Association between milk production and reproductive parameters in Holstein biotypes with different production potential

The objective of this study was to determine productive and reproductive parameters and the existing association between them, in two Holstein biotypes with different productive potential. Retrospective records of 1315 fine cows of the Ecuadorian Holstein biotype and 148 records of pure Holstein, of 46 herds located in the province of Cotopaxi - Ecuador, collected in the period 1996 - 2015, were used. The cows were grouped into two categories: Ecuadorian Holstein (HE) and pure Holstein (HP) and were characterized by milk production adjusting to 305 days of breastfeeding in liters (PLA) and reproductive parameters: age at first delivery in days (PPE), birth-conception interval in days (IPC) and number of NP deliveries (NP). The data obtained were analyzed by multiple regression, considering the ratio of goodness. No significant differences in PLA, EPP, IPC and NP were found in HE and HP biotypes. According to the production category, the HE biotype had a slight superiority (6,686.8 L/lactation in PLA; PPE is away from the 24 to 27 months considered ideal and shows no association with PLA as well as CPI; 12.5% and 10% of milk production depend on the number of births and from the fifth delivery, milk production begins to decline. The behavior of the variables studied, can be assumed to other factors that are influencing the fulfillment of parameters and objectives typical of other systems and discusses the need to rethink dairy goals and objectives that allow the sustainability of livestock.

Fabián Danilo Reyes Silva, Juan Chávez Cossío, Luis Alfonso Condo Plaza, Pablo Roberto Marini


Importance of didactic and methodological strategies in reading comprehension, language and communication difficulties

The present study is projected in the knowledge of the importance of neurological factors: laterality, verbal fluency and phonological awareness, focusing on cognitive structures, metalinguistic ability and learning to read and write; vision that guides the integral development of children, from a constructivist approach and scientific knowledge that contribute to learning and understanding, components that benefit the reading-writing process. For the reasons indicated in the methodology, the non-experimental design was applied that relates the variables without direct control and intervention on any of them; while the descriptive method determined the causes, effects and consequences that harm the development of the reading-writing process; through correlational research, the relationship between variables was verified, while intentional non-probability sampling was used to diagnose laterality difficulties, verbal fluency and phonological awareness, the techniques and instruments applied were: the Neuropsychological Test laterality test proposed by ( Martín Lobo, 2011), The test (adapted by Martín Lobo García-Castellón and Vallejo, 2011) from the Institute of Neuropsychology and Education was used; that can be applied from 4 years of age, consisting of four tests that measure the laterality of the eye, ear, foot and hand; subdivided into 10 subtests. The Neuropsychological Assessment Test of executive functions in boys and girls (Portellano, Martínez, & Zumárraga, 2009), the Neuropsychological Assessment of Executive Functions in Children (ENFN) instrument is grouped into four scales: fluency (phonological and semantic); path building (cognitive flexibility, ability to use strategies, inhibition, working memory, sustained and selective attention); rings (child's ability to decompose a problem, cognitive flexibility, abstraction capacity, working memory); interference (evaluation of inhibition); In the study, the test of verbal fluency and phonological awareness was used, numerical data and theoretical scientific information contributed to the determination of conclusions and results.

Mónica Narciza López Pazmiño, Sayda Cecilia Chamba Melo, Ana Elizabeth Zapata Montoya , Gabriela Katherine Robles Portugal


Simulation of the aerodynamic behavior of 3 NACA profiles using computational fluid (CFD)

The simulation of aerodynamic elements using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), in the aeronautical industry represents a fundamental pillar in the development of new technologies and optimization of existing models. The aim of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of 3 profiles commonly used and defined by the National Aeronautics Committee (NACA) through ANSYS and compare the results obtained with previously published simulations. To obtain this information, models with control volumes for each profile, using CAD models based on the NACA specifications were created. In addition, it was necessary to define the boundary conditions within the simulation of finite volumes. The study allows a better understanding of parameters such as the pressure contour, speed contour, flow lines and Mach number that are characteristic of each profile, with their advantages and disadvantages. The resulting simulations determined a better overall performance of profile 63002 (5 digits) compared to profiles 4415 and 0012 (4 digits), confirming the established in the bibliography. Furthermore, the study allowed a better learning of aerodynamics (fluid mechanics) which, as far as the authors have investigated, has been little used in the Ecuadorian academic environment.

