Sustained attention as inequality in academic performance
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In the present investigation with the subject of sustained attention as inequality in academic performance, the objective of analyzing the performance presented by university students in the dimensions of the Attention Test d2 has been established, considering the different distracting stimuli that intervene in this new form of online education. The methodology used in this research is quantitative and qualitative, since it allowed obtaining statistical data from the applied instruments and, in the same way, their interpretation. The instruments applied are the Rolf Brinckenkamp Attention Test d2 and an academic performance questionnaire validated by an expert professional. 110 university students were evaluated, 28 men and 82 women between 18-24 years old. The results obtained in the first instrument were a low precision in the identification of relevant stimuli, little attention and omission of correct responses, a low level in the discrimination of relevant stimuli, attentional fatigue, poor performance in sustained attention and inefficiency in performance. of a task. The second instrument showed difficulties in maintaining attention for long periods of time due to the different distracting stimuli that are presented during the class day and the pedagogical strategies used by teachers to teach the contents of the subjects themselves that have consequences about their academic performance.
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