Diagnosis of tangible cultural heritage as a vision for community tourism in the La Maná canton Cotopaxi Province - Ecuador

Introduction. The diagnosis of tangible cultural heritage as a vision for community tourism is of utmost importance since it represents the Canton together with its existing parishes and communities. One of the main objectives of the Maná canton and its inhabitants should be to rescue their customs, festivals, history, traditions, etc. Objective. Design a cultural route as a world heritage site in the La Maná canton and establish promotion and dissemination strategies for the cultural route. Methodology. For the development of the research the qualitative-quantitative methods were used, we worked with primary information (field survey, interviews with key informants, workshops), the analytical method was used to diagnose the current situation of cultural tourism, systematize the supply and demand of the tourist with these techniques will allow to take advantage of the tourist potential. Consecutively, the instructions for intangible inventory records based on the regulations according to the INPC were carried out. Results. It was possible to identify that the highest percentage is 48% belonging to the province of Cotopaxi, making the table of tangible cultural attractions, currently in force in the tourist area, resulting in a positive contribution to the socio-economic development of the town. Conclusion. The inventory of the tangible cultural sites of the La Maná canton is created by: real estate, and religious manifestations that when brought together give a total of fifteen properties, the same that are artisanal and religious, these cultural assets are in good physical condition for be promoted as tourist attractions.

Olga Selena Rosero Perez , Nataly Silvana Yepez Arauz, Gabriela Isabel Armas Cedeño, Natalia Geoconda Zambrano Cuadro


Application of organic substrates in the breeding of the Californian red worm (eisenia foetida) for the production of animal feed

The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate three different types of substrates. 100 adult Californian red worms Eisenia foetida were placed in all the experimental units. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications and three treatments: potato peel, 50% potato peel and 50% guinea pig manure, guinea pig manure. The variable earthworm population and weight was analyzed. The substrates were deposited in 0.125m3 wooden boxes and the composting process was carried out. When obtaining stable temperatures in ranges between 20 to 23 ⁰C, 100 worms were planted per box. After 69 days, enough time for the worms to complete their reproductive cycle, all the worms present in each experimental unit were counted. Significant differences (p <0.05%) were obtained in the three variables. The substrate "potato peel" registered the highest amount and weight of earthworms (625 earthworms, 937.5g). The mixed substrate 50% potato peel and 50% cuy manure recorded the second highest average (189 worms, 264.6g) and thirdly obtained with cuy manure substrate (101 worms, 143.4g). It was concluded that the potato shell substrate is best suited for worm production, subsequently with information obtained from the number of worms classified by stage (cocon, juvenile, sub-adult and adult), a mathematical model defined by Peña (2004) was used for the purpose of estimating the probabilistic population dynamics of survival over the next 20 weeks.

Campoverde Santos Diana Katherine , Velasco Matveev Luis Antonio , Acurio Martínez Washington David


Incredible creative learning strategies to train students with social responsibility in the XXI century

The article is focused on the proposal to implement creative learning strategies through the design of an interactive teaching guide that promotes social responsibility in students of the 21st century. Students will learn to conduct themselves in student life with full responsibility. In this way we will apply specific objectives such as: Diagnosing the level of creative learning and social responsibility of the student. They will develop interactive teaching guide. The same that will be validated parents, teachers and authorities, on its effectiveness.  It is interesting that all students develop creative learning to improve social responsibility and activate their journal obtaining objective and functional learning. Today teachers do not apply methodologies like; Paradigm, positivist, critical partner, interpretive, approaches, qualitative and quantitative nor do they implement the appropriate strategies to develop the creative learning of the students. If social responsibility is encouraged in students, they will demonstrate their creative learning by applying the following strategies: 1. Direct students to master the facilitator scenario in times when the teacher is absent for “X” reasons. 2. Promote a dynamic and entertaining class. 3.Make your weaknesses your strengths. 4. Develop your creativity by discovering and developing small and large inventions. 5 Give confidence and motivate your students to write what their ideal teacher would be like, that they would like to learn to focus more on their professional goals. 6. Include yourself in their interests, care about each of your students without detracting from their intellectual capacity. 7 Instill self-learning, there are no fears or mistakes, always recognize their progress. 8. Make your work known to parents so that together they help develop creativity, intelligence and social responsibility in your students.

