Teacher training and professional performance of teachers
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Introduction: professional training and teaching performance are factors that characterize the process of teaching and learning at different levels of education, which is associated with the emergence of generating new forms of knowledge in the process of science. There are aspects that do not allow us to identify errors that easily go unnoticed and therefore are ignored, as result, the educational level of the institution is not improved and there is the low academic performance of students, it is presumed that one of the main causes of this is caused by a low level or knowledge of teaching performance, parenting styles not appropriate for children among others, Objective: To analyze the importance and relationship of teacher training and performance actions carried out within education, Methodology: For this research we have considered the mixed approach because it allows us to combine two variables and be able to use IACD assessment instruments that contain 3 dimensions, the population was 50 people, it is a descriptive and correlational type research because it is responsible for defining and detailing the different components educational, in the educational unit Pujilí. Results: The results obtained show that those surveyed indicate that there is a high level of correlation, that the higher the level of professional teacher training, the higher the level of teacher performance. With a normality test, the value of P is greater than 0.05, which is why it indicates that there is an abnormal dispersion within the research data. Conclusions: through the analysis of both variables, it is concluded that, although teachers have an excellent self-concept in relation to their skills as teachers, they are not.
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