service. Conclusion. The factor that decides the consumption of food and beverage service, accommodation and tourist transport is the application of biosafety protocols, information that was used for the execution of community service practice projects.

Yadira Alexandra Proaño Gómez, Angélica María González Sánchez, Jorge Armando Almeida Domínguez


Research on tourist attractions and products based on the analysis of historical tourism - San Cristobal, Galapagos

This research proposes to analyze the tourist attractions and resources that the San Cristóbal Canton has, initially a diagnosis of the tourist attractions is made using bibliographic sources provided by the governing institution; Subsequently, it defines the current state of the historical tourist attractions, defined the number of existing attractions and the possible tourist activities that can be carried out with them, four more relevant points were identified: (i) Casa Manuel Julián Cobos, (ii) Reliquial del Ingenio Manuel J. Cobos, (iii) Casa de los Trabajadores, (iv) Tumba de Manuel J. Cobos; These points, due to their geographical location and their unique heritage characteristics, are of great relevance to the history of the colonization of the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. With the discovery and after complying with certain technical recommendations of the MINTUR, these attractions can generate sources of employment and income for a sustainable economy for the inhabitants of the town, since they have an incomparable heritage value and generate the attention and interest of the residents. and even more. of national and foreign tourists.

Angie Juliana Liviapoma Álvarez, Rommel Santiago Velastegui Hernández, Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez Guerrero, Sonia Paola Armas Arias


Virtual learning techniques for students with attention difficulties

Introduction. In education there have always been conditions that interrupt the learning of students, one of them is the attentional difficulty, which lies in the deficit to pay attention for a long period of time in certain actions such as performing tasks or attending classes, this It is due to the attention in a process composed of several components that interact with each other. Therefore, it is necessary to apply various virtual learning techniques so that students can consolidate the information and thus obtain adequate academic performance. Objective: To analyze the influence of virtual learning techniques for students with attention difficulties during the online academic process. Methodology. A mixed approach is applied since it seeks to analyze, describe the relationship of virtual learning techniques with students with attentional difficulties, a descriptive design, a field and bibliographic modality since the information was collected from primary sources. Results. Among the most relevant results, students have attentional difficulties due to several factors such as online education and the different distractions found in their homes. Conclusion. The implementation and application of adequate methods in virtual classes are necessary for a correct performance in students, as well as to focus their attention and thus obtain effective results in online learning.

Yamilec Alexandra López Bermello, Estefanía Brigitte Gamboa Cuatimpaz, Joel Alejandro Cuesta Estupiñán, María Fernanda Morales Gómez de la Torre


Delayed oral language development and significant learning in 4- and 5-year-olds

Introduction. Language is inherent to human beings and constitutes a fundamental element for relating to other people and understanding the world around us. That is why the evaluation of oral language at an early age is essential to avoid delays and even language disorders. In connotation, meaningful learning can be impaired due to a delay in oral language. Objective. Establish the relationship between oral language development and meaningful learning in children 4 to 5 years of age. Methodology. It is applied a mixed approach is applied in 60 students of initial II and first of basic general education of the Educational Unit "UK" blended modality, through the application of a checklist with indicators regarding the Development of oral language as and Significant Learning Results. There is a clear correlation between the two variables, thus the development of oral language is one of the main factors that directly influences the acquisition of significant learning. Conclusion. There are few processes to improve in the area of oral language by children, it should be emphasized that this does not significantly affect their learning. However, it is essential to strengthen these shortcomings in order to achieve an optimal and effective learning process.

María Gabriela Santana Tamayo, Alison Pamela Vayas Masache, Mishell Carolina Mancheno López, Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco


The parental relationship and the development of literacy in students at the basic education school "Fe y Alegría" of the canton Ambato

Introduction. Due to the change and the modality that is currently used, parents have taken the leading role in the education of their children, being they who play a role of teaching tutor within the homes. Target. To establish the influence of the parental relationship in the development of Literacy in third-year students of E.G.B of the basic education school "Fe y Alegría" of the Ambato canton. Methodology. For the fulfillment of this research work, bibliographic information was thought to support the proposed variables. Thus, it has a qualitative and quantitative approach with a descriptive and correlational level; In addition, for the collection of information, a questionnaire for parents validated by experts and the application of the LEE test was produced, the expected population is third-year students of E.G.B. parallels "A and B" with a total of 46 students. Results. The results show that the parental relationship influences the development of literacy, specifically if the parents carry out activities that promote and encourage the development of the same skill; the data were submitted to the SPS-S software for hypothesis validation using Kendall's Tau-B cross-tables statistician. Conclusion. It was concluded that parents who made a plan for the development of literacy achieved that their children have greater ability to read and write which is evidenced by the quality and fluency of this process.

Karen Estefanía Núñez Pilco, Verónica del Carmen Llerena Poveda, Carolina Elizabeth Manzano Vinueza


Teacher training in relation to diversity and inclusive education

Introduction. This article aims to understand the challenge of current education focused on the conception of diversity and inclusion according to the axes of justice and inclusion established by society. An educational system which promotes care without discrimination and prioritizing respect for their rights. Taking as a starting point the approach to teacher training, as main instigators of inclusion within the classroom and the training center, applying a work aimed at addressing diversity. Target. To know different perspectives of teachers towards diversity and inclusive education, in addition, identify the level of training and knowledge they acquire in the professional course. Methodology. Data was obtained through the teacher training questionnaire on the inclusion of education professionals -CEFI-R. A sample of 65 teachers from the Technical University of Ambato was taken. Results. The results in the 4 proposed dimensions, dimension of conception of diversity 69% show positive attitudes towards diversity, methodological dimension determines that 72% use an adequate methodology, support dimension shows that 69% of teachers provide support to their students and community participation dimension 86% establish collaborative work between the school, its agents, family, and society. Conclusion. It has been concluded that teacher training within the Technical University of Ambato is aimed at developing an education that values, respects differences, and enriches the teaching-learning process. However, promoting the exercise of inclusive education at a general level is complex since the canton of Ambato is in the process. Few have been the institutions willing to establish inclusive schools.

Mirella Margarita Gaibor Sangache, Diana Alexandra Machay Negrete, María Belén Morales Jaramillo, Jorge Rodrigo Andrade Albán


Playful Games to Improve Gross Motor Skills in Children from 4 to 5 years old

Introduction. Human development is characterized by fulfilling different specific processes that are given through growth, within these the most basic ones like walking, jogging, running, rising are distinctive because they are within the thick motor development, this is a fundamental axis for the child to have autonomy of movement, and it is also said that the foundation that motivates infants is play. This research is about correlating how the use of recreational activities, which take the form of specific games, can help children improve thick motor development by being related to the ability of the child to move. as well as how these techniques can be used within the school educational process. Objective. To analyze the relationship between play and the gross motor development of children between 4 and 5 years of age. Methodology. The present research has a descriptive character, with a qualitative approach, which is based on a bibliographic review that allows to understand the influence of recreational activities about the development of gross motor. Results. It has been demonstrated that the use of recreational activities has a direct relationship with the gross motor development of children, thus being seen as a fundamental factor to be applied to improve autonomy, development of movement and coordination in children of the proposed age.