Marcelo Esteban Calispa Aguilar, Ariel Alexander Andrade Jaramillo, Juan Luis Díaz Castillo


Agro-productive behavior from Axonopus scoparius in Morona Santiago province

The production of Axonopus scoparius was developed on the premises of the ESPOCH extension Morona Santiago, for which five treatments were used (T0: without fertilizer, T1: 10-30-10 + urea, T2: chicken faces + urea, T3: 10- 30-10 + chicken faces + urea and T4: Cuyinaza + urea) with four replications, the same ones that were distributed in 20 experimental 5 x 4 plots, considering that only the data of 16 square meters was taken as a net plot; the results obtained were analyzed under a Completely Random Block Design and separation of means according to Tukey. Periodically, data collection was carried out, such as: height and forage production, when the grass reached its climax. Once the information was processed, it was possible to determine that the height of the initial Axonopus scoparius, at 15, 30, the weight of the biomass of 16 square meters, daily weight increase, forage production per hectare, estimated animal load at 90 , 18 and 270 days did not register significant differences; while the height at 75 and 90 days was 117.05 and 148.73 cm, the increase in height during the 90 days was 145 cm and the daily growth of the plant was 1.61 cm, the use of the 10-30 treatment being the most efficient. -10 + chicken manure + urea.

Luis Arias Alemán, Luis Ulloa Ramones, Luis Condo Plaza


Level of knowledge and opinion of tourism service providers on climate change and the potential impact for the sector in Baños de Agua Santa, Tungurahua province, Ecuador

This article presents the results of research exploring the link between climate change and the new challenges that the tourist sector of Baños de Agua Santa canton, one of the most visited cities of the Ecuador, could face. This article: i) assesses the level of awareness of tourism service providers on climate change and its possible impacts present and future, and ii) what is the participant opinion of how climate change affects their work and personal life. From 29 February to 2 March 2020, surveys to 80 tourist service providers were applied: 28 hosting service, 24 food and beverage service, 21 operation and intermediation (travel agencies), 6 to tourist transport service and 1 employee of a permanent attraction park. The results indicate that most participants in the survey, owners and / or employees of tourist service companies, are young people who comprise between 18 and 40 years (67.6%); only 42.5% have higher education and 57.5% are men. The level of knowledge about climate change, in their own opinion is low, and that the information survey participants have received on the issue is unclear. Regarding to whether climate change affects their personal lives, 56.3% responded positively and 53.8% consider that the effects of climate change affect the development of their tourism-linked activities. The results of this study suggest the need to implement training plans that provide adequate and contextualized information about climate change and its potential impact on tourism to providers of tourist services in Baños de Agua Santa canton, and start a process planning to adapt the canton’s tourist service to face the effects of climate change, improving the resilience of this important sector of the cantonal economy.

Edison Marcelo Salas Castelo, Sulaya Betsabé Bayancela Delgado


Synthesis of piridil-acetilene through a coupling of sonogashira assisted by microwaves

The use of the microwave in organic synthesis to obtain pyridyl tolans has been bet, since it is capable of providing enough energy in such a way that it is possible to cross a certain energy barrier, its use provides a decrease in the reaction time resulting in high performance products in which it was possible to limit the purification processes. Thus, in the present work, the synthesis of palladium-catalyzed pyridyl-tolanes was carried out by means of a microwave-assisted Sonogashira coupling. The purification of the synthesized compounds was carried out by flash column chromatography using silica gel 60 GF254 with a positive pressure of nitrogen and with solvents suitable for the removal of undesirable inorganic matter (Cu residues). The characterization was made using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of both Hydrogen and Carbon, in order to demonstrate the presence of the triple bond formed with the Sonogashira coupling. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra were recorded on a Bruker AMX-300 spectrophotometer equipped with a 5mm reverse multinuclear probe, using CDCl3 as the solvent. As a result, 2-pyridyl-tolane, 3-pyridyl-tolane and 4-pyridyl-tolane were obtained, which were synthesized with acceptable yields of 71, 73 and 78% respectively.

Linda Mariuxi Flores Fiallos, Cristina Nataly Villegas Freire, María Augusta Guadalupe Alcoser


Performance comparison of microstrip antennas with different frequencies and polarization

The research work is based on the analysis of the operation of microstrip antennas for which three different antennas were designed, working in bands ranging from 800 MHz - to 5.5 GHz, checking that the functionality is efficient and that they do not interfere with other frequency bands, There are many advantages that can be taken into consideration when implementing antennas with microstrip technology, such as cost, easy manufacturing, works at high frequencies and sufficient amount of information in the different repositories, to be able to perform the tests, first you have to design the model of the antenna in the software Ansoft Designer, then has to perform the analysis of frequency resonance and radiation pattern, determining the frequency at which it works, as well as the bandwidth and gain of each of them, once verified the proper functioning of the antennas proceed to the manufacture of the antenna, you have to select the material, the thickness of the material, as well as the connectors and the welding points that are made, all these factors influence the optimal operation of the antennas, finally to be able to make the field tests it is necessary to work with a radio spectrum analyzer, the same one generates different signals with different gains and impedances, that will allow to determine in which band of frequencies it is working.