Ruth Mabel Quila Franco, Pedro Luna Sevillano, Dannes Joel Suárez Cerezo, Mirian Narciza Pérez Rocafuerte


Perspectives and approaches to determine measures of similarity for musical performances using data analysis algorithms

The automatic characterization of a musical composition, and its interpretation, is a current line of research, due to its importance and the technological resources available and computational tools capable for detecting voice and sound. The recognition of an interpreter when listening a composition is simple for a human, but not as simple for machines, thus, this topic has kept a community of researchers in search of measures to compare and accurately recognize the composition characteristics and the interpreter. However, still a general measure has yet to be discovered, although various statistical-computational techniques have been generated and deserve to be evaluated and perhaps combined to strengthen any research on this topic. This work is the product of a comprehensive literature review that collects the main techniques and tools that have been used and proposed by researchers over the last two decades. The document will be of help to researchers who decide to undertake studies, evaluations and implementations of these tools, as well as those who wish to work on automatic recognition of interpreters and characteristics of musical compositions, or music information retrieval.

María Belén Bastidas Aráuz, Carlos Fernando Inga Aguagallo, Danilo Fernando Fernández


How to control hyperactive children in the classroom

Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity (ADHD) react immediately to any stimuli that are presented around them since their attention is very short and this is the reason why they make mistakes with much more frequency than children who reflect. The teacher must know the strategies that can be used within the process of learning development in those students, in such a way that he can optimize the different behaviors. The learning capacity that they possess should be taken into account in the learning process. Undoubtedly, the majority of children who have these inappropriate behaviors have difficulties in learning, therefore their way of behaving is not that they want to act that way but rather they cannot control themselves. When children are restless, they release hormones along with racing emotions of failure. Every time they execute a reaction such as throwing objects, tantrums, aggression, escape, tantrums among others. These behaviors do not mean that we should tolerate them but that we should be understanding with them and in turn help them in the most convenient way. It should be noted that the majority of these aggressive children repeatedly regret their attitudes and say they will not do it again when we make them see reason. However, each time they return to perform the same intolerable behaviors that express great concern when realizing that they cannot change and also because they did.

Vicenta Melania Serrano Galarza, Luis Aníbal Torres Jiménez, Maura María Cedeño Salavarría, Kira Gipssi Sarmiento Espinoza


Stratigraphic correlation through vertical, directional and horizontal wells, of the geological formations of the canton La Joya de los Sachas, Orellana - Ecuador

This investigative work mainly comprises 3 phases. The first one is based on the analysis of Drilling Reports and Mud Loggin of oil wells of the vertical, directional and horizontal types, which were drilled in the canton of La Joya de los Sachas located in the province of Orellana - Ecuador. In the second instance, a stratigraphic correlation of the main subsoil formations of this canton has been developed. Which is based on a manual analysis of the history of the wells, classifying them in stratigraphic units prior to entering the information into the GMS® software to build three-dimensional cross sections between holes. Finally, the minerals are identified and characterized with some of their properties from the identified formations. Therefore, there are anhydrite facies that correspond to the base material for the generation of oil, sandstone, claystone and limonite packages, corresponding to the Tiyuyacu formation, being interbedded by siliceous conglomerate strata, belonging to the Orteguaza Formation. In addition to this, it is observed that the anhydrite face forms an anticline fold whose crest is close to minus -160msnm, in turn, below the sandstone, claystone and limonite packages, a coal face is shown forming a synclinal fold from -350msnm

David Isaac Cuenca Gualán , Gregory Guillermo Cuesta Andrade , Christian Orlando Camacho López , Jenny Priscila Granja Carrera


The startup as a fundamental factor in the economic change of the San Andrés Parish of the Province of Chimborazo

