Performance factors in the performance and quality of civil construction of public works personnel of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Pucará

Introduction. Within the organizational dynamics, multiple relationships are displayed characterized by the culture of that work space, one of the most important relationships is the one established between the workers and the factors that determine their performance. Hence, these factors are identified as the variables that influence the work behavior of employees and consequently intervene in the quality of work, considering that a problem could appear if these factors negatively affect the work performance of workers and affect the quality of the final product. Objective. Analyze job performance and the performance of workers related to the quality of civil construction works within the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government (GADM) of Pucará. Methodology. The qualitative, non-experimental approach was used, with a descriptive and cross-sectional scope. It is a field investigation because the information was obtained directly from the workplace where the problem situation occurs, a survey was designed in questionnaire format, structured by 10 items to be applied to 16 construction foremen and 15 construction assistants. Results. They indicated that there are factors within the GADM of Pucará that positively determine the product of civil works. Observing respect and acceptance of regulations, adequate interpersonal relationships based on companionship. Also, there are aspects that can be improved such as schedules, remuneration and construction training. Conclusions. It was shown that the factors that determine job performance can enhance or negatively affect this performance.

Byron Patricio Piedra Vargas, Ángel Giovanny Quinde Alvear


Norm ISO 9001 in the process of qualification in an oil maintenance company

Introduction. The dynamics of human talent processes in modern organizations make them increasingly professional, through the contribution and contribution of quality systems such as ISO 9001. In the training process, apply the standards of this quality standard It is a real challenge for human management leaders, since application, evaluation and monitoring tools must be considered in this process. Objective. Evaluate the impact of the "Training Plan" on the Company, through the application of the ISO 9001 Standard, to demonstrate its application, evaluation, return on investment and the effective monitoring of training in its employees. Methodology. The research design was in the field, the data is collected at the job site. The sample consisted of 10 full-time workers from the administrative, financial, accounting and human talent departments, surveys and interviews were conducted to collect data that consisted of 5 items, it was validated by criteria of specialists in human talent, qualifying validity, relevance and consistency. Results. Among the most frequent results, 75% know the ISO 9001 standard and its effectiveness in human talent processes (87.5%), recognize and validate its effectiveness in the training process (100%), show that the standard ISO 9001 in training, generates motivation, has a positive impact on the work environment and promotes healthy competitiveness. Conclution. It applies in a practical way the concepts of this quality certification with continuous improvement in all its processes, which entails a better interrelation with customers and the best corporate results.

Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín, Maria Cristina Araque Salazar, Diocelina Guanochanga Oña


The initial training of the specific professional competence to record economic events through General Accounting.

The study presented responds to a four-year scientific investigation and addresses the initial training of the specific professional competence to record economic facts, which has a complex and systemic nature, where knowledge, skills, values, motivations, and performances, based on the aspects of the recording of economic events in the teaching-learning process of General Accounting I, II, III and IV subjects, which have repercussions on Accounting and Financial Labor Practice I and in other contexts of action. A diagnosis was made for which methods of the empirical level are used, such as: observation, survey and document review, which evidenced the need to develop a procedure for the initial formation of specific professional competence to record economic facts, For this, a set of stages and steps were articulated and the transformations that occurred with the preparation and implementation of theoretical, practical and integrative exercises, the Arcont software, case studies, accounting procedures, activities, as well as the methodological classes, visits to the Accounting department and the improvement of Accounting and Financial Practice I. Keywords: professional skills, skills training, recording economic facts, interdisciplinarity.

Elizabet Prado Chaviano, Pilarín Baujín Pérez, Margarita González González, Maribel del Rocío Paredes Cabezas


Analysis of meat production and consumption in the province of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Introduction. Meat consumption trends; the way it is produced and marketed is changing worldwide. In this sense, Ecuador has not been the exception, and particularly the province of Chimborazo where both the production and consumption of this food has undergone changes. On the other hand, the issue of health, environmental awareness are some of the factors that have influenced the consumption of this protein and that also merit an analysis. The objective of the research proposes a theoretical approach to the analysis of the production and consumption of meat in the province of Chimborazo in order to serve as a baseline and contribution for future investigations that wish to deepen the subject, as well as guide future commercial decisions and of production within the province. Methodology. The research design is qualitative-quantitative and cross-sectional. The methods used were the historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic. Results. Among the most significant results, it can be highlighted that almost half of the cattle destined for meat production are found on the Coast, while dairy cattle are concentrated in the Sierra. Chimborazo represents only 6% of livestock production compared to the other provinces. Conclusions. One of the main conclusions is that factors such as health, price, product presentation and ecology affect the consumption of red meat.

Jacqueline Carolina Sánchez Lunavictoria, Carlos Augusto Delgado Rodríguez


Distribution, show and I use social of the technology from the educational communication. A case study in the context Cuban.

This case study addresses as a scientific problem from the socio-technical, the current limitations of educational and pedagogical communication as science and knowledge. The object of the case study focuses on the distribution, function and social use of technology to the understanding of the educational communication strategy, aimed at the work of sociocultural and community management in the Integral Transformation Workshop of the Neighborhood (TTIB-Canal) of the Cerro Municipality. The general objective is therefore: Explain the main factors that currently limit or hinder the distribution, function and social use of technology to the understanding of the educational communication strategy, aimed at sociocultural and community management work in the Workshop on Integral transformation of the Neighborhood (TTIB-Canal) of the Cerro Municipality, as specific: Make a socio-technical approach to the educational communication strategy directed to the work of sociocultural and community management in the TTIB-Canal of the Cerro Municipality. Determine the limitations that are presented in the educational communication strategy, aimed at sociocultural and community management work in the TTIB-Canal of the Cerro Municipality. Define the social impacts that are generated or not from the socio-technical point of view from the interaction of the strategy and describe its elements.

