Web 3.0 tools and the academic performance of university students: case study basic education career

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María Cristina Páez Quinde
Sonia Paola Armas Arias
Darwin Patricio Miranda Ramos
Héctor Daniel Morocho Lara


This research is based on the identification of web 3.0 resources in the classroom application through a virtual education and once checking the level of academic performance of university students. The objective of the research is to identify the use of web 3.0 resources and the report within the academic performance of university students. The methodology used is of an experimental-analytical type through a part-by-part approach, taking first the qualitative through a diagnostic analysis focused on the perceptions of the environment and then through the tabulation of the data obtained through a survey carried out to the students of the Career of Basic Education, the instrument used is based on a 24-item structured questionnaire validated by Cronbach's Alpha statistic with a value of 0.841 reliable for the investigation. To test the hypothesis, the Kolmogórov-Smirnov statistic is used for k independent samples in which two questions are selected, the most representative of the experimentation. For the development of the 3.0 resources, the application of the ADDIE methodology is considered, which allows the pedagogical and technological performance and in addition to the TAM Model, in which the acceptance of the technology is measured for this case that of the based resources on web 3.0. The results of the research were highly favorable, which allowed us to identify the type of 3.0 resources that can be applied in a virtual classroom and after experimentation the acceptability they have in the study population. Finally, it is concluded that these types of resources are of great contribution to the development of a virtual classroom, they promote synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as individual and collaborative.


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How to Cite
Páez Quinde, M. C., Armas Arias, S. P., Miranda Ramos, D. P., & Morocho Lara, H. D. (2023). Web 3.0 tools and the academic performance of university students: case study basic education career. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 36-49. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i1.4.1984


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