En el Ecuador y en específico en las diferentes parroquias del distrito desde el último decenio el startup tiene un papel fundamental en la evolución rebajado social de un borde, el cual se pretende encauzar al proceso de una trivio de pila de compromiso mediante el fomento de difundir pequeños negocios al fin de poder dominar sus miedos y ser independientes para adquirir un rédito económico, por lo cual reside la ralea que tiene esta actividad para el cambio departamental con el fin de vivir ligado al plan nacional del Buen Vivir de tratado a nuestras expectativas e independencia laboral. El proceso económico se entiende por la aptitud productiva que tiene un país para generar fortuna con el aséptico de mejorar las condiciones de empuje de sus habitantes, al dialogar de proceso social se refiere a la transformación, progreso o proceso real que se dio en el haber humano de un país, para efectuar las observaciones sobre el cambio socioeconómico sea pasadizo, provincial o de un país se lo puede hacer a partir de la investigación en traducción de ciertos indicadores básicos como: emplazamiento, desempleo, ganancias extracción, entre otras.  El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad dar a conocer la como incide  los emprendimientos en el desarrollo económico-social de la parroquia San Andrés del Cantón Guano, Provincia de Chimborazo, los mismos que se determinaron  diferentes statups que se encuentran en la parroquia, los beneficios que generan y aquellos ingresos sociales que aportan a las familias de la localidad, se analizó la circunstancia verdadero de los negocios, la circunstancia motivacionales para comenzar en la parroquia y los obstáculos que puedan radicar en el camino el emprendedor.

Carlos Iván Villalva Heredia, Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera, Mónica Paulina Terán Pérez, Byron Santiago Once Collaguazo


Design and implementation of an integrated system to reduce downtime in industrial production lines.

This research shows the implementation of an integrated system that analyzes the failure modes of the different physical assets that make up an industrial production line, in order to be able to determine in a real way the main causes and events that cause the appearance of downtime in lines. of industrial production in order to find solutions that allow reducing these times. The implementation of the system was carried out methodically in seven stages. In the first, the objective of integration is established; In the second stage, the information of the industrial process is collected and filtered in a database; the third stage generates standardization indices based on the failure modes; the fourth stage develops the exploration of informative data obtained in the collection and filtration; In the fifth stage, the appropriate mathematical model is established; the sixth stage establishes the procedure for calculating the Global Equipment Effectiveness indices; finally, the seventh stage quantitatively analyzes the results of the implementation of the integrated system. The WEKA platform was used by means of the J48 decision tree to establish a real evaluation, thus, from the implementation of the system, it was possible to achieve an increase of 4,48% in the overall efficiency of the physical assets of the production line

Luis Stalin López Telenchana, José Luis Pérez Rojas


Analysis of the behavior of the demand of the applicants to the ESPOCH in the academic period october 2019 - february 2020 case: Gastronomy Career

This research was carried out based on data provided by SENESCYT for the ESPOCH Gastronomy career. The objective was to present the report on the Behavior Analysis of the demand of the ESPOCH applicants in the academic period October 2019-February 2020, as an indicative parameter of the openness that young graduates have to access quotas and the tendency to a possible increase in demand and participation. According to the objective set, a qualitative approach was used to make a contextualized study of the existing problem, the quantitative one refers to data analysis; a bibliographic research; descriptive because it has the interest of characterizing a population group of students and correlational. The techniques for collecting information correspond to data provided by SENECYT, applying the analysis through graphs and statistics for interpretation. The analyzed data showed an increase in the demand for students for the Gastronomy career in the II Semester 2019, the number of quotas that were not accepted for this period was 30, a result that requires elements of analysis since there are aspects such as lack of advice and training, review of entrance exams, information on professional options, labor fields, socio-economic and demographic situation of the applicants. Informative data collection strategies must be established that allow Higher Education institutions to address and solve certain factors that need to be identified for analysis.

Germán Patricio Torres Guananga, Jazmín Isabel García Guerra, Irene Paulina Moscoso García, Iván Marcelo Layedra Pinos


Teaching model for inclusive attention to the needs not associated with a disability of the students of the City of Valencia Educational Unit

Introduction: In Ecuador the issue of inclusion is something that has occurred recently, since in previous times the term integration was mentioned, which at first glance seems to mean the same thing, but it is not. The Ecuadorian State has made significant changes and invested in education, so that it becomes of quality and warmth. Objective: To include boys and girls with special educational needs in regular classrooms at the Ciudad de Valencia Educational Unit of the Cantón Valencia. Methodology. The research design was quantitative, applied, field, action, retrospective and descriptive. The population was students with special abilities from the Valencia City Educational Unit of the Canton Valencia. Results. In the teaching work, the socio-affective relationship of the students must be taken into account, instilling values ​​of respect among them, and that in turn must be immersed in the content taught in classes. It is important that legal representatives and parents of families should be more aware of the activities carried out by their representatives, and get involved in programs carried out by the school to learn a little more about inclusive education, and understand that it is not a risk to integrate to boys and girls with special educational needs in the classroom.