Danny Paul Landa Pico, Gerson Stalin Chiliquinga Sifas, Gissela Alexandra Arroba López, Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco


Teacher training and professional performance of teachers

Introduction: professional training and teaching performance are factors that characterize the process of teaching and learning at different levels of education, which is associated with the emergence of generating new forms of knowledge in the process of science. There are aspects that do not allow us to identify errors that easily go unnoticed and therefore are ignored, as result, the educational level of the institution is not improved and there is the low academic performance of students, it is presumed that one of the main causes of this is caused by a low level or knowledge of teaching performance, parenting styles not appropriate for children among others, Objective: To analyze the importance and relationship of teacher training and performance actions carried out within education, Methodology: For this research we have considered the mixed approach because it allows us to combine two variables and be able to use IACD assessment instruments that contain 3 dimensions, the population was 50 people, it is a descriptive and correlational type research because it is responsible for defining and detailing the different components educational, in the educational unit Pujilí. Results: The results obtained show that those surveyed indicate that there is a high level of correlation, that the higher the level of professional teacher training, the higher the level of teacher performance. With a normality test, the value of P is greater than 0.05, which is why it indicates that there is an abnormal dispersion within the research data. Conclusions: through the analysis of both variables, it is concluded that, although teachers have an excellent self-concept in relation to their skills as teachers, they are not.

Jhonatan Guillermo Fauta Aulestia, Karen Vanessa Palomo Rivera, Carmen del Rocío Núñez López, Verónica del Carmen Llerena Poveda


Emotional state and academic performance. An approach to the current reality

Introduction. Emotional states are fundamentally related to cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory and learning, these increases the importance of their insertion in educational context, to propose to students, alternatives, and strategies for the modulation of emotions do not affect academic performance. Objective. This research aims to analyze the relationship between emotional state and academic performance and purposes an alternative to contribute to the development of processes of recognition and regulation of the emotional states, reducing academic failure and low performance. The research was conducted at the Belisario Quevedo High School, Pujilí. Methodology.  A field descriptive, experimental and quantitative research was carried out. The total universe is 278 students of which the sampling formula and simple random sampling resulted in a sample of 161 students who were evaluated using the Eysenck Test Questionnaire and the Academic Self-Concept Scale (EAA). Results. The results showed a significate level of Emotional Instability and difficulties in Self-Esteem, Happiness, Autonomy, tendency to Depression, Anxiety, Obsessiveness, Dependence, Hypochondria and Sense of Guilt; In the case of Academic performance: Academic Performance are present as well as Academic Self-Concept., Self-Efficacy is low and Conclusion. There is a direct relationship with a strong - moderate tendency between self-esteem, anxiety and academic performance, anxiety and self-efficacy and guilt and academic self-concept. This shows that the emotional state significantly affects academic performance.

Emily Estefania Moreano Núñez, Lenin Fabián Saltos Salazar, Wilma Lorena Gavilanes López, Jorge Rodrigo Andrade Alban


Academic stress and education in virtual classrooms in university students

Introduction. During student life, university students have been exposed to various changes, especially in recent years where pressure and lack of adaptation to virtual education have triggered various repercussions within their mental health, mainly related to stress, is affecting their academic performance. Virtual education has shown weaknesses such as the lack of time for the development of autonomous work, the lack of updated computers and the internet, and the weakness in the methodology and didactics on the part of teachers for the access and use of certain technological resources, platforms, or the development of jobs. These indicators, together with the reality of the COVID 19 pandemic, have significantly increased levels of stress in general and academic. Target. Analyze if the virtual academic context is generating stress in university students. Methodology. A mixed approach is applied since we seek to analyze, describe the relationship of academic stress with education in virtual classrooms, a descriptive design, a field, and bibliographic modality since the information was collected from primary sources. Results. According to the findings, the students present high levels of stress associated with the problems that arise when using virtual classrooms. Conclusion. There is a relationship between academic stress and education in virtual classrooms, which is why it is necessary to apply intervention strategies that allow the prevention and reduction of academic stress in students.

Emily Pamela Salazar Padilla, Karen Cristina Ojeda, Xiomara del Rocío Tabares Rosero, María Belén Morales Jaramillo


Emotional intelligence and quality of life during the Covid-19 pandemic in elderly people from the foster home for the elderly in Cevallos

This article is part of the context of the ongoing investigation "Emotional intelligence and quality of life during the covid -19 pandemic in elderly people in the foster home for the elderly in Cevallos" of the direction of the Research and Development (DIDE) Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. The research work refers to emotional intelligence and its quality of life, where the need to develop resilience in older adults has been shown as problematic so that they can face various problems of daily life; and thus, also the emotional intelligence to maintain control of their emotions and recognize those of others, allowing them to maintain healthy social relationships. The research objective set out to analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence and quality of life of “Hogar de Acogomiento del adulto mayor de San Pedro de Cevallos”, the research approach taken was quantitative-qualitative, with the bibliographic modality and correlational descriptive level; As a technique, a test was established for the students and a survey for the teachers. The results achieved to determine the strengthening of the resilience and emotional intelligence of older adults, with specific techniques and strategies to obtain greater personal well-being, focusing on the knowledge of their abilities and skills, the use and control of time appropriately, and as regards to the emotions develop the dimensions of emotional attention and emotional clarity.

Valeria Lissette Campaña Chaglla, Tannia Alejandra Martínez Ortiz, Roberto Enrique Alvarado Quinto, Diana Alexandra Molina Peña


Socio-affective strategies as a teaching method in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, a way to develop productive skills in collaborative learning

Introduction. In order to establish links between socio-affective strategies and the development of productive skills in collaborative learning in times of pandemic (covid-19), the set of strategies that determine the general guidelines to follow to communicate in a Effectively orally or in writing, so that an overload of individual activities as the only communication strategy leads to an inappropriate socio-affective environment for the development of communication in class interactivity, even more so today due to the confinement carried out by the pandemic (covid-19) that in one way or another has limited the use of new strategies in collaborative learning. Objective. Determine the impact that socio-affective strategies have on the development of productive skills in collaborative learning in students. Methodology. In this context, it was proposed to carry out the present investigation with a qualitative-quantitative approach, in which the population and sample consisted of 169 students and 4 teachers. The validity of the proposal was demonstrated through research techniques and instruments such as surveys. Results. During the information processing, the results were presented using tables of frequency and percentages, the analyzes and selected interpretations. Conclusion. Socio-affective strategies permanently and positively influence the collaborative learning process in the development of productive skills in times of pandemic (COVID-19).

Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes, Rubela Jeaneth Pila López, Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo , Milton Andrés Arellano Reyes


Parenting styles and their relationship with prosocial behavior in adolescents

Introduction. The way in which parents raise and educate their children or the parenting styles they use are decisive for various spheres of life, including prosocial behavior, which are actions carried out for the benefit of other people without expecting retribution of any kind. Objective. Identify the relationship between parenting styles and prosocial behavior in adolescents. Methodology. The sample consisted of 96 students belonging to the first, second and third of unified general high school, from the province of Tungurahua-Ecuador, during the scholar year 2021-2022, through a study with a quantitative approach, descriptive-correlational   scope   and   cut cross.   The   Parenting   Dimension   and   Styles Questionnaire and the original Caprara Prosociality Scale were used. Results. It was determined that the parenting style that prevails among adolescents is authoritative, followed by permissive. With regard to prosocial behavior, it was found that prosocial behavior predominates and later empathy and emotional support. Likewise, it was shown that women present a greater prosocial tendency in relation to men, identifying significant differences. At the same time, a statistically significant correlation was found between parenting styles and prosocial behavior. Conclusion. It was concluded that the parenting styles used by the main caregivers are related to the prosocial behavior of adolescents, so that values ​​and norms are internalized within the family.