Sociocultural and community management has been defined, from a socio-technical approach as systems of strategic socio-technical processes through which the knowledge and socio-cultural and community practices of the community are legitimized as living heritage, they are assumed as identity value of the community and its transformative potentialities are channeled in negotiation contexts. It is considered that the current limitations of this cultural management are influenced by three types of determinants or factors, mainly the epistemic, technological and cultural-communicological factors.

Yulima D. Valdés Bencomo, Dagmar Santa Cruz Pérez, Victoria Ojalvo Mitrany, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Recreational Global Program Design for Matanzas University ‘students

The research has as main goal a Recreation Global Program design addressed to Matanzas University ´students. In addition, it makes a referential theorist frame about the following topics such as leisure, recreation and touristic animation. It shows a methodological procedure that contributes to solve the main problem of the investigation, inside this proposal is the design and application of a poll for compiling information about the variable academic students' recreational preferences. From the prosecution of the data with the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions), it was demonstrated the possibilities that have the students in their free time and the recreational activities that it should plan. Thus, it obtained the best ways to communicate to the students about these recreational activities such as the murals and posters, as well as the student ads. It created a Recreation General Program for each academic headquarters, which was made with a schedule for each single day of the week and an order of activities that consider the weekly frequency of these. It also gives indications for the efficient application of the general program. The methods, techniques and tools that are used: the historical-logical analysis, the synthesis analysis, the interview, the documentary review, the poll, the brainstorming and the method of experts.

Luis Ernesto La O Ramírez, Tanyara Sánchez Jorge, Sandra Silvia Santoyo Sánchez., Lázaro Julio Revoredo Roque, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Analysis of Maintenance Management oriented to infrastructures for the displacement of the disabled in the Los Cactus Tuxpan Hotel Complex, Varadero.

Introduction. Tourism is one of the main dynamizing activities of the world economy, currently accessible tourism is an opportunity aimed at raising awareness of the tourism industry with services that meet the requirements for adequate care for people with disabilities, where the application of coherent Industrial Maintenance Policies contributes to achieving the standards desired by this market segment. Objective. Analyze the Maintenance Management oriented to infrastructures for the displacement of the disabled in the Los Cactus Tuxpan Hotel Complex, Varadero. Methodology. Different theoretical scientific methods were applied: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural, bibliometric, statistical (correlation), review of the state of the art of accessible tourism, care for the disabled and maintenance of infrastructures through exploratory methodology -descriptive. Direct observation, brainstorming, expert method with the help of VOSviewer 1.6.4 software and tools such as: Microsoft Office, Visio 2010 and Project Professional 2010. Results were used. 1. A review of the state of the art of accessible tourism, care for the disabled and maintenance of infrastructures was carried out. 2. A map of the bibliometric study of the term “care for the disabled” was obtained, which determines the main lines of research on the subject. 3. A procedure was proposed for the analysis of the management of the maintenance of the infrastructures for the displacement of the disabled in the Los Cactus Tuxpan Hotel Complex, Varadero. 4. A corrective measures plan was proposed in order to eradicate the problems detected during the diagnosis in the entity under study. Conclusions. The importance and timeliness of the subject was systematized, and the need to apply the proposed procedure for the management of the maintenance of infrastructures for the displacement of the disabled in the Los Cactus Tuxpan Hotel Complex, Varadero, was highlighted.

Naylet Sangroni Laguardia, Jessie Arlene Pérez Castañeira, Roxanna Alba Cruz, Bisleivys Jiménez Valero, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Ancestral architecture of minimal impact tourist houses in communities with demonstration of ethnobotanical knowledge. demonstration of ethnobotanical knowledge. Case study: Shuar community in Ecuador

Introduction. The ancestral knowledge allows living and immortalizing the customs, uses and traditions that the ancestors have left through time in the communities of Ecuador. The ancestral ethno-knowledge of the Shuar community located in the province of Pastaza, northeast of the Amazon region is extraordinarily rich and varied. Methodology. Data collection was done through participatory workshops, surveys, and expeditions in the study area. Objective. The purpose was to collect plant species and identify them in situ, always accompanied by local people considered to have experience and knowledge of their territory. Results. A total of ten species of flora that are part of the traditions and culture of the community were recorded, from which it was concluded that ayahuasca followed by cat's claw are the representative species and that the forest is the main source of food, medical supplies, rituals, music, handicrafts, construction, celebrations, etc. Conclusions. The importance of tourist architecture lies in the design of community ancestral tourist houses with low environmental impact thanks to the use of raw material extracted from local plants for its construction, has allowed to have adequate spaces for demonstrations of ethnobotanical knowledge where the intercultural connection between the shaman who has the ancestral heritage with its physical - natural and cultural - religious - spiritual environment, allowing the tourist to eliminate elements that cause the evil that suffers, ethnobotanical knowledge of the Shuar community that have great acceptance by domestic and foreign tourists.

Alicia Mercedes Porras Angulo, Alba Paulina Hernández Freire, Darwin Vinicio Porras Angulo, Julio Alfonso Mocha Bonilla