Galo Hurtado Crespo, Juan Pérez Pérez, Zoila Contreras Paguay


Discovering opportunities to create value through entrepreneurship and innovation

The creation of innovative ventures is one of the main factors in the economic growth of the region and the country, therefore, for these companies to live, there must be entrepreneurs with a business idea from which the companies will germinate.

For these reasons, the implementation of a theoretical-academic management model for the development of innovative entrepreneurship policies and programs at the Catholic University of Cuenca UCACUE, which is part of the author's doctoral thesis, has been considered necessary in this research work, which contributes to the training of new entrepreneurs in the different careers in correspondence with the economic-social demand of the territory of zone 6.

Obviously, the training and development of the entrepreneurial culture of young University students, with a critical sense, promoters of participation, creatives in innovators with skills in economic analysis of financial environments, in order to create some new activity with ideas, and / or business-generating lines of employment, taking into account the most pressing needs at the local, regional and national levels.

The purpose is to promote the articulation of UCACUE with the public, community and private sector to contribute to the social fabric of Region 6, generating transfer processes and business management with added value.

It should be noted that the projects proposed for the UCACUE authorities to carry out will allow ventures in region 6 to have an impact on the generation of wealth, employment and the revitalization of the economy, influencing the benefit of society.

The model includes incubation policies, and graduation of companies, evaluation of business ideas, the creation of a monitoring and evaluation committee, indicators and evaluation criteria, articulated to the current organic law on entrepreneurship and innovation, which aims to establish the regulatory framework that encourages and encourages entrepreneurship, innovation and technological development, promoting an entrepreneurial culture and implementing new corporate and financing modalities to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Edison Becerra Molina


Analysis of the reproductive parameters in the jersey breed in El Puente ranching and its impact on profitability

A descriptive study was carried out using the reproductive records between 2008 and 2018. Furthermore, the information was collected from the farm accounting records. We reviewed the reproductive parameters and their impact on probability at the Ganadería El Puente located in Riobamba canton, province of Chimborazo. In this study, the descriptive statistics (mean) was used to estimate yearly average. The following variables were evaluated: reproductive parameters (number of services per conception (SPC), calving to first heat interval (CFHI), calving to conception interval (CCI), calving interval (CI), and interval between heats) and economic parameters (the cost of a calf born, the cost of a pregnant cow, and the cost of a day open). The results obtained were as follows: 1) the mean number of services required per conception per cow was 2.2, taking into account only the conceptions that resulted in a calf born; 2) the average calving to first heat interval was 71,61 days; 3) the average calving to conception interval was 173, 58 days; 4) the average calving interval was 451,90 days; and 5) the average interval between heats was 31,55 days, taking into account that the heat cycle is normally 17 to 24 days with an average of 21 days. The cost indicators were calculated (based on 2018), and the results were the following: 1) $4.34/cow per day open, considering that there is great economic loss when a cow does not conceive after 100 days postpartum since the calving interval is extended, and the production decreases, increasing the cost to maintain an animal; 2) the cost of a pregnant cow was $526.57; and 3) the cost of a calf born was $1,733.12. The results suggest that the implementation of a heat detection and synchronization program shortens the calving interval and the regular training of staff reduces mistakes and maximizes production.

Edwin Fabian Alzamora Guerra, José Vicente Trujillo Villacís, Marco Mauricio Chávez Haro, Pablo Rigoberto Andino Nájera


Elaboration of a technological process to produce orange juice powder

El The objective of this work was to evaluate a technological process for the production of orange powder, identifying variables and parameters through tests at the laboratory level, which will later be simulated in a process software in order to analyze its technical and economic feasibility. Two varieties of orange were characterized by analyzing their physicochemical properties, selecting the Valencia variety with 79.78% and discarding the Washington variety with 61.5%, clarifying and encapsulating the fluid for atomization. Statistically, an excellent yield of 76.7% and a humidity of 0.763% were determined, with a temperature of 140 ° C and a concentration of 7% w / w. The physical chemical and microbiological analyzes are: ° Brix; 9.6, pH; 3.61, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, Ecoli 0 CFU / g, molds and yeasts < 10 CFU / g, being within the allowed range of the NTE INEN 2471. The simulation was performed based on 5 (MT) that corresponds to 25% of the unused production in the orange production of the Caluma canton, taking into account that the total production is 22,482 MT, three sections were defined: fruit preparation, juice production and powder production, the same that count with unit operations of each section. From a technical point of view, the project is totally viable, because the sub-processes are feasible to be implemented and the final product meets the necessary requirements for transportation and consumption.