Nicole Bárbara Pérez Paredes, Mayra Lucía Rodríguez Pérez


Enhancing reading skills through literary circles strategy in EFL students

Introduction. Clearly, in a country with poor reading habits, the use of literary circles is an exceptional alternative to inspire students to read independently and expose them to the foreign language. Spoken and written words are the foundation of life, children who read for pleasure every day not only do better in school, but also express themselves better, make friends and have certain key life skills. Objective. Analyze the benefit of literary circles on the reading attitudes of EFL students. Methodology. Quantitative methods were applied to determine the effectiveness of the research, as well as qualitative methods to analyze the progress of reading skills in students. The type of research is experimental, for which 67 students of sixth grade A and B of basic general education were carried out. Participants were classified using the AlTzar tool, distributing into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was exposed to the reading strategy two hours a week for a month. A single pre-test and post-test were administered to the entire population as a tool to collect the information necessary for the corresponding analysis. Results. At the end of the study, the results of the post-test of the students were compared with the results of the pre-test by means of the T Student test, to later be contrasted with approaches, theories and conceptualizations of different authors of similar scientific investigations that supported the relevance of the initial hypothesis. Conclusion. The relationship between literary circles in the development of reading comprehension skills is of great importance since it allows students to learn within a framework of understanding the purposes and objectives of the target text, both the explicit written text and the implicit information and the one based on the facts of the story.

Renato Emanuel Bautista Ullauri, Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes, Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo, Jorge Leonardo Flores Ubidia


Psychological status and educational strategies in university teachers: during Covid-19 pandemic

Introduction: Covid-19 brought countless consequences in many human activity areas like in university education. This phenomenon was analyzed from the point of view of different educational actors. However, the study refers to psychological status and educational strategies from the teachers' perspective from four universities in the Ecuadorian Sierra. Objective: The purpose is to identify the psychological status and educational strategies used by university teachers during a health crisis. Method: The research is a descriptive correlational type with a quantitative-qualitative focus. A survey of twenty-eight items was used, the first part corresponds to the Kessler test of psychological status and the second part is a survey about methodological strategies, its authorship corresponds to the researchers with a statistical value of 0,73 of the Cronbach´s Alfa coefficient, applied to 70 teachers at the following universities: Technical University of Ambato, Central University of Ecuador, Technical university of Cotopaxi, Bolívar State University and Technical University of the North. Results: The results show that 61,76% of the university teachers investigated suffer from psychological discomfort, from that the 33,82% are in the range (22-29 pts.) of high intensity, and 27,94% in (30-50 pts.) very high intensity. On the other side, 65% of teachers use classical conventional resources for teaching, and respect to education mediated by technological tools, sometimes contributes to achieving the learning objectives. Conclusion: It was identified that more than half of the university teachers register symptoms of psychological discomfort. Moreover, they continue using educational strategies like face-to-face education. Therefore, according to teachers' perception, they are not achieving the learning results expected.

Luis Guillermo Rosero, Víctor Daniel Aldás Rovayo, Willyams Rodrigo Castro Dávila, Héctor Manuel Neto Chusín


Psychological distress in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Introduction. In the last year, COVID-19 has become a pandemic that has noticeably affected the usual actions of human beings. The exponential increase of infections in the world and Ecuador, and therefore the limitations to perform common activities have generated a negative stress that has affected people. University students in their academic work have been limited in their classes and professional practices. Aim. For this reason, this study was conducted with the aim of identifying the symptoms of psychological distress in students of the Basic Education Career of the Technical University of Ambato caused by the coronavirus. The data was collected through an online survey at the end of the April-September 2021 semester, during a cycle in which education was still virtual. The use of the coronavirus psychological impact questionnaire (CIPC) is made up of nine scales, but only the Distress (ED) and experience with coronavirus (EC) scales were used, which contain questions related to emotional events in greater and lesser frequency. Methodology. Therefore, the methodology used in the present investigation was descriptive, since there was a series of questions in accordance with the experience with the coronavirus, where 39.5% of the 100% of the population affirmed having been infected with COVID-19 and 20.9% confirmed it by means of a medical diagnosis or a laboratory test. In addition, 57.6% had a close relative or close friend hospitalized and 33.9% of them died due to this virus. This indicates that the students had a close experience with the coronavirus and may be closely related to the symptoms of stress. Results.  In connection with psychological distress, 91.5% of the students felt anxiety or fear at some point during their confinement, 88.7% felt sad or depressed, 91% had feelings of worry without being able to control them, 89.3% had feelings of loneliness, 92.7% had feelings of hopelessness about the future, 89.8% felt irritable, 91.5% felt nervous, 93.2% felt overwhelmed or stressed, and 93.2% felt uneasy. In the same way, 88.7% felt sad or depressed, 91% felt worried and unable to control it, 89.3% felt lonely, 92.7% felt hopeless about the future, 89.8% felt irritable, 91.5% felt nervous, 93.2% felt overwhelmed or stressed, 92.7% felt uneasy, 86.4% had trouble sleeping, and 63.8% had anxiety or panic attacks. In conclusion, the data show that university students presented some symptoms of distress at some time during this period due to the situation caused by the coronavirus. Conclusion. The data analyzed from the test contribute that the university students presented symptoms of distress at some point during this period due to the situation caused by the coronavirus.

Willyams Rodrigo Castro Dávila, Domenica Day Culqui Masabanda, Carmen Dolores Chávez Fuentes, Jesús Israel Guamán Molina


Cooperative learning and its influence on digital skills

Introduction. Information and communication technologies are cultural mediators towards a new approach to the educational community. The influence of information and communication technologies in the activities of social life and especially in educational work has overcome conditions based on the old "know-it-all and theoretical teacher." Objective. This research article aims to describe and analyze the contribution of cooperative learning to the development of digital skills, through the use of digital tools on the web through a series of programs and workshops related to the application of technology. Methodology. The methodology implemented is an experimental type of investigation, through a structured questionnaire of 40 questions on a Likert scale which was validated by means of Cronbach's alpha statistic with a result of 0.871 in which we worked with a population comprised of two intact groups; control group and experimental group, each one made up of 30 subjects. The contrast of the hypothesis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U statistical test where a value less than 0.05 Results. Consequently, favorable results were obtained where it is stated that collaborative work contributes to the development of digital competences, allowing a greater development of individuals in daily educational activities, Conclusion. Concluding therefore that optimal and flexible learning is guaranteed within a social environment, with the help and application of web 3.0 tools.

Héctor Daniel Morocho Lara


Mobile Health as a tool in the prevention of bullying: case study higher basic education

Introduction. The following paper addressed the use of mobile technology to identify and counter bullying among students who are constantly bullied and in various ways, they can be verbally, physically, psychologically and currently even virtually given by social networks. Objective. Verify through the technological use "Mobile health" bullying and identify the presence of conflicts between teacher - student and between students, in addition to establishing a mobile application, to generate empathy that helps prevent and manifest bullying both inside and outside the classroom. Methodology. For the research the type of methodology was experimental – exploratory to analyze causes and consequently the effect that occurs in those involved, in the same way the quantitative approach was used. For the collection of information, the survey was executed as a technique and instrument the structured questionnaire focused on students and an observation sheet aimed at teachers, as well as the T.A.M. method (Technology acceptance model). The population is the ninth-grade students of Basic General Education of the Juan León Mera La Salle Educational Unit. Results. For the test of the hypothesis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov found within the test parameter was used. Students said they were not intimidated by teachers in 69.2%, In the same way, 47% mentioned never having been offended by their peers, however, 36.8% said that occasionally they did. Conclusion. It was concluded that the AfriEndly application was well received and technologically accepted, using the T.A.M, that despite being few students who feel harassed the App contributed to 113 of 117 students who downloaded it on their mobiles.

