Validation of educational software and web application for teaching learning about renewable energies and caring for the environment for children from 4 to 5 years old.

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Edwin Fernando Mejía Peñafiel
Raúl Humberto Cuzco Naranjo
José Rigoberto Muñoz Cargua
Cecilia Patricia Basantes Colcha


Educational institutions across the country are one of the main promoters in guiding our children. The improvement of the same is in that they can be supported with a software that helps in teaching learning. The objective of the research is the validation of the instrument as an aid for the construction of knowledge in a more practical way and with a focus on the management of ICTs, without neglecting the intervention of the teacher who is in charge of directing the classes. The best way. A web application called educational software for learning renewable energy and caring for the environment is proposed. With the development of this software, more interest, attraction and enthusiasm for the knowledge of the subject under investigation was achieved in the children and also a higher percentage of success in the test cases.


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How to Cite
Mejía Peñafiel, E. F., Cuzco Naranjo, R. H., Muñoz Cargua, J. R., & Basantes Colcha, C. P. (2020). Validation of educational software and web application for teaching learning about renewable energies and caring for the environment for children from 4 to 5 years old. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 358-370.


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