Administrative plan of mitigation in the desertion of virtual education of the Accounting and Auditing Career of ESPOCH - Morona Santiago Headquarters

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Mónica Isabel Izurieta Castelo
Cristian Fernando Campaña Días
Viviana Catalina Solís Morejón


This study reflects an analysis and assessment of the causes that generate student desertion in the virtual teaching modality in the Accounting and Auditing career of the ESPOCH Morona Santiago campus. New trends in education have led to the development of learning tools and strategies, allowing the student to achieve quality in learning levels in the same way that they did in the classroom mode. The purpose of the research was to determine the causes of dropout and group them by categories to generate retention strategies, based on administrative action plans to achieve indicators of efficiency and quality in education. An analysis of the reasons for dropping out was carried out, being the starting point for better the retention indicator applied in this study modality.


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How to Cite
Izurieta Castelo, M. I., Campaña Días, C. F., & Solís Morejón, V. C. (2020). Administrative plan of mitigation in the desertion of virtual education of the Accounting and Auditing Career of ESPOCH - Morona Santiago Headquarters . ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 322-331.


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