Silvia Leonor García Parrales, Carlos Mego Cubas, Gabriel Arturo Pazmiño Solys


Integration model of professional training for the undergraduate degree in nursing at UTEQ.

Introduction: The curricular redesign is fundamental, that is why this issue was discussed, in this case of an educational service institution such as the STATE UNIVERSITY OF QUEVEDO, among the 5 most important in the country. The idea of ​​this proposal is the redesign of the curricular mesh of the Nursing Undergraduate Career with the insertion of the subjects that will help the student once completed their studies to face the beginning of their professional life with practical and theoretical knowledge, demonstrating what they have learned during their student time. The methodology of this research is of the qualitative, quantitative (mixed) and descriptive model, achieving the elaboration of a feasible proposal with technical elements such as the calculation of the participant population sample collecting information to be processed later. Objective: To determine a model of integration of professional training in the Nursing Career of the State Technical University of Quevedo. Methodology. Descriptive-explanatory study that covers the methodology in the quantitative and qualitative approaches (MIXED) of research., With an analysis-synthesis, documentary analysis and content of literature referring to the subject was used; Original and review articles were consulted in databases: PubMed, CINAHL, SciELO, Medline, Lilacs, BIREME, Scival and Conhrane among others, according to DeCS: Curriculum, Competence-Based Education, Nursing Education. The universe studied was the totality of full-time teachers of the academic unit, being approachable, N = 21 was studied in total. The criteria for selecting participants were: teaching nurses from the career staff, with more than 5 years of permanence in it. Results. The process of curricular innovation of the nursing career of the UTEQ is immersed in policies and agreements that respond to the institutional educational model; attending to the increase in coverage of tertiary or higher education, social transformations and paradigm shifts in health. With the curricular innovation, it was sought to configure a new university model that, without neglecting cognitive solvency and professional competence, places preferential emphasis on the training of reflective, responsible, critical, innovative and versatile subjects to guarantee universal health coverage. The main processes and strategies that were used in this curricular innovation were in accordance with the institutional policies of the universities, following the guidelines of the institutional educational models, strategic teaching objectives inserted in the strategic development plans of the universities.

Lourdes María Velázquez Lores, Carlos Mego Cubas, Gabriel Arturo Pazmiño Solys


Inventory of natural and cultural tourist attractions of Capirona community, Puerto Napo parish, Tena canton, Napo province

Sustainable tourism delivers development opportunities for the inhabitants of a territory. The potential of the tourist activities to be established in any particular place depends on the attractions found in the area, their quality, as well as the infrastructure and services associated with these attractions. This article presents the results of the tourist natural and cultural tourist attractions of Capirona Community carried out for the Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial de Puerto Napo. The methodology proposed by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism, 2017 was employed for the preparation of the inventory. The data collection field work was performed during 20 days in August 2019.  Participatory workshops were held with inhabitants and community representatives. The results show that, in the case of cultural attractions, one of the problems is the low investment made for research, documentation, publication and transmission of cultural manifestations and representations. On the other hand, most of the natural attractions have deficiencies in terms of a lack of tourist facilities, accessibility, and services, conditions that do not allow their use for the benefit of the community.

Shakira Lissett Salazar Mora, Nancy Patricia Tierra Tierra, Edison Marcelo Salas Castelo


Automation of the diagnosis of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and its health risk factors. Anthropometric evaluation in university

Production The objective of the work was to automate the diagnosis of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and its risk factors for health. An analytical cross-sectional study has been carried out in 232 students (67.24% women and 32.72% men) of the chemistry career of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) in Riobamba, Ecuador. The study was based on anthropometric measures: age, sex, height, weight, waist and hip. Subsequently, the BMI, % fat, fat distribution and health risks were established according to the WHO classification. For data analysis, a multiple regression model was used. The analysis shows that BMI has a strong association with % fat, which in turn is highly differentiated according to sex. In men: mean age (21.76 ± 2.44) years, % Fat (16.91 ± 3.99), BMI (23.37 ± 3.20) Kg/m2, and fat distribution (88.06 ± 4.97); in women: mean age (20.94 ± 1.90) years, % fat (27.34 ± 4.34), BMI (23.46 ± 3.56) Kg/m2 and fat distribution (85.16 ± 5.87). General health risks: normal 64.66%, thin I 5.17%, thin II 1.29%, thin III 0.43 %, overweight 23.70% (14.65 % women, 9 % men), obesity I 3.31 % and obesity II 0.43 %. Anthropometric indicators identify health risks that must be addressed in an emergent way in the short and medium term.

