Basic elements of San Juanito in the development of gross motor skills in elementary general education students
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Introduction: motor skills are a relevant aspect of the dance activity of San Juanito, there are two types of motor skills, fine and gross, with gross motor skills being the first to be developed by human beings from birth, in addition, this type of activities allows the acquisition of coordination among other skills that are perfected in daily life. The objective of the dance is to enhance the control and mastery of the student's motor and body movements. Dance promotes motor actions of various manifestations, that is, it originates the control that the human being exercises over his own body. In the present analysis, the universe of study was made up of 61 students. In which, a qualitative-quantitative methodology was proposed, carried out through a dance training program with the rhythm of the San Juanito, this style of dance denotes the feeling of the indigenous people and that in turn is of great contribution in the development of motor coordination, likewise, it will be trained 3 days a week. The program lasted 10 months. A coordination test was applied, in which the motor skills of the upper and lower extremities were assessed. Likewise, it favors cognitive development and sequential displacements that are applied in the choreographic sequence. In the results obtained, it is perceived that dance and motor skills are related in the educational environment for the acquisition of skills and abilities that will enhance control and formative mastery in the teaching-learning process around physical education. Finally, it is concluded that the rhythm of San Juanito contributes to the acquisition of basic motor skills, therefore, dancing strengthens the muscles of children, improves their coordination and flexibility, contributing to the integral formation of the student. General Area of Study: Education. Specific area of study: Physical Education.
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