Digital2025-01-14T13:59:22+00:00DrC. Efraín Velasteguí López PhD.publicaciones@cienciadigital.orgOpen Journal Systems<div id="inicio"> <p><strong>CIENCIA DIGITAL</strong>quarterly multidisciplinary magazine, published in electronic format. Its mission is to contribute to the training of competent professionals, with a humanistic and critical vision, who are capable of presenting their research and scientific results, to the same extent that positive changes in society are promoted through their intervention.</p> </div> <div class="additional_content"> <div class="container" style="width: 100%;"> <div class="row2"> <div class="aimcolumn aimleft"><img style="width: 100%;" src="/revistacienciadigital2/public/site/images/diego94/portadalibro.jpg"></div> <div class="aimcolumn aimright"> <div class="journal-description"> <p align="justify"><strong>CIENCIA DIGITAL </strong>quarterly multidisciplinary magazine, published in electronic format. 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This approach allowed the collection of qualitative and quantitative information to support the findings. <strong>Results: </strong> showed favorable and unfavorable points. The favorable is the students' perception of physics teaching, and the unfavorable evidence is the need for strategies that stimulate memory, attention, and motivation in students. An educational proposal was designed based on practical exercises and experimental work on neuro-educational principles, encouraging experiential and collaborative learning. These activities not only seek to foster meaningful learning, but also to develop skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>In conclusion, neuro-education can be a key tool to improve the quality of education, promoting deep understanding and the integral development of students. <strong>General Area of Study: </strong>education. <strong>Specific area of study: </strong>Neuroeducation<strong>. Type of study:</strong> Original articles.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital of a guide to therapeutic exercises in hip dysplasia in the education class2025-01-14T13:59:03+00:00José Luis EspinozaÁngel Miguel Coello Sá de la Caridad Maqueira Ricardo Rodríguez<p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Hip dysplasia (DCD) is a condition in which the hip joint does not develop properly, preventing poor stable and balanced joint movement to lead a healthy life. This article will provide a physical exercise guide for the student who presents this pathology, allowing the stimulation and development of skills in the physical education (PE) class. Objective: the objective of this article is to develop a guide to therapeutic exercises in DDH in the Physical Education class to treat their condition, preserve or improve the psychomotor and functional development that may be affected by this pathology, addressing practical and methodological aspects that help have a favorable advantage for students at the educational level. <strong>Methodology</strong>: In this case, the diagnostic method will be applied with interview and observational control to investigate risk factors applying the qualitative method. In investigations of other studies, biomechanical analyzes will be considered in the experimental to better understand the changes in the chair. <strong>Results</strong>: a guide to therapeutic exercises in DDC in the Physical Education class has a restorative impact at an educational level, favorable for students and not at a clinical level. <strong>Conclusions</strong>: these exercises have demonstrated their effectiveness in their process, as has been demonstrated by the student who presents this pathology, that performing physical activity leads to a healthy life presenting functional mobility of the pelvic joint in a higher percentage than what was present at the time. start. beginning. <strong>General knowledge area:</strong> Physical education. <strong>Specific area of knowledge:</strong> Physiotherapy. <strong>Type of study:</strong> Original articles.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital of technical baccalaureate students in job center training: a critical, proactive approach2025-01-14T13:59:01+00:00Mayra Katerine Mejíaón Guzmán Hernández<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Workplace training is an essential part of the learning process of technical baccalaureate students.<strong> Objective: </strong>To analyze the causes that influence the low performance of technical baccalaureate students during their on-the-job training, to identify aspects for improvement and propose at least one effective strategy to optimize practical training. <strong>Methodology:</strong> a mixed approach was used, combining qualitative and quantitative scientific methods; a descriptive and exploratory design was also used, with the participation of 36 students, 13 teachers and 7 supervisors. <strong>Results: </strong>the results obtained showed that communication, the environment and infrastructure, and knowledge and practice are causes that intervene in the FCT process. The results for teachers showed that the students' performance is good in the FCP process. Finally, the results of supervisors showed the importance of regular feedback in students. