Situational analysis of Capirona community, Puerto Napo parish, Tena canton, Napo province, prior to preparation the of inventory of tourist attractions
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The situational analysis is the starting point for the preparation of plans and programs aimed at the sustainable development of a territory regardless of its location. As a planning tool, situation analyses are used in various disciplines for planning the development of localities and communities. In the same way, in tourism, as a strategy for sustainable territorial development, the situational analysis allows us to have a clear vision of the current environment in which intervention is needed. This article presents the situational analysis developed in Capirona community, Puerto Napo parish, Tena canton, Napo province. The situational analysis was prepared as part of the Inventory of Tourist Attractions of the community. For the development of the diagnosis, the SEMPLADES 2015 methodology was used, which allowed knowing the capacities, needs, and precarious conditions in which Capirona community inhabitants live. Among the main problems, the lack of basic services such as drinking water service, sewer system, solid waste collection and electrical system, were detected. Also, the poor state of the access roads, unemployment, migration, poaching and destruction of forests by cutting down trees are pressing issues. It is important to highlight that the main form of subsistence of the community's inhabitants is agriculture; 80% for own consumption and 20% for commercialization. In this context, the development of other productive activities, such as sustainable tourism, can potentially help generate necessary resources for the inhabitants of Capirona community. Finally, the situational analysis shows the need for attention from the authorities to assist the residents to get out of the economic, social and environmental stagnation in which they are now.
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