Importance of the ecosystem services of the vegetable resource of the parish San Juan, canton Riobamba
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Knowing the present relationship between the benefits provided by the service of plant ecosystems with the importance and frequency of use assigned by the inhabitants allows establishing an assessment of the resource. Twenty ecosystem services distributed in: s were identified. regulation (7), s. provisioning (6), s. support (3) and s. cultural (4) by using the methodology of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which is based on the study of economic conditions and activities of the population, climatic conditions, identification of the importance of forest conservation, land and water use, current regulations, and the powers of sectional governments. 326 surveys were applied to the population, the information was processed using non-parametric tests and the inferential analytical method, determining that the population is willing to pay for conservation; variables ethnicity, gender and level of education are those that assign the values of importance and tangible ecosystem services are those that have a higher valuation.
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