En inglés sería: Design of a detachable mechanism to assist in the mobility process when getting on and off a sedan-type vehicle for disabled people

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Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez
Víctor David Bravo Morocho
Edgar Javier Loor Solórzano
Ianni Mera Angelo Salvattore


This work was carried out with the firm purpose of designing and building a detachable mechanism to provide assistance in the mobility process when getting on and off a sedan-type vehicle for disabled people at AFAPECH, a centre located in the Riobamba canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador; attending to the evident need in the mentioned centre for special equipment that provides help in the process of moving people with disabilities into or out of the vehicle, who, due to their condition, find it difficult to do so on their own. In the same way, reduce the effort that it causes to the people in charge of this daily task, thus avoiding possible injuries due to repetitive movements. Based on the collection of information on the requirements that should be reflected on the design, a design was made of a detachable mechanism that is mounted on the hinges of the front doors of the vehicle, whose operation is based on using an electric linear actuator commanded by joystick control, to facilitate its handling. In the same way, a hospital harness was used, which transports the disabled person from one point to another. For the subsequent construction of the mechanism, it was thought to use ASTM A500 carbon steel, whose mechanical property values were used to carry out the design validation in ANSIS; analyzing the efforts, deformations and safety factor, in order to guarantee the required reliability. After conducting the respective analyzes, it was observed that the parameters established at the beginning are met, its functionality being corroborated after its construction and use, since the people who used the system in the beginning, showed agreement; In addition, it was evidenced that the components did not suffer any damage during or after use.


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How to Cite
Abarca Pérez, E. P., Bravo Morocho, V. D., Loor Solórzano, E. J., & Angelo Salvattore, I. M. (2020). En inglés sería: Design of a detachable mechanism to assist in the mobility process when getting on and off a sedan-type vehicle for disabled people. Ciencia Digital, 4(3), 304-316. https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v4i3.1351


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