Genesis Dayana Pinto Almeida, Raúl Yungán Yungán, Evelyn Paulina Rovalino Ortega, Mirian Janeth Bastidas Carrasco


The Physical Education class through the virtual modality

Introduction. Because of the new reality, product of the pandemic that humanity is living, there have been transformations in all areas, one of them is the teaching-learning process.  Objective. The present research focuses on determining the compliance of the components of the Physical Education class and the application of didactic instruments in the evaluation process through the virtual modality. Methodology. It responds to a quantitative, basic, non-experimental approach; 68 teachers participated as a study sample, belonging to the College of Physical Culture Professionals of Tungurahua. The survey technique was used and as an instrument, a structured questionnaire, which was designed and validated by statistical methods and by criteria of experts in the area of Physical Education, structured to obtain information based on 5 dimensions related to the fulfillment and application of components of the Physical Education class, through the virtual modality. Results. The analysis of the responses by dimension showed that 51.1% of the teachers were at a high level of compliance with the components of the class and 54.4% were at a medium level of the processes within the class. Conclusions. It is concluded that, based on the statistical results, teachers have a high level of compliance and a medium level of application of the components of the physical education class in the virtual modality. These results allow proposing valid solution alternatives, based on the analyzed reality.

Segundo Víctor Medina Paredes, Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila , James Santiago Rodríguez Robalino, Patricio Gustavo Ortiz Ortiz


Levels of physical activity and obesity by gender in schoolchildren from the city of Ambato-Ecuador

Introduction: This research was carried out to determine the levels of physical activity and obesity by gender in students from the city of Ambato-Ecuador.  Objective. To identify the levels of physical activity and obesity in students in the city of Ambato, Ecuador. Methodology.  The research is a quantitative approach of the basic model type applied by non-experimental methods and cross-sectional field design, applying analytical methods as the basis of theoretical research and deductive methods, to obtain results and draw conclusions the descriptive method was applied. For data collection, two tools were used, the PAQ-A questionnaire and the BMI, which were used through the Google Forms application to 211 students from various educational institutions in Ambato. After data collection, the proposed hypothesis was tested. Result.  The main results show the levels of physical activity and obesity in the students of the different educational establishments of the Ambato-Tungurahua Canton, since when analyzing each one, the risks they can cause in health were detected, which is why the importance of physical activity and food is promoted.  Conclusions.  The level of Physical Activity in the students was identified, determining that in relation to the levels of very low, moderate and intense physical activity, the results obtained were lower compared to the low level which is the most prevalent between the two genders. The levels of obesity in the students of Ambato-Tungurahua during the period May-August 2021 were evaluated, establishing that the values between the female and male gender have similar values in relation to BMI.

Gabriela Alexandra Villalba Garzón, Blanca Rocío Moreta Criollo, Rosita Gabriela Flores Robalino, Edison Andrés Castro Pantoja


Analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Psychological Well-being

Introduction. During the month of January 2020 the World Health Organization notified the appearance of a new genome known as sarcov-2, since then the population worldwide has had to face the health crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic, which worsened during the year 2021 in Ecuador and the city of Ambato; the problem of the health emergency and the confinement had an impact on the physical health of people, which generated effects on the mental health, emotions and feelings of individuals. Objective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological well-being and the effects produced by the Covid-19 pandemic in the families of the Pradera neighborhood. Methodology. The study was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic in several families of the Pradera neighborhood in the city of Ambato, the research work was developed under a mixed approach, a descriptive methodology was applied; the study sample consisted of 20 subjects, all heads of household belonging to the residential neighborhood of the Pradera, the data were collected and analyzed in the strongest stage of sanitary confinement in the city of Ambato; the instrument for the collection of information presents categories corresponding to the psychological well-being for adults (BIEPS-A), which is divided into five categories: Self-acceptance, control of situations, social bonds, autonomy and life projects, which was applied by means of technological tools to avoid contagions. Results. The data reveal that 95% of the respondents have a high level of acceptance of their mistakes, that is, self-confidence to make the best decisions to face their family problems in the pandemic stage, however, 50% of the respondents have doubts in making their decisions alone, they depend on their relatives, it could be observed that 65% consider that the effects of the pandemic are in the economic part, 20% in health, 10% in education and only 5% mention the affectation of employment.  Conclusions. In the Pradera neighborhood of the city of Ambato, it was found that in the pandemic health stage, total support is needed from the family to face the psychological and social aspects produced by the pandemic.

Julio Alfonso Mocha Bonilla, Washington Ernesto Castro Acosta, Patricio Gustavo Ortiz Ortiz, Raúl Guillermo Zambrano Pontón


Metabolic profile and recommendations for physical training after confinement of COVID-19 in students of physical activity and sport training

Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic forced the educational system to adapt the teaching-learning process to a virtual-telematic modality, not being the training of university students in Pedagogy of Physical Activity, which despite the characteristics of high practical level had to enter a state of physical inactivity that altered their metabolic profiles. Objective: To determine the metabolic profile of the students in formation of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity career and to establish the recommendations of adequate physical training, both in percentage of its components, as well as the type of adequate exercises. Methodology: A study of quantitative research approach, through a non-experimental type of research by descriptive scope and cross-sectional cut, developed in a sample of 460 students of both sexes and from different semesters of training of the career, evaluating their metabolic profile with the help of the MetaV technological platform supported by a statistical analysis with the SPSS version 25 package. Results: Input data, percentages of body fat, muscle mass, residual mass and others were obtained, as well as distribution data by levels of metabolic risk parameters and physical training recommendations by profiles. Conclusion: The research allowed determining that the highest percentages of students by sex groups were in the advanced level by physical training and in athletic, sports and elite entry levels, for which physical training recommendations were proposed by the MetaV system, in addition to physical exercises designed based on the kinematic chains and the biomechanical characteristics of their execution.

Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila, Dennis José Hidalgo Alava, Luis Alfredo Jiménez Ruíz, Jaime Hernández Valdebenito


Physical exercise and mood in adolescents

The practice of physical exercise has several benefits in both physical and mental health. Research will focus on the latter. Objective: In this research work, the relationship between physical exercise and the state of mind of high school students of the Educational Unit April 17 of the province of Tungurahua is determined, during the period April-August 2021. Methodology: It is a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive research with a hypothetical-deductive theoretical level method. For data collection, two instruments were used that made it possible to measure each variable in a study sample of 49 students belonging to the second year of high school. Results: The results of the research were verified through the chi-square test with bilateral asymptotic differentiation at a level of P ≤ 0.05, resulting in a significant statistical value in the level of association between physical exercise and the mood of the students. Conclusion: It is concluded that physical exercise does influence mood. When there is a high or moderate level of physical exercise, the individual's mood will be positive, on the contrary, when there is a low or no level of physical exercise there will be a tendency for negative moods to develop.

