The tourists' perception and the ecological parks of the Nueva Loja Parish, Sucumbíos Province

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Chloe Adriana Cuesta Chiriboga
Alicia Mercedes Porras Angulo
Darwin Vinicio Porras Angulo
Johana Belén Porras Quispe


The tourist activity stands out as one of the most influential and growing economic activities worldwide, the ecological parks as tourist attractions in search of a projection towards sustainable tourism inquires about the behavior of visitors during the development of tourist activities, the objective of the research is to analyze the tourist activity for the development of sustainable tourism based on the profile and level of satisfaction of the visitor, the study is ascribed to simple descriptive research, a mixed methodology because it collects, analyzes and integrates qualitative and quantitative information of the object, non-experimental, cross-sectional type, thus, the research analyzed the profile of the tourist and the level of visitor satisfaction in the Ecological Recreational Park Lago Agrio and the Nueva Loja Tourist Park, a sample of 383 individuals was considered to apply a structured questionnaire adapted to the format proposed by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador (2015) applied in protected areas, the validation of the dimensions and constructs with 48 items was based on the 5-point Likert scale, the results yielded allow determining the profile of the visitor who can be men and women from 18 to 54 years of age, The results show that the level of satisfaction with the services offered is high, with 58.5%. This is reflected in the accumulated average of 80.4%, which places the tourists in the high satisfaction category.


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How to Cite
Cuesta Chiriboga, C. A., Porras Angulo, A. M., Porras Angulo, D. V., & Porras Quispe, J. B. (2023). The tourists’ perception and the ecological parks of the Nueva Loja Parish, Sucumbíos Province. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 333-349.


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