The applicability of Ecuadorian legal regulations, around cantonal PDOTs. Case study of the Municipal GAD of the canton Cuenca.

In Ecuador, twelve years after the reform of the Constitution of the Republic and, after several processes of legal reforms and the implementation of new technical and legal instruments at the national level, the cantonal Autonomous Decentralized Governments are in the stage of updating the Plans of Territorial Development and Planning. This article addresses the most relevant aspects in terms of current regulations to structure and develop land use planning plans at the cantonal level, following as a sample type, the case study of the Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Canton Cuenca. To support this research, a qualitative analysis has been carried out, with the review of the main normative bodies of Ecuadorian legislation, as well as different theoretical elements and professional and academic criteria. Likewise, the conducting of interviews with experts in the area, allowed to characterize the process of updating the development plan, land use, land use and management, within the case study. The analysis reveals, in the opinion of the authors, that the Ecuadorian legal framework presents flaws that limit and hinder the exercise of powers and autonomy, guaranteed in the Constitution and the Law, on the use and management of land by the cantonal Autonomous Decentralized Governments.

Juan Andrés Carpio Arévalo


Sustainable mobility indicators, analysis and their perspectives for development in the case of the Santa Rosa canton.

Introduction. Sustainable mobility constitutes a national and local development strategy, framed in the Sustainable Development Goals agreed by UN member countries and consists of promoting and prioritizing less polluting means and modes of transport that allow satisfying the mobility needs of the population on equitable terms. Objective. Propose a base set of indicators that measure cantonal mobility with a sustainability approach, that constitute tools for decision-making by local authorities and that finally allow improving the standard of living of users and the general population; with accessibility, adequate service levels and protection of the environment. Methodology. The research design was quantitative, descriptive and analytical. The Origin / Destination survey was taken in October 2020 and it was applied in 428 homes distributed in the Canton Santa Rosa, it was consulted about the characteristics of the trips of each of the residents of the home, the number of residents of whom collected information is 1,364. Results. The main results show that the total number of daily trips in the Santa Rosa Canton is 76,327 in all modalities, by all means and for different reasons of travel; the average IPK in bus operation in intracantonal transport is 5.1; the average distance traveled by public transport is 2.6 km (63.06%), by private car 4.7 km (48.36%), on foot 0.7 km (97.53%); the modal split is as follows: urban bus 21.04%, own vehicle 16.72%, intra or interprovincial bus 10.75%, motorcycle 9.89%, passenger in own vehicle 9.73%, conventional taxi 6.91 %, on foot 6.36%, bicycle 5.10%, trike 3.77%, informal taxi 3.53%, truck or tipper 2.28%, double cab van 1.33%, Executive taxi 1.18% , single cab van 0.71%, informal van 0.55%, and school or institutional 0.16%; The main reasons for travel are to work with 43.1%, purchases 15.7% and paperwork 10.8%. It is concluded that 21.4% of the trips are made by intracantonal public transport and 11.46% are made on foot or by bicycle, values ​​that indicate a low inclination to sustainable modes of transport.

Joffre Hernán Chica Ambuludí, Viviana Verónica Carriel Bustamante, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Impact of companies on the economic development of the canton Azogues.

Introduction: This research shows the characteristics and the situations of companies (big, medium sized, and micro) in Azogues city. First, this investigation englobes the common definition about local development and companies. Furthermore, because of companies like these are the ones that impulse the economy of Azogues, it has been necessary to analyze the impact measurement models of companies in the development of local economy. Objective: Also, this research explores the surrounding conditions that leads the companies’ behavior. This point of view has been analyze considering as variables employment, sells, VAB, problems and its communal response. Subsequently, the regional analysis method called “shift-share-analysis” was used; this method considers the regional techniques that contribute with the investigation of social process in the territory and, let us evaluated the changes in the structure of activities related with the national dimension. The variables considered were sells, employment and VBA. Results: It was possible to establish that the national sells growth as well as the employments in the period of 2012-2018. The economic sectors that produce the biggest sells are the manufacture and commerce wholesale and retail. Also, in thi category are  vehicles and motorbikes business.  Conclusion: It was achievable to identify  that the companies are a stimulus actor of the local economy because it impulse the local sells as well as the employments. Also, there is an increase of the reginal variable over the national variable; in other words the economy structure of the city has a huge forceful over the national structure economy.

Chistian Fernando Ortega Flores , Christian Banegas Campoverde, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Methodology of citizen participation in the endogenous rural development process in the case of Cantón Limón Indanza

Introduction: Citizen participation in local planning activities can represent a great challenge for rural communities, due to factors such as territorial qualities, distances between communities, access to information and the use of technical language; however, participation is one of the most valuable instruments in strengthening democracies. Objective: To design a methodology that fosters greater openness to citizen participation in the endogenous rural development process of the Limón Indanza canton. Methodology