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> it was concluded that communication, the environment and infrastructure and previous knowledge are causes that directly intervene in the performance and application of the skills obtained during the training process in work centers for their correct application in the work field; however, in this research the results obtained were positive with respect to the performance of the students. <strong>General Area of Study:</strong> education. <strong>Specific area of study: </strong>technical education. <strong>Type of study:</strong> Original articles.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital of specific regulations and limitations to the effectiveness of the Ecuadorian judicial system in the treatment of parental alienation in leasing processes2025-01-14T13:59:22+00:00Luis Fernando Guanín Batista Herná<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> This article allows to determine how the insufficiency of specific regulations limits the effectiveness of the Ecuadorian judicial system in the treatment of parental alienation in custody processes. <strong>Objective:</strong> To determine how the insufficiency of specific regulations limits the effectiveness of the Ecuadorian judicial system in the treatment of parental alienation in custody processes. <strong>Methodology:</strong> The mixed approach (quantitative-qualitative) is used as a methodology. And descriptive-explanatory-proposal and non-experimental transversal methods. <strong>Results:</strong> It was identified that Ecuadorian legislation does not have specific regulations that address parental alienation, but the importance of protecting the rights of children in custody processes is recognized. The importance of implementing a legal framework that includes a clear definition of the phenomenon to identify and evaluate parental alienation, as well as protocols for custody processes, is determined. It is proposed to modify and reform the Code of Childhood and Adolescence, and to implement an Organic Law for the Prevention and Combat of Parental Alienation. The proposal includes defining parental alienation, establishing prevention and detection mechanisms, as well as requiring judges and justice operators to consider it in custody and visitation processes. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The absence of clear legislation on the subject leaves judges without legal tools to identify, evaluate and manage parental alienation effectively. This violates rights. <strong>General area of study:</strong> Law <strong>Specific area of study:</strong> Civil Law.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital pedagógicas mediadas por la realidad aumentada Quiver, en estudiantes de Inicial 2025-01-14T13:58:46+00:00Marjorie Patricia Roseroía Alejandrina Nivela Rumbaut<p>Introducción: Con esta investigación se pretende medir el impacto que tiene el integrar la realidad aumentada, de la aplicación Quiver, en estudiantes de educación inicial dos, en sus actividades de aula, se busca mejorar las estrategias pedagógicas, enfocándose en la interactividad como clave para transformar las formas de aprender, y promoviendo conceptos más atractivos, dinámicos y participativos.</p> <p>Objetivo: En esta investigación el objetivo primordial es analizar cómo ayudan las estrategias pedagógicas gestionadas por la realidad aumentada de quiver para los alumnos de Educación Inicial, en la Institución Educativa Balneario de Súa.</p> <p>Metodología: El enfoque de este estudio se direcciona al tipo de investigación mixto, que alcanzó una perspectiva más precisa del fenómeno estudiado. Se utilizó un diseño transversal, y se elaboró una base de datos analizada con SPSS, centrándose en evaluar las variables y medir la relación de las variables a través de la formula Spearman, que proporcionó rápidamente los valores sobre las estrategias pedagógicas que se desarrollaron integrando la realidad aumentada de la aplicación Quiver. Esta investigación empleó el método inductivo, comenzando con la observación de algunos estudiantes, para el análisis cuantitativo, se utilizó una encuesta de 10 preguntas cerradas con escala de Likert, aplicada a los estudiantes en conjunto con sus representantes. La encuesta se distribuyó en formato físico, con una muestra de 25 representantes, de los estudiantes de Inicial, seleccionados de manera aleatoria simple. Este enfoque permitió evaluar cómo los estudiantes experimentaron y percibieron estas actividades mediante Quiver.</p> <p>Resultados: Esta investigación revela cómo la integración de la aplicación Quiver mejora las estrategias pedagógicas al introducir la realidad aumentada en las actividades educativas. Las valoraciones indican una marca efectiva y reveladora, evidenciado por una mayor participación e interés de los participantes. El uso de actividades dinámicas y lúdicas facilita un aprendizaje más atractivo y efectivo, permitiendo que los niños asimilen de una forma más entretenida Las observaciones y los datos recopilados sugieren que las herramientas digitales como Quiver contribuyen a una experiencia educativa más enriquecedora, promoviendo un mayor entendimiento de las nociones y conceptos básicos.