Diego Javier Mayorga Ortiz, Luis Alfredo Jiménez Ruíz, Alicia Carolina Cevallos Torres, Javier Fernando Herrera Tapia


Teaching styles in physical education by education sublevels under the virtual modality

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way education was developed, which is why it forced the implementation of the virtual modality of science teaching, without ceasing to be an exception Physical Education where teachers found themselves in the need to implement different teaching styles that allowed the development of the new modality applied considering the sub-level of education and other factors. Objective. To determine the application of the most used teaching styles in Physical Education under the virtual education modality and its relationship with the sub-level of education given. Methodology. Proposed study with a quantitative, non-experimental approach of correlational scope with a cross-sectional cut. The study sample was represented by 115 teachers from different educational units in the province of Tungurahua - Ecuador.  The DEMEVI questionnaire was used as an instrument, validated statistically and by expert criteria. Results. It was possible to determine that the most used styles by teachers were the creative and the traditional with which knowledge is imparted to students and that there is a direct relationship between the sub-level of education and the preference of teaching style at a statistical level of P < 0.05. Conclusion. The learning styles with the greatest preference in their application by the teachers were the creative and traditional style considering the sub-level of education given, so it can be deduced that there is a hybridization of teaching styles since these are similar according to the results obtained.

Christian Mauricio Sánchez Cañizares, Erick Gonzalo Gavilanes López, Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila, Washington Ernesto Castro Acosta


Comparative study of the somatotype of sports performance in boys and girls from Colombia and Ecuador

Introduction. Sports gymnastics has been for many years one of the most popular sports in children, as a process of initiation to sports practice, since the importance of this sport is given by the technical skills that children develop, the variety of motor actions, combination of movements and the level of development of physical abilities. Objective. To compare the somatotype of initiation gymnasts from Colombia and Ecuador. Methodology. Non-experimental quantitative study by comparative descriptive scope and of short transversal, applied in a sample of 100 gymnasts subdivided in 2 groups each one of 50 gymnasts from Colombia and Ecuador to which weight, height; folds and bone diameters measurements were collected; following the protocol of the International Society for the development of kinanthropometry. Body mass index (BMI), nutritional status, total body fat and biotype (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy) were determined. Results.  Colombian children presented lower values of BMI total body fat, as well as predominance of endomorphy and mesomorphy, compared to Ecuadorian children. Conclusion. Colombian gymnasts have lower body fat than Ecuadorian children, the predominant biotype in Ecuadorian children is mesomorphic, observing a lower endomorphic component the older the age (6 to 7 years).

Carlos Alberto Sevilla Abarca, Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila, Paola Andrea González Castro, María Fernanda Naranjo Guevara


Play activities and emotional state in students of higher basic education

Within physical activity, an effective tool in pedagogy is the use of recreational activities, being a didactic strategy that generates great benefits for the development of the physical culture subject; focusing on three fundamental aspects in students such as: physical, social, and psychological capacities. Objective: In the present investigation the association of the variable’s recreational activities and the emotional state of the students is analyzed. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used, with a basic purpose of non-experimental design, with a descriptive scope with a method of the hypothetical-deductive theoretical level. In the data collection, the DASS 21 and the survey were used to evaluate each variable in a study sample of 59 students. Results: They were determined using the chi-square statistical test with bilateral asymptotic differentiation at a level of P ≤ 0.05, resulting in a significant statistical value in the level of association between the use of recreational activities and the emotional state of the students. Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of playful activities acts as a protective factor to prevent negative moods from developing in students.

Diego Javier Mayorga Ortiz, Christian Mauricio Sánchez Cañizares, William Rubén Mayorga Ortiz, Kleber Washington Morales Carpio


Educational axiology to improve emotional intelligence and its importance in teacher training

Introduction. Educational axiology has an intrinsic correlation to value, becoming a foundation and essence of the teaching process, since there is no other alternative to educate but in values. In teacher training it is imperative to improve emotional intelligence, which allows us to control the feelings and emotions of human beings, to differentiate between those that improve our behavior and those that affect our behavior, and to use this information to guide our actions. Objective. To examine the educational axiology to improve emotional intelligence and its importance in the training of teachers of basic education at the Technical University of Ambato. Methodology. A quantitative approach was used, the type of research applied was of an explanatory-analytical nature, which allowed to expand the phenomenon of emotional intelligence based on three aspects such as: attention, clarity and repair, the test based on the Trait Meta-Mood Scale TMMS-24, which consists of 24 questions with five alternatives comprising values from 1 to 5, was used. Results. Based on the survey, three aspects are demonstrated: Attention: women 69.6%; men 55.6% (adequate attention). Clarity: women 57.3%; men 66.7% (adequate understanding). Repair: women 49.4%; men 49.4.6% (adequate regulation). The population for this research is 30 first level students, 40 second level students, 20 seventh level students and 20 eighth level students. Conclusion. It is evident that the students have an adequate level of emotional intelligence with similar percentages in the three dimensions analyzed, also high scores are identified in emotional repair, where it is highlighted that, although sometimes I feel sad, I usually have an optimistic vision as well as I have a lot of energy when I feel happy coincide in the percentage.

José Asencio Fonseca Carrasco, Carlos Alfredo Hernández Dávila


Classification of tourist routes through deep learning

Introduction. Currently deep learning or deep learning has applications of all kinds, tourism is not the exception, data mining has allowed optimizing processes within the tourism industry such as tourist demand, knowing the preference of people's tourist routes allows optimizing resources and propose improvements within this sector. Target. Determine if tourist routes can be classified by means of deep learning or deep learning tools. Methodology. The research design was qualitative, techniques such as the interview were used, for these two hypotheses are proposed, the first has to do with the relationship between the type of climate of the tourist destination and the preference of tourists, the second hypothesis is the verification of the conformation of tourist clusters based on the preference of the people. As verification tools, direct verification and the Weka program were used with the SimpleKMeans clusters option that allows the identification of tourists' preferences based on the data mining of 31 people. Results. The results indicate that the largest number of people interviewed prefer tourist destinations in hot climates, however, this was not a determining parameter in the formation of clusters. Conclusion. The study determined that it is possible to form clusters for the classification of tourist routes based on people's preferences.

Héctor Fernando Gómez Alvarado, María José Mayorga Ases, Leticia Abigail Mayorga Ases, Silvia Elena Malo Martínez


Estrategia de enseñanza Think-Pairs-Share (TPS) en el desarrollo de la habilidad del habla

