Physical exercise and mood in adolescents
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The practice of physical exercise has several benefits in both physical and mental health. Research will focus on the latter. Objective: In this research work, the relationship between physical exercise and the state of mind of high school students of the Educational Unit April 17 of the province of Tungurahua is determined, during the period April-August 2021. Methodology: It is a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive research with a hypothetical-deductive theoretical level method. For data collection, two instruments were used that made it possible to measure each variable in a study sample of 49 students belonging to the second year of high school. Results: The results of the research were verified through the chi-square test with bilateral asymptotic differentiation at a level of P ≤ 0.05, resulting in a significant statistical value in the level of association between physical exercise and the mood of the students. Conclusion: It is concluded that physical exercise does influence mood. When there is a high or moderate level of physical exercise, the individual's mood will be positive, on the contrary, when there is a low or no level of physical exercise there will be a tendency for negative moods to develop.
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