Socio-affective strategies as a teaching method in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, a way to develop productive skills in collaborative learning

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Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes
Rubela Jeaneth Pila López
Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo
Milton Andrés Arellano Reyes


Introduction. In order to establish links between socio-affective strategies and the development of productive skills in collaborative learning in times of pandemic (covid-19), the set of strategies that determine the general guidelines to follow to communicate in a Effectively orally or in writing, so that an overload of individual activities as the only communication strategy leads to an inappropriate socio-affective environment for the development of communication in class interactivity, even more so today due to the confinement carried out by the pandemic (covid-19) that in one way or another has limited the use of new strategies in collaborative learning. Objective. Determine the impact that socio-affective strategies have on the development of productive skills in collaborative learning in students. Methodology. In this context, it was proposed to carry out the present investigation with a qualitative-quantitative approach, in which the population and sample consisted of 169 students and 4 teachers. The validity of the proposal was demonstrated through research techniques and instruments such as surveys. Results. During the information processing, the results were presented using tables of frequency and percentages, the analyzes and selected interpretations. Conclusion. Socio-affective strategies permanently and positively influence the collaborative learning process in the development of productive skills in times of pandemic (COVID-19).


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How to Cite
Carvajal Gavilanes, A. K., Pila López, R. J., Andrade Naranjo , D. S., & Arellano Reyes, M. A. (2023). Socio-affective strategies as a teaching method in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, a way to develop productive skills in collaborative learning. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 581-592.


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