Simulation of the aerodynamic behavior of 3 NACA profiles using computational fluid (CFD)
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The simulation of aerodynamic elements using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), in the aeronautical industry represents a fundamental pillar in the development of new technologies and optimization of existing models. The aim of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of 3 profiles commonly used and defined by the National Aeronautics Committee (NACA) through ANSYS and compare the results obtained with previously published simulations. To obtain this information, models with control volumes for each profile, using CAD models based on the NACA specifications were created. In addition, it was necessary to define the boundary conditions within the simulation of finite volumes. The study allows a better understanding of parameters such as the pressure contour, speed contour, flow lines and Mach number that are characteristic of each profile, with their advantages and disadvantages. The resulting simulations determined a better overall performance of profile 63002 (5 digits) compared to profiles 4415 and 0012 (4 digits), confirming the established in the bibliography. Furthermore, the study allowed a better learning of aerodynamics (fluid mechanics) which, as far as the authors have investigated, has been little used in the Ecuadorian academic environment.
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