Use of social networks in tourism promotion

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Johanna Gabriela Monge Martínez
Gloria Estefanía Monge Martínez
Carmen Isabel Vaca Vaca
Fernando Israel Guerrero Ochoa


Introduction. It is relevant to discuss that tourism promotion can be carried out both in the physical and virtual environment, where it is possible to reach a larger audience by transcending physical barriers such as distance. Due to confinement and the change in learning modality from face-to-face to virtual, the virtual technological tool Instagram was used to publicize the tourist sites of Ecuador. Target. This research aims to describe how the use of social networks allows the tourist promotion of destinations. The content published on this network was developed by students as a voluntary supplement where students could share tourist information. Methodology. To analyze the impact of the tourist content generated on the platform, the PRGS model proposed by IAB Spain Research was applied, which is based on the 4 variables presence, response, generation and suggestion, the last three united in a single variable called engagement. Results. There are 289 tourist publications. 77% are national tourists and 23% international. The scope is 3702 users. Conclusion. Consequently, it was possible to understand that social networks have the potential to be a space for complementary practice for the student and, in turn, as a space for tourism promotion.


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How to Cite
Monge Martínez , J. G., Monge Martínez, G. E., Vaca Vaca, C. I., & Guerrero Ochoa, F. I. (2023). Use of social networks in tourism promotion. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 350-368.


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