The route of the melcocha, Baños de Agua Santa ‘study case

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Alisson Estefania Soria Torres
María Fernanda Viteri Toro
Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez Guerrero
Camilo Francisco Torres Oñate


Introduction. This research is focused on the cantón Baños, where is considered that the melcocha is entirely part of the gastronomy because there are different designs, shapes, textures, sizes, colors and flavors. For this reason, it is possible to characterize this product as a very versatile one, and at the same time it is possible to achieve great objectives with it and generate something new and unique that attracts tourists, achieving that it can be managed and increased sales due to the attraction that is produced in one of the most touristic cities in Ecuador. Objective. Generate an experiential tourism proposal based on a melcochas route as a gastronomic product of cantón Baños. Methodology. Descriptive research is developed, which is based mainly on describing characteristics, compiling and highlighting the qualities of this phenomenon, because it is desired to highlight the gastronomic value that the melcocha of the cantón Baños has and generate a basis to attract the attention of the tourist and motivate them to carry out an experiential tourism. Results. The melcocha is a sweet representative of the city, because it will come to define the qualities of both experiential tourism in the experience for tourists who want to know the process of this delicacy. Conclusion. The gastronomic routes focus as a priority the idea of this new type of tourism based on unforgettable experiences that promote tourism in the city.


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How to Cite
Soria Torres, A. E., Viteri Toro, M. F., Sánchez Guerrero, D. O., & Torres Oñate, C. F. (2023). The route of the melcocha, Baños de Agua Santa ‘study case. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 1013-1030.


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