</p> <p>Conclusión: Se logra determinar a manera de conclusión que el integrar la realidad aumentada que brinda la aplicación Quiver en la educación de Inicial ha demostrado ser una aliada eficaz, e innovadora. Los datos obtenidos a través de la encuesta estructurada revelan que Quiver mejora elocuentemente el ritmo en las actividades y el entusiasmo de los estudiantes, llevando a una forma más didáctica de gestionar los diferentes contenidos. Esta metodología enriquece las destrezas y provoca un ambiente pedagógico más interactivo y motivador.</p> <p>Área de estudio general: Educación</p> <p>Área de estudio específica: Pedagogía en entornos digitales</p> <p>Tipo de estudio: Artículo original.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital students with intellectual disabilities in high school. Pedagogical proposal for training teachers in the use of Pictoeduca 2025-01-14T13:59:20+00:00Geovanna Elizabeth González Suárezggeovanna780@gmail.comMaría Magdalena Guamán Chaucaguamanmagdalena33@gmail.comMaría Alejandrina Nivela<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>The teaching of students with intellectual disabilities in Ecuadorian high school is being affected by various challenges that impact the cognitive progress of these learners; although efforts have been made to train teachers, the need for continuous training and updating in inclusive education issues and the use of appropriate technological tools is crucial to maintain effective practices. <strong>Objectives: </strong>The objective of this study was to generate a pedagogical proposal for the training of teachers in the use of the Pictoeduca tool, for the improvement of the teaching of students with intellectual disabilities in the high school of the <u>Agustín Cueva Tamariz Special Educational Unit</u>. <strong>Methodology: </strong>A mixed research approach was used, with descriptive and field scope; a sample of a director and 10 teachers who serve students with intellectual disabilities were applied; 3 instruments were applied: a semi-structured interview, a questionnaire, and an observation sheet. <strong>Results: </strong>As results, it was found that teachers are aware of the limitations of a formative nature, in addition, they are willing to be part of training and to use a new pedagogical proposal that is in accordance with social, educational, and pedagogical realities. A proposal was designed for the training of teachers of the <u>Agustín Cueva Tamariz Special Educational Unit</u>, in the use of the Pictoeduca tool for the teaching of students with Intellectual Disabilities in high school, through a manual and a workshop. The evaluation of the design of the proposal showed positive results, with an understanding of the use of the Pictoeduca tool and the design of resources and activities. <strong>Conclusions: </strong>It is concluded that this tool has potential for teaching students with intellectual disabilities. <strong>General area of study: </strong>education. <strong>Specific area of study: </strong>educational technology. <strong>Type of item: </strong>original.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital in the teaching-learning process in technical high school accounting competency2025-01-14T13:59:18+00:00Franklin Hernán Carrillo Ló Raúl Macasésar Vicente Ramírez Gutié Martínez Pé<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>the evolution of technology in the classroom has revolutionized teaching and has allowed wider access to educational resources, greater flexibility in teaching and better implementation, while improving students' comprehension and retention of information. <strong>Objective: </strong>analyze how the implementation of B-Learning, through a virtual classroom specifically designed for teaching general accounting, affects the teaching-learning process in technical high school. In addition, its impact on the educational quality and professional preparation of students is evaluated. <strong>Methodology: </strong>the research used a non-experimental cross-sectional design, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study was exploring in nature and the inductive method was used to interpret the data. The sample consisted of 160 students and 6 accounting teachers from the Isabel de Godín Educational Unit. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. <strong>Results: </strong>the results indicate that 72% of the students’ perceived improvements in their understanding of the topics thanks to these methodologies, and 69% consider that virtual classrooms facilitate learning. In addition, 68% of students prefer to use these types of classrooms to enrich their classes. However, there are still problems related to access to technology and preference for traditional teaching methods, which is reflected in the negative responses ranging from 9% to 17%. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>in conclusion, through this study it has been possible to determine that the implementation of B-Learning, specifically, the use of virtual classrooms in the teaching of accounting in the technical high school of general accounting, achieves a significant superiority in the understanding of complicated accounting concepts. The results confirm the advantages of digital tools and interactive exercises. <strong>General area of study: </strong>Education. <strong>Specific area of study: </strong>General Accounting. <strong>Type of study:</strong> Original articles.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ciencia Digital