By submitting a text, the author undertakes to sign the ethical statement that will be sent to him upon receipt of the material, in which he states that it is an unpublished, original and relevant collaboration for his discipline. Texts can be sent to, or to the journal Ciencia Digital. Texts in Spanish, English and Portuguese are accepted. Authors who wish to submit a text in another language, please contact the editors.

The text file must be one and a half spacing, with margins of three centimeters and must be the final version of the text. The length should fluctuate between 10 and 22 pages for all original articles, in the case of special communications and analysis and expert opinions between 3 and 10 pages. On the first page, the title and subtitle of the collaboration, the name of the author and the institution to which it belongs must be included. All divisions or sections shall be marked with left-aligned headings separated from the text by a preceding and following line. Textual quotations longer than five lines should be transcribed in a separate paragraph, without modifying the general spacing, and at a lower score. Footnote calls shall be composed in flown Arabic numerals, ordered consecutively, and shall be placed after punctuation marks.

An abstract of the content of the article must be included in a maximum of 300 words, as well as a curriculum summary of the author, no longer than 120 words (with name, affiliation, email, lines of research and publications). It is also necessary to provide between 4 and 8 keywords for content identification.

Uniformity criteria

The journal will maintain the following criteria in its text survey, layout and printing:

  • The text will be written in Times New Roman font, and its different design variations (italics, versals, bold, etc.).
  • Only original photos, graphics, and images will be accepted. Those that have been scanned or copied from another text will not be accepted.
  • The images will be attached to the article individually in jpg format. at a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Photographs must be of sufficient size to adequately show what is intended to be explained. Photos that show a commercial product or part of it will not be included without the respective authorization.
  • All tables, graphs, images or photographs that have not been cited within the text, and that are not directly related to what is written, will be eliminated.
  • Accepted graphics and photographs will always be printed in full color, and will maintain the same font and font size in their respective title and graphic or photo caption.
  • To name the authors of each work, the most relevant academic title will always be placed first, then the name and surname. Their primary affiliation will be listed with a superscript number.
  • The address for correspondence will be the e-mail address of the lead author and a contact telephone number.
  • The numbering of pages will always be continuous from one issue to another, in such a way that the annual volume maintains concordance.
  • The magazine, as such, has no page limit; however, depending on the decision of the Editorial Board for each issue, the number of issues may be reduced or increased.
  • All decisions taken by the Editorial Board must be published in the next issue of the journal.


The estimated time of publication of the article will be between approximately 6 months considering the publication times of the volumes of the journal, (January, April, July, October), when uploading an article to the journal's website you will automatically receive an email confirming the sending of your publication.

Within 3 to 6 weeks, the manuscript will be answered for acceptance for review or rejection (according to editorial guidelines)

Within a period of no more than 4 months, the respective corrections of the peer evaluations will be sent. After verification and compliance with the requested changes and adhering to the journal's editorial guidelines. The certificate of acceptance of its publication will be issued, which establishes the date and volume in which it will be published.