Introducción: El dominio de la expresión oral es un poderoso factor de desarrollo del pensamiento estructurado y de las capacidades cognitivas. Sin embargo, las metodologías tradicionales de enseñanza del inglés, basadas en la gramática y la escritura, determinan un bajo rendimiento de los alumnos en el contexto internacional. El Think-Pair-Share (TPS) como estrategia de aprendizaje colaborativo es una herramienta adecuada para resolver el problema. Objetivo: La presente investigación analiza la influencia de la estrategia de enseñanza TPS en el desarrollo de la competencia oral de los estudiantes A1 de un centro de idiomas de una universidad de Ambato, Ecuador. Metodología: A partir de una observación directa y la aplicación de una encuesta, se detectó que los alumnos presentaban dificultades para construir una comunicación eficaz. Se planteó un estudio cuasi experimental, en el que se establecieron dos grupos, control y experimental. El primer grupo recibió clases a través de estrategias de aprendizaje tradicionales y el segundo mediante estrategias basadas en TPS. Inicialmente, se evaluó el nivel de competencia oral de ambos grupos mediante la aplicación del Key English Test (KET) de Cambridge. Las estrategias de enseñanza se aplicaron en ambos grupos. En el caso del grupo experimental, la estrategia TPS consistía en el trabajo colaborativo entre los alumnos, cada participante subía vídeos cortos en una plataforma online sobre sus ideas respecto a los temas sugeridos por el profesor. A continuación, los alumnos revisaron el material preparado por sus compañeros de clase, hicieron sugerencias para mejorar su capacidad de expresión oral y realizaron una presentación oral ante sus compañeros. Se aplicó otra prueba KET para conocer el desarrollo de la capacidad de expresión del habla. Resultados: Los estudiantes mejoraron su rendimiento, aunque el grupo experimental mostró mejores resultados, hasta el punto de que la media fue de 12,48 sobre 15, frente a la media del grupo de control, que fue de 9,70 sobre 15. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes estaban bien dispuestos a trabajar utilizando la estrategia TPS y el programa de enseñanza permitió a los estudiantes mejorar sus habilidades orales para comunicarse en el idioma inglés.

Mónica Jisela Lascano Pérez, Sonnia Paulina Altamirano Carvajal


Contributions from neuroscience, a transformed perspective for the classroom

Introduction: At present, the field of Neurosciences has generated significant progress emphasizing the study of cognitive processes, thus giving rise to the birth of disciplines in various branches of scientific knowledge. Among these disciplines, neuroeducation and neurodidactics stand out, and their contributions are of utmost importance for teachers who seek to base their pedagogical practice on how the brain works and responds in the classroom.  Objective: The objective of this article is to carry out a broad literature review of the last 5 years, in articles of impact of different authors, to analyze the particularities of the definitions starting from the meaning of neuroscience and its relationship with other sciences.  Methodology: Theoretical and empirical research methods were used, as analytical-synthetic in the systematization of the exhaustive review of the main foundations that support this work. Results: A summary of the different articles reviewed is shown, indicating which journal they correspond to, stating their authors and the year of publication. Conclusions: Finally, we conclude on the importance of these contributions and how they guide the teaching role and educational practices to enable the achievement of significant learning in the classroom, of course including the concepts, precepts and theory reviewed in this work.

Verónica Adriana Freire Palacios, Mentor Javier Sánchez Guerrero, Willyams Rodrigo Castro Dávila, Jorge Luis Armijos Carrión


Emotional intelligence in virtual education

Introduction. Emotional intelligence is considered as the capacity that allows us to distinguish, understand, regulate, and become aware of our emotions, and those of others, to tolerate the pressures and frustrations that we endure in our daily lives. In such a way that within education, emotional intelligence plays a great role, especially in the acquisition of learning, due to the greater stability and emotional control, the greater the meaningful learning that is acquired and the greater success there will be in the educational field. That is why the present research aims to determine if emotional intelligence influences the virtual education of students of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education. Methodology: In which it was carried out with a quantitative approach applying the structured test "BarOnlo emotional inventory questionnaire" to know the characteristics of emotional intelligence in students, which transforms it into a mixed approach, since this research is descriptive - Exploratory and details the marked characteristics of emotional intelligence in students within the educational field and how it influences within it. Results It was revealed that in the intrapersonal component it is the one with the most control by the students, while in the stress management component it is the one with the least control. Conclusion with a set of virtual tools and methodologies by the teacher, the student can increase their ability to retain information for a longer time.

María Laura Bustillos, Marlon Patricio Garcés Loja, Ángela Verónica Paredes Núñez, Luis Rafael Tello Vasco


Family relational factors and the development of dysthymia in adolescents

Introduction: Dysthymia is a poorly studied condition and being considered as a major depressive disorder is a public health problem, due to the consequences and manifestations that affect not only the individual but the entire family and social group, since it involves alterations serious and long-lasting emotional Objective: To determine the family relational factors associated with the development of dysthymia in adolescents. Methodology: Causal correlational study, of a non-experimental type, with an intentional non-probabilistic sampling; There was a sample of 98 participants, the instruments used were the Modified Birleson Scale made up of 21 questions, with a Likert-type score from 0 to 2 to identify the presence or absence of dysthymia, FACES III has 20 items, with a scale of Likert-type score of 5 alternatives to evaluate cohesion and adaptability and Social Climate Scale structured by 90 items, which assesses the socio-environmental characteristics of the family, the non-parametric chi-square test (x2) was used, allowing to estimate the relationship between family relational factors and dysthymia. Results: In relation to dysthymia, they occurred in 59.2% of adolescents. The socio-family climate is associated with the presence of dysthymia (p = 0.017), 21.8% of adolescents with dysthymia had a "Bad" family climate, while 25.6% of those who did not have dysthymia had a family climate " Okay". The degree of adaptation of the family is not related to dysthymia (p = 0.283). Conclusion: family relational factors such as inattention, independence conflicts, emotional difficulties with parents, marital conflict, negative life events in the family environment, a history of suicide attempt by a relative, family violence are related to the development of dysthymia in more than half of adolescents.

Verónica Adriana Freire Palacios, Carlos Alfredo Hernández Dávila, Carmen Dolores Chávez Fuentes, Héctor Daniel Morocho Lara


Analysis of multiple intelligences: a study with 11- to 13-year-old schoolchildren during the health pandemic

Introduction: The present research was developed during the year 2021 in the sanitary confinement stage in order to know the importance of the development of multiple intelligences in schoolchildren between 11 and 13 years old. Objective: Analysis of multiple intelligences in a group of school children between 11 and 13 years old during the sanitary pandemic. Methodology: The study presents a quantitative type of research, a descriptive study was used since it was possible to observe and analyze the results of multiple intelligences carried out with a random sample applied to 40 students in times of pandemic, for which the IAMI instrument was used to evaluate multiple intelligences, the survey was applied virtually to contribute with the sanitary biosecurity norms. Results: The data obtained are presented in statistical tables and graphs, they contain the analysis of: values, means and standard deviations, as well as the predominances of multiple intelligences. Conclusions: It was determined that the multiple intelligences developed by the schoolchildren in the present study sample in the Ingahurco neighborhood show a greater preponderance of Intrapersonal Intelligence followed by Kinesthetic and Linguistic Intelligence; in lower percentages we have Logical Mathematical Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence and Musical Intelligence, and with low percentages we have Visual Spatial Intelligence and Naturalistic Intelligence.

Esmeralda Giovanna Zapata Mocha, Julio Alfonso Mocha Bonilla, Segundo Víctor Hernández del Salto, Judith del Carmen Núñez Ramírez


Desarrollar la habilidad de escucha del idioma inglés a través de herramientas de M-Learning. Un estudio preliminar

Introduction. In the sphere of education, mobile technology has taken on a significant role. There are numerous resources available to help us enhance our talents in areas that we are unfamiliar with. The primary goal of this research is to see how the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps affect listening comprehension development. Objective. The goal of the study is to examine student acceptance of mobile technology as a methodology for learning English and building listening skills by evaluating the efficiency of the mobile apps based on improvements in students' listening skills after two months of use. Methodology. The research was conducted with 63 students from the third year of baccalaureate at the Unidad Educativa Prócer Manuel Quiroga in Santo Domingo City, Ecuador. The researcher employs standardized Pre-test and Post-Test to collect data. Results. The Wilcoxon test was used to assess all the data, and the results showed that the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps had 95 percent favorable effects on the improvement of listening comprehension. Conclusion. Finally, it is concluded that English Listening and 6 Minute English are two mobile applications that teachers may trust and use to help students improve their listening comprehension. These programs offer a wide range of interactive, innovative, and instructive listening activities. Their systems are trustworthy and include accurate information that can be shared in a classroom setting. Based on the findings, teachers should use the English Listening and 6 Minute English mobile apps to help students improve their listening comprehension in English as a foreign language. Because of their originality, content, approach, and interest, these apps provide various and significant benefits to students.

Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre, Valeria Carolina Mendoza Chavarria, Marbella Cumanda Escalante Gamazo, Dorys Maribel Cumbe Coraizaca


Virtual education and school desertion in the 2019 pandemic

Introduction: The present investigation had the purpose of analyzing the influence of virtual teaching in the school desertion of the students of Basic General Education in the "Jerusalem" Highschool from Ambato city. Objective: To analyze the influence of virtual teaching in the school desertion of the students of Basic General Education in the "Jerusalem" Highschool from the Ambato city. Methodology: The methodology used had a cuali-quantitative approach that was focused on an exploratory and descriptive analysis in the selected population. As a technique for collecting the information, it was used a validated survey with a questionnaire of ten objective multiple-choice questions with a sample of 116 students. After collecting data, the proposed hypothesis was evidenced.  Result: The results obtained show that a large percentage of students leave school because they have few technological tools. This has caused feelings of frustration in students, teachers, and parents, making the teaching-learning process difficult. Conclusions: As a conclusion, it can be determined that of a total of 116 students investigated, only 54 have an internet connection in order to receive virtual classes, in so far as, 62 students do not have the necessary conditions to receive virtual classes.

Pablo Enrique Hernández Dominguez, Edgar Bladimir Sánchez Vaca, María José Alarcón Chávez


The route of the melcocha, Baños de Agua Santa ‘study case

Introduction. This research is focused on the cantón Baños, where is considered that the melcocha is entirely part of the gastronomy because there are different designs, shapes, textures, sizes, colors and flavors. For this reason, it is possible to characterize this product as a very versatile one, and at the same time it is possible to achieve great objectives with it and generate something new and unique that attracts tourists, achieving that it can be managed and increased sales due to the attraction that is produced in one of the most touristic cities in Ecuador. Objective. Generate an experiential tourism proposal based on a melcochas route as a gastronomic product of cantón Baños. Methodology. Descriptive research is developed, which is based mainly on describing characteristics, compiling and highlighting the qualities of this phenomenon, because it is desired to highlight the gastronomic value that the melcocha of the cantón Baños has and generate a basis to attract the attention of the tourist and motivate them to carry out an experiential tourism. Results. The melcocha is a sweet representative of the city, because it will come to define the qualities of both experiential tourism in the experience for tourists who want to know the process of this delicacy. Conclusion. The gastronomic routes focus as a priority the idea of this new type of tourism based on unforgettable experiences that promote tourism in the city.

Alisson Estefania Soria Torres, María Fernanda Viteri Toro, Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez Guerrero, Camilo Francisco Torres Oñate


Teaching digital skills and learning strategies in the training of physical education professionals

Introduction. The level of teachers' digital competences delimits the level of application of learning strategies in the students of Physical Education since the knowledge and management of technology and informatics makes the teacher present dynamic and diverse ways of teaching. Objective. It was proposed to determine the degree of incidence of the level of digital competences in a group of teachers on the application of learning strategies stated by university students of Physical Education. Methodology. Study of quantitative approach of non-experimental research type, of correlational scope with a cross-sectional cut, carried out through the survey technique specifically 2 questionnaires statistically validated and by expert criteria (Questionnaire of teachers' digital competences and questionnaire of learning strategies) applied in a sample of 25 teachers and each one with a group of university students in training of Physical Education, with a total of 1002 individuals. Results. The highest percentage of the teachers under study were found to be at a B2 level of digital competencies and their students determined that these were at a high level of application of teaching strategies, obtaining a statistical relationship between the variables at a level of P<0.05. Conclusion. The analysis and data collection concluded that, indeed those teachers with an advanced digital competence level, have a high level of application of learning strategies in university students of physical education training.

Edison Andrés Castro Pantoja, Anthony Paúl Sandoval Gordón, Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila, Christian Mauricio Sánchez Cañizares


The Covid-19 pandemic and the Diablada Pillareña

Introduction. This research focuses on the study of the major festival of the Santiago de Píllaro canton, called "La Diablada Pillareña", which was declared as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador, therefore, its importance is considerable for its inhabitants. However, after the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic, which unleashed the abrupt interruption of social and cultural events, this festival was canceled, causing upset and discontent in the Píllaro community that awaits its reactivation. Objective. Socialize the results of the relationship of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Diablada Pillareña festival. Methodology. The development of the research will be mixed, due to the desire to be part of the traditional festival of Diablada Pillareña and live it in all its different forms, putting the health and safety of both the tourist and its inhabitants first, thus promoting tourism development and the rescue of the intangible cultural heritage of the canton Santiago de Píllaro. Results. The Diablada Pillareña is essential in the economic, cultural and tourist development of the Píllaro canton, being almost entirely the entrepreneurs and artisans who trust this festival to create, innovate and commercialize their products or services, creating safe alternatives to tourist entertainment during the pandemic. Conclusion. The Diablada Pillareña forges a bond of cultural identity with the Píllaro’s population, likewise, supports economic and tourist growth, so it is necessary to know other ways to live the festival safely during the pandemic.

Gabriela Lizeth Toapanta Inte, Myriam Elizabeth Viteri Toro, María Fernanda Viteri Toro, Yadira Alexandra Proaño Gómez


Montessori methodology in online physical education: an experience in initial education II

Introduction. The application of teaching methodologies and styles according to the age and interests of the schoolchildren offers the opportunity to encourage their cognitive, motor, language, and socio-affective progress. In initial education minors, promoting their development from the context of Physical Education in online mode continues to be a great challenge. Target. Reflect on the importance of the applicability of the Montessori Methodology in the online Physical Education class at the initial level. Methodology. A descriptive, non-experimental methodology was used, with the use of theoretical and empirical methods. The population was made up of the entire existing universe, made up of students from 3 to 5 years old, parents and teachers of Basic General Education of the Guayaquil Educational Unit. Results.1 The importance of the applicability of the Montessori Methodology is systematized at the initial level for the development of Physical Education classes in online mode. 2. It became evident that there are difficulties for the development of Physical Education classes through the online modality, among other aspects because not all teachers master the methodology and adequate forms of teaching in this modality and, on the other hand, because the students who integrating this level manifest demotivation, fear of carrying out activities in online mode, as well as difficulties with connectivity and access to technology for which they require family support. 3. It is necessary to train teachers and parents on the use of the Montessori methodology. Conclusions. The Montessori Methodology is essential for the development of Physical Education classes in online mode, it allows reducing the existing gaps between the level of competencies of teachers and parents and at the same time stimulates the participation of students in the classes.