Nelly Ivonne Guananga Díaz, Freddy Román Guananga Díaz, Cecilia Alejandra García Ríos, Absalón Wilberto Guerrero Rivera


The termination of employment in Ecuador due to Covid 19

The review of information from these 6 months from the start of the pandemic in our country has as its present point of concern collects a possible mark on which could be the collective blow caused by the real health outburst of COVID19. Based on the statistics registered in estates such as the Ministry of Labor, both in social security disaffiliations and based on the apparent emotion about the job (analyzing its characteristics and madrigal, it is determined which will be the most affected groups and / or those who are They are in a more delicate work environment. The coronavirus is reaching more victims in Ecuador, among them are companies without cash flow and workers who lose their jobs due to lack of liquidity. The country had a rate of underemployment and unemployment of the 24.6 percent in December 2019. Being this one that currently has 17.5 million inhabitants and about 8.5 million are economically active, but not all produce or receive a formal salary, the crisis that we face due to this pandemic has been aggravated by the bankruptcy of companies in recent months, calculating that nearly 80,000 workers from public and private companies have been laid off in their functions and are at home without salary or severance pay.

Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera, Carlos Iván Villalva Heredia, Mónica Paulina Terán Pérez, Edison Fernando Campos Collaguazo


Leadership in global automotive production: A history of change in the industry's 130 years

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the history and evolution of the global automotive industry, the different actors and events that allowed different countries and their brands to be positioned in the leadership of the sector. From Karl Benz commercializing the first units at the end of the 19th century, to the start of Ford's mass production, which exponentially increased the production of American vehicles in favor of the North American country at the beginning of the 20th century and initiating, together with other producers, a period of more than half a century of predominance in production and exports at a global level; to the Asian automotive industry of the post Second World War that had in Japan its main exponent and with the capacity to compete and dispute the first place of the production and sales to achieve it in 2008; and finishing with the irruption of the Chinese automotive industry that applying different strategies located it as the first power in production and commercialization towards the second decade of the 21st century. Towards the end, the Ecuadorian automotive market is analyzed in an analogous way, showing the same behavior of the industry at a global level, replicating the trends. With a vast analysis of specialized sources, publications and considering an extensive bibliographic documentation; this document contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the evolution of one of the most important, dynamic and influential economic sectors of the present time, and how the different crises and wars that occurred in the previous century modified the trends of production and sale of vehicles.

Giovanny Javier Alarcón Parra, Xavier Centeno Parra, Oswaldo Villacrés Cáceres, Andrea Margarita Garrido Patrel


El método comunicativo para desarrollar la escritura en EFL

In the present research, the Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT) contributed in a practical way in the teaching – learning process due to it helped to improve the English level in the writing skill of the students of  the Language Center at “Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo.” Techniques based on CLT significantly reduced mistakes in writing and let students write texts in a clearly way. Thus, students were able to use English to write academic reports, emails, letters, and notes in English in a better way. Also, thanks to the interaction that students had through the CLT Method, the university got some benefits such as better teaching performance, writing production and academic development.   The triangulation of methods, techniques and instruments was used to obtain accurate data and intervene in the writing process. The empirical method let the researcher-teacher collect information from the students’ performance in the English class through an observation guide. Also, the Analytical Method, a Cambridge test KET, and a content analysis table (Cambridge writing rubric) were used in the research, to determine the students’ most common writing mistakes. The Experimental Method was used to contrast the results obtained in a pre and post-tests. The intervention was directly applied in the experimental group of 24 students to be contrasted with the control group.  A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis served to demonstrate the possible change in writing skill after the intervention of the researcher. All these results demonstrated the positive impact of the project on the improvement of the writing skill.

Doris Alexandra Chuquimarca Once


Comparación de la frecuencia cardíaca y la respuesta de la concentración de lactato antes y después de la finalización de la contrarreloj individual

In order to compare the response of heart rate and lactate concentration before and after completing the individual time trial test in pre-youth cycling athletes in the province of Cotopaxi, a study was carried out that had the impact of the design of a heart rate monitoring system based on lactate concentrations in the blood of cyclists. The beneficiaries are pre-young athletes from the province of Cotopaxi, as well as the body of coaches of this sport throughout the province. The study was based on the quantitative paradigms approach because the results of the field research were subjected to numerical analysis with the support of statistics. Also, qualitative because these numerical results were critically interpreted to establish conclusions and recommendations. In this same way, we unveil a feasible investigation because it guarantees the application of an eminently scientific process to determine the loads of cyclists, who in Ecuador are forced to extrapolate from other sports the evaluation tables of the training areas or otherwise they select from other countries that are neither somatotypical nor biologically equal to cyclists in the Andean region of Ecuador. The main results obtained are a series of means and methodologies for the development of speed resistance.

Juan Alcides Zambrano Estrella, Alex Israel Coque Martínez, Jonathan Roberto Rodríguez Espín, Luisa Alejandra Sánchez Arcos


Análisis de los efectos de la Técnica Piramidal Weider para el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular

The present research has as object of study, the theory and methodology in training and its field of action is based, within the strength training. In order to deepen the study of this capacity, the scope of exploration was delimited from the following objective. To analyze the effects of the Weider pyramidal technique on the muscular hypertrophy of the athletes of the Crows Gym in the city of Ambato. To guarantee the use of investigative sequences, the following actions were carried out: i) the scientific methodological sources that support the study of muscle hypotrophy and the weider pyramidal technique were examined and ii) anthropometric measurements were made before and after the application of a session of training. The scientific research approach was the quantitative product to which mathematical processing was used to assess the results of the use of the studied pyramidal technique and its possible influence on the performance of muscle hypertrophy. The fundamental methods used were synthetic, analytical, deductive inductive and measurement. The main results are a notable improvement in muscle hypertrophy performance from the application of the aforementioned technique and athletes at the time of their training must use technical varieties, each of the techniques in order to achieve the proposed objectives.

Edgar Daniel Calderón Jaramillo, Frank Ruales Mosquera, Cristian Patricio Estrella Patarón, William Ricardo Caiza Núñez


Mitigation of the thermal environment in the laundry area in the drying section of the Ambato General Teaching Hospital

In the present study, mitigation measures were established for the thermal environment in the laundry area, drying section evaluating and analyzing risks to which the Ambato General Hospital operators are exposed during their working hours. This research began with a qualitative evaluation using the matrix of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (INSHT), where risk is assessed based on parameters. The NTP 330 standard was also used, which evaluates the risks in a quantitative way. Based on these tools, the matrix proposed by the Ministry of Labor was filled out. As a result of the tools, measures that counteract the risk with a higher level of criticality are considered, this was done using the good practices established by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NTP 322: WBGT and NTP 74 Method: Fagner method. Once the measurements were made, a WBGT index of 31.02 ° C and 100% dissatisfied people were obtained. It was demonstrated that workers are exposed to thermal stress and thermal discomfort, for which a measure was proposed that considers the redistribution of the area of the drying section of the laundry area ensuring an adequate environment for workers to perform their tasks in the best way.

Cristian David Redrobán Dillon, Ángel Daniel Larrea Moreano, Tatiana Gissela Núñez Verdezoto, María Angélica Larrea Moreano


The Theory of Constraints (TOC) and its incidence on production costs. Case enterprise MIVIRN from Riobamba-Ecuador

The research article is based on the development of an improvement proposal for the construction machinery production company “MIVIRN” to minimize costs and increase its production capacity through the introduction of methods for identifying restrictions and planning production that achieve a positive impact on the productive improvement of the company. The project focused on the identification of restrictions in the concrete mixer and elevator production processes, a compilation of historical data was carried out and based on this, future demand was projected, standard and takt times were evaluated and determined. time later, the production centers were paid for through process costing and direct costing and with these data, the system restrictions were established applying the methodology proposed by Goldratt to exploit the restriction that prevents achieving a better productive performance using the line balance as a tool. process for which the required calculations were automated through “Excel” and its “Solver” tool. The methodology developed allowed the elaboration of a proposal that allowed the elimination of the restrictive process and with it reduced the productive costs in 5.46% for the concrete mixer and 9.38% for the concrete elevator, additionally increased the productive capacity of concrete elevators in a 125%, demonstrating that the methodology of optimization and production improvement with application of the theory of restrictions (TOC) is capable of significantly influencing the reduction of costs and increase of the productive capacity of the company.