The process is economically feasible, however the system in 15 years generates a NPV (Net Present Value) of 744,000 USD and an IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of 10% which, despite being positive, may not be attractive to investors, considering that a total capital investment ($ 2,878,000 $ USD) and the operating cost (4,814,762 $ USD) will be required.

Alexandra Isabel Tapia Borja, Mabel Mariela Parada Rivera, César Arturo Puente Guijarro, Paúl Marcelo Manobanda Pinto, Gonzalo Iván Guanoluisa Ataballo


Environmental Economic Assessment of the air resource in the Riobamba Canton

The focus of this project is based on the Environmental Economic Valuation of the air resource in the Riobamba Canton which consists of applying the Contingent Valuation method in addition to knowing the willingness to pay of the location, the objective is to give an economic value to the resource air to improve or preserve the air quality of Riobamba. A baseline of the air resource was defined which was carried out using the information obtained from the reports of the air quality monitoring carried out by the GADM Riobamba, the monitoring parameters were Settling Particles, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone and Benzene, the study areas where the monitoring stations can be used as a reference were also determined, defining three areas Urbano (North-Center), Urban Marginal (UNACH-EMAPAR) and Rural (Gatazo Zambrano), in these areas of In this study, the Contingent Valuation Method was used, which consists of asking directly through the application of surveys aimed at the Riobamba society in each of the sectors with the request to obtain sufficient information to establish a monetary value for the air resource, thus Even with the information obtained, the statistical analysis of the data was performed using specific software. It was established that the people surveyed for the North sector was a willingness to pay of $ 0.94, for the Center sector it was $ 0.86, for the UNACH sector it was $ 0.79, while the EMAPAR sector was $ 0.86 and finally the Gatazo sector that was $ 0.65, all these values through annual contributions to maintain, improve and conserve the air resource.

Mabel Mariela Parada Rivera, Juan Carlos González García, Slendi Monserrate Jácome Ampudia, Shomira Mariel Pacheco Palacios, Sofia Katherine Erazo Chávez


En inglés sería: Design of a detachable mechanism to assist in the mobility process when getting on and off a sedan-type vehicle for disabled people

This work was carried out with the firm purpose of designing and building a detachable mechanism to provide assistance in the mobility process when getting on and off a sedan-type vehicle for disabled people at AFAPECH, a centre located in the Riobamba canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador; attending to the evident need in the mentioned centre for special equipment that provides help in the process of moving people with disabilities into or out of the vehicle, who, due to their condition, find it difficult to do so on their own. In the same way, reduce the effort that it causes to the people in charge of this daily task, thus avoiding possible injuries due to repetitive movements. Based on the collection of information on the requirements that should be reflected on the design, a design was made of a detachable mechanism that is mounted on the hinges of the front doors of the vehicle, whose operation is based on using an electric linear actuator commanded by joystick control, to facilitate its handling. In the same way, a hospital harness was used, which transports the disabled person from one point to another. For the subsequent construction of the mechanism, it was thought to use ASTM A500 carbon steel, whose mechanical property values were used to carry out the design validation in ANSIS; analyzing the efforts, deformations and safety factor, in order to guarantee the required reliability. After conducting the respective analyzes, it was observed that the parameters established at the beginning are met, its functionality being corroborated after its construction and use, since the people who used the system in the beginning, showed agreement; In addition, it was evidenced that the components did not suffer any damage during or after use.

Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez, Víctor David Bravo Morocho, Edgar Javier Loor Solórzano, Ianni Mera Angelo Salvattore


Prioritization of maintenance by determining the priority number of risk, and analysis of modes and effects of failures of a high pressure polyurethane injection machine

Prioritization of activities is very important, to know the importance of performing a maintenance activity. The Modes Analysis Methodology and Failure Effects (AMEF), is a tool that allows us to prioritize the maintenance care for equipment; currently this tool is applied to determine the risk level of the equipment, according on the study of equipment failures, their severity, occurrence probability and failure detectability. The methodology was applied to a high-pressure polyurethane injection machine; for this the work was divided into two parts. The first part was based on the Analysis and Performance Determination and its operational context within the production line, and the second part the equipment failure modes is determined, and based on them the risk of failures and failure modes was determined in a Number of Risk Priority. Giving us as result, 7 failure modes of the 16 analyzed, have a potential risk of happening, and can directly affect the performance of the equipment's operational context. Therefore maintenance activities with their respective priority are established. It was found that 7 of the 16 failure modes are potential main causes for equipment functional failure, therefore those must be prevented. The main problems of the equipment are: Partially clogged pipes, Inadequate temperature, based on the Priority Risk Number analysis, there is no electricity supply. It was determined that the tasks of Inspection and cleaning of pipe, Calibration of pressure and temperature controls, Checking the power supply and its parameters are tasks to avoid functional failures and decrease the equipment failure by 42.8%.

Angel Daniel Larrea Moreano, Cristian David Redrobán Dilon, Antonio Gabriel Castillo Medina


Design and implementation of a single axis solar tracker for the optimization of a 100 W photovoltaic system applying mathematical calculations and industrial automation

This work focuses on the design of a single-axis solar tracker, which will allow the optimization of energy capture from a 100-watt photovoltaic solar system implemented in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo. Initially, mathematical calculations are carried out on environmental and physical parameters important in the selection of the optimal materials for the mechanical structure of the solar tracking system and its construction, also important for the proper selection of the electronic and automatic control elements necessary for the single-axis solar tracker. The designed system is composed of electronic sensors of current, voltage, irradiance and HDR's, which make it possible to calculate the nominal power generated by the solar tracker, the total irradiance captured by the solar panel over time during the day, solar elevation angle (altitude) and solar azimuth angle; values from which and using mathematical methods, programming and automatic control techniques, have allowed in this work to design and program 2 solar tracking algorithms: solar tracking by astronomical programming and solar tracking by light point, guaranteeing with them an incidence perpendicular to the sun on the system during the day and thus achieving the objective of maximum energy capture and maximum production of the photovoltaic system. In the system, the information obtained from the census variables and the calculated values is stored on a microSD memory card and through an ethernet connection the user can view them in real time through a graphic interface (HMI). Finally, once the monitoring algorithms have been implemented and the system is in operation, using as a reference a 100 W photovoltaic system with fixed positioning installed in the city of Riobamba under the same conditions as the single axis solar monitoring system, it is carried out a comparison between this and the photovoltaic system for solar tracking of a horizontal axis, counteracting the values of the surveyed variables and the calculated values of nominal power, irradiance, solar elevation angle (altitude) and solar azimuth angle measured for each one systems. From which it is concluded that the one-axis solar tracking system exceeds the fixed photovoltaic system in efficiency in values between 8.51% to 35.46%.

Mayra Alejandra Pacheco Cunduri, Isidoro Enrique Tapia Segarra, Esteban Augusto Guevara Cabezas


Situational analysis of Capirona community, Puerto Napo parish, Tena canton, Napo province, prior to preparation the of inventory of tourist attractions

The situational analysis is the starting point for the preparation of plans and programs aimed at the sustainable development of a territory regardless of its location. As a planning tool, situation analyses are used in various disciplines for planning the development of localities and communities. In the same way, in tourism, as a strategy for sustainable territorial development, the situational analysis allows us to have a clear vision of the current environment in which intervention is needed. This article presents the situational analysis developed in Capirona community, Puerto Napo parish, Tena canton, Napo province.  The situational analysis was prepared as part of the Inventory of Tourist Attractions of the community. For the development of the diagnosis, the SEMPLADES 2015 methodology was used, which allowed knowing the capacities, needs, and precarious conditions in which Capirona community inhabitants live. Among the main problems, the lack of basic services such as drinking water service, sewer system, solid waste collection and electrical system, were detected. Also, the poor state of the access roads, unemployment, migration, poaching and destruction of forests by cutting down trees are pressing issues. It is important to highlight that the main form of subsistence of the community's inhabitants is agriculture; 80% for own consumption and 20% for commercialization. In this context, the development of other productive activities, such as sustainable tourism, can potentially help generate necessary resources for the inhabitants of Capirona community. Finally, the situational analysis shows the need for attention from the authorities to assist the residents to get out of the economic, social and environmental stagnation in which they are now.

Shakira Lissett Salazar Mora, Nancy Patricia Tierra Tierra, Edison Marcelo Salas Castelo