Ángel Aníbal Sailema Torres, Esmeralda Giovanna Zapata Mocha, Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Betty Paulina Tobar Lozada


Emotional intelligence and resilience of university students, during the COVID-19 pandemic

Because emotions exert great influence on our lives, several researchers have focused their work on how we regulate our emotional states to facilitate conflict resolution and adaptation to the environment. Objective: The present study to establish the relationship between emotional intelligence and resilience in the leveling students of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Technical University of Ambato. Methodology: The research has a mixed approach, correlational descriptive level and documentary, bibliographic and field modality virtual modality. Contributions: After analysis and interpretation, the results show that both the dimensions of emotional intelligence (clarity, attention and repair) correlate with the dimensions of resilience (personal satisfaction, equanimity, self-confidence, feeling good alone, perseverance), as they obtain a bilateral significance of less than 0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that predominated the appropriate level of emotional intelligence. Similarly predominated high level of resilience. No differences were found in terms of gender and age. In conclusion emotional intelligence influences the resilience of students from the Technical University of Ambato.

Alejandra Lizbeth Buenaño Salinas, Wilma Lorena Gavilanes López, Lenin Fabián Saltos Salazar, Yanet Díaz Martín


Sustained attention as inequality in academic performance

In the present investigation with the subject of sustained attention as inequality in academic performance, the objective of analyzing the performance presented by university students in the dimensions of the Attention Test d2 has been established, considering the different distracting stimuli that intervene in this new form of online education. The methodology used in this research is quantitative and qualitative, since it allowed obtaining statistical data from the applied instruments and, in the same way, their interpretation. The instruments applied are the Rolf Brinckenkamp Attention Test d2 and an academic performance questionnaire validated by an expert professional. 110 university students were evaluated, 28 men and 82 women between 18-24 years old. The results obtained in the first instrument were a low precision in the identification of relevant stimuli, little attention and omission of correct responses, a low level in the discrimination of relevant stimuli, attentional fatigue, poor performance in sustained attention and inefficiency in performance. of a task. The second instrument showed difficulties in maintaining attention for long periods of time due to the different distracting stimuli that are presented during the class day and the pedagogical strategies used by teachers to teach the contents of the subjects themselves that have consequences about their academic performance.

Verónica Andreina Caizaguano Azogue, Roberto Enrique Alvarado Quinto, Fredy Aguilar Rodríguez, Rodrigo Andrade Alban


Neurolinguistic programming in the covid-19 crisis an approach for the development of productive skills in teaching English language in Ecuador

Education has undergone important changes, even more since the end of 2019 when a global pandemic begins that undoubtedly affects the teaching and learning of the English language in Ecuador, the primary objective of this research was to determine the influence of neurolinguistics programming on development of Productive skills in times of pandemic, given that students cannot express themselves correctly orally and in writing in their usual virtual classes today, using incorrect phrases with little use of vocabulary and without understanding, which shows low self-esteem and interest in learning English. Shame and fear of making a mistake without understanding on the part of the teacher and classmates are other important aspects when making a comment or starting a dialogue. In this context, it was proposed to carry out the present experimentation with 30 students. For this study, a single group design was adopted before and after the test using a quantitative methodology carried out in the era of the pandemic. The problems of the students in the development of productive skills were evaluated using the SPSS statistical program, applying the Student's T or Statistical related tests. Based on the results of the pre-test, neurolinguistic strategies (anchoring, creating a relationship, mirroring, maintaining flow) were applied for 4 weeks in face-to-face and virtual English classes due to the covid 19 pandemic. At the end of the experimentation , a post-test, and the results of the study revealed that the students, through neurolinguistic programming, presented significant improvements in the productive skills of the English language, highlighting that the use of the aforementioned strategies positively helps the Acquisition of a second language, especially in the way they express themselves in English, giving them greater freedom and confidence when issuing an oral and written comment in a second language

Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo, Carlos Enrique Proaño Rodríguez, Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes, Narcisa de Jesús Mena Garzón


Virtual - methodological strategies and tools in times of pandemic (Covid-19), an approach to the teaching-learning process of the English language in higher education

COVID-19 has affected most of the world's industries, mainly education, being the only one that has been completely transferred to online mode in most countries in the world. Online learning was the best solution for continuing education during the pandemic, especially in higher education. This study aims to determine the impact on English language learning and the use and application of digital tools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The contribution of this study is to evaluate the new experiences of students in online education and to evaluate the feasibility of virtual learning methods. This is achieved by analyzing the responses of 1,768 students based on the surveys conducted. A descriptive statistical method was used to test the validation of the study. I know that the main issues influencing and impacting learning English as a foreign language online during COVID-19 are related to technical, academic and communication challenges. The study results show that most English as foreign language learners are dissatisfied with continuous online learning as they would not be able to meet the expected progress in language learning performance, in addition to lack of training and updating of knowledge by teachers.

Manuel Francisco Bravo Bastidas, Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo, Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes, Mónica Alexandra Salazar Cueva


Level of cognitive development and basic motor skills in schoolchildren of different sexes

In school initiation ages regardless of sex, cognitive development does not limit the level of basic motor skills such as a sense of balance, locomotion, and manipulation. Objective: In this research work, the relationship between the level of cognitive development and the level of basic motor skills in schoolchildren of the Oxford Educational Unit of the city of Ambato, during the period April-August 2021, was analyzed. Methodology: It is a quantitative, non-experimental investigation of correlational scope with a hypothetical-deductive method of investigation. For data collection, two instruments were used that made it possible to measure each of the variables in a study sample of 18 schoolchildren belonging to the Educational Unit of the city of Ambato. Results: The research results were verified through the Chi-square test with bilateral asymptotic differentiation at a level of P≥ 0.05, resulting in a non-significant statistical value at the level of relationship between the variables studied. Conclusion: It is concluded that the level of cognitive development in these ages regardless of the school's gender is not related to the level of basic motor skills.

Luis Alfredo Jiménez Ruiz, Jimmy Eduardo Sánchez Coca, Dennis José Hidalgo Alava, Christian Mauricio Sánchez Cañizares


Cognitive functions and academic performance in student athletes of the gymnasium of the Technical University of Ambato

In higher education there are always conditions and factors that condition academic performance and therefore hinder student learning, one of them is the poor development of cognitive functions. Cognitive functioning undergoes important changes in athletic university students. The University should not be limited only to scientific and technical education; If not, it must go further, seek the cognitive, personal, and integral development of the young student's person. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between cognitive functions and the academic performance of students at the Technical University of Ambato. Methodology. A qualitative and quantitative mixed approach is applied. The research modality is field and bibliographic because the information was collected from primary sources. It is also descriptive, correlational, longitudinal, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. Results. Among the cognitive functions affected in university students, attention, working memory and executive functions constitute an essential factor that influences different cognitive elements within academic skills, study habits and therefore academic performance. In the evaluation of cognitive functions, it is found that 75.68% of the people evaluated have "normal" attention and executive functions; however, globally, it is found that 23.42% present a slight alteration. Conclusion. In the correlational analysis with Kendall's Tau-b coefficient, it is found that there is a mean and inverse correlation between cognitive functions and academic performance, that is, while there is more alteration in memory, attention and executive functions, lower academic performance in the college students. It is necessary to implement and apply adequate methods in virtual classes, for better academic performance in students.

Jorge Rodrigo Andrade Albán, Noemí Rocío Andrade Albán, Jarrín Freddy Alcívar Jarrín, Diana Carolina García Ramos
