Socio-environmental efficiency of the Fenton reaction in the treatment of leachate
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The research work focused on determining the conditions of socio-environmental efficiency of the Fenton process for the treatment of leachates from a landfill. The cost-benefit assessment of social and environmental variables of the treatment in winter and summer time has been carried out through the analysis of externalities and a strategic diagnosis defined by the area of direct influence and the chemical physical quality of the leachate to from the concentrations of ferrous sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, pH, optimal dose with jug test, turbidity and color. When the sanitary landfill was cataloged as a young landfill, from the results generated there were parameters with high concentrations, so the treatment process required optimal conditions of 400 mg / L for hydrogen peroxide, 1000 mg / L for ferrous sulfate and a pH of 3, values that generated an efficiency of 85% for biochemical oxygen demand, 73% for chemical oxygen demand, 91.0% turbidity and 33.3% alkalinity. These last parameters were indicators that the process represents a high socio-environmental cost - benefit for the sector under study.
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