Freddy Román Guananga Díaz, Juan Carlos Muyulema Allaica, Doraliza Isabel Rodríguez Sevilla, Bryan Guillermo Guananga Rodríguez


Economic evaluation of the Pucate hacienda

This evaluation was carried out in the Hacienda "Pucate" located in the sector of the same name belonging to the Chambo canton, Chimborazo province, in this work the economic evaluation of this facility was executed; the total costs for milk production on the farm were $ 178,968.28; variable costs represented 75.78% of the investment ($ 135,623.71), while 18.01% is represented by fixed costs ($ 32,236.05) and property depreciation represented 6.21% being ( $ 11,108.52), the average milk production per month reported us 37039.24 liters with an average of 87 animals in production, taking into account the fixed costs, variable costs and depreciation of goods, it was determined that the cost per liter of milk produced is of $ 0.41 cents and according to the records in that period it was marketed at $ 0.52 cents obtaining a profit per liter of $ 0.11 cents; The results indicated that the economic efficiency of the fiscal year of 2017, taking into account the one based on the study of the indices of the productive elements, decreed that the farm has a benefit / cost ratio of 1.31; which is convenient, even more so if we are aware that the dairy sector in the country is suffering a great crisis, that this important sector of the economy is about to collapse, leaving a socio-economic result of negative impact.

Fabián Augusto Almeida López, Paula Alexandra Toalombo Vargas, Julio Cesar Benavides Lara, Jhon Javier Uvidia Fassler


Culinary Costums of the Ecuadorian Highlands

The present research is originated as a result of a Gastronomy career project at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo called "Register of Culinary Traditions of Riobamba canton, as part of its Intangible Cultural Heritage. The main objective is to identify customs of the rural town, Licán, based on its festive agro calendar in order to safeguard traditions and culinary practices. An analysis was carried out from the general to the particular by using the deductive method, as well as the inductive, through ethnographic techniques such as: bibliographic review (historical documents, territorial development plans), interview to quality informants (town community leaders, senior citizens). In addition to the observation, life stories and workshops with focal groups. Licán is one of eleven rural towns of Riobamba canton, province of Chimborazo. The population, mainly adult, is established in its ancestor customs, traditions and diets. The gastronomic customs of Licán are characterized by their relationship with festivals, traditions, rituals, religion, myths, dishes with cultural backgrounds linked to past times, harvests and sowings. The world of gastronomy is made up of an extensive variety of cultures and customs. In Licán some of the festivities that currently survive have been transmitted from generation to generation, it is celebrated in different months of the year, where its culinary practices are highlighted. Through research, the conservation of some traditions that survive, as constitutive elements of the intangible cultural heritage of the parish, is confirmed.

Ana Matilde Moreno Guerra, Ronald Mauricio Zurita Gallegos, Jessica Alexandra Robalino Vallejo


Risk factors that influence the dissolution of companies in the wooden furniture manufacturing sector

This study deals with the risk factors that influence the dissolution of companies in the wood furniture manufacturing sector in the province of Tungurahua, this sector has become an economic alternative to traditional agriculture, poultry and livestock in the rural sector of the province. The main objective of the investigation is to determine the current situation of the sector in relation to the vulnerability of internal risk factors: administrative, financial, operational and strategic. The research methodology is descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational. In parallel, the research instrument was a questionnaire made up of 14 questions on the dimensions of administrative, financial, operational and strategic risks. The first 5 questions of the questionnaire are general, the The remaining 9 questions are built on a Likert scale: very low, low, medium, high and very high on the risk dimensions. The questionnaire was applied to a sample made up of 40 businessmen from the sector. The main results showed an acceptable instrument reliability by Cronbach's Alpha (0.744), most of the companies are located in the Pelileo canton (52.5%), on average they have 10 employees who carry out the operational and commercial activities in the company, 5 years of operation on average and according to the type of company most are small with 60%, the most significant risk levels in the sector are: operational (39.00%) and strategic (36.60%) which influence the dissolution of companies. 

Juan José Salguero Barrionuevo, Mario Patricio Padilla Martínez
