Generation of a service quality index for tourist food and beverage establishments

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Ana Carola Flores Mancheno
Claudia Patricia Maldonado Erazo
Jessica Cristina Bermeo García
Catalina Margarita Verdugo Bernal


Quality represents a constant challenge that must be faced by both tourism and non-tourism companies, because it depends on the evolution of the needs that the client has, for which various methods or mechanisms have been developed within the academic literature for your measurement. The present research aims to generate an index that allows evaluating the quality of the food and beverage service provided by tourist establishments in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo. The methodology used corresponds to a factor analysis that synthesizes the information of 10 criteria identified in the three most representative virtual reservation platforms in the world. The main contribution that this study provides is the generation of a much more flexible measurement method that can be adapted to the variability of quality within tourist services, and that can be replicated in other sectors.


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How to Cite
Flores Mancheno , A. C., Maldonado Erazo, C. P., Bermeo García, J. C., & Verdugo Bernal , C. M. (2020). Generation of a service quality index for tourist food and beverage establishments. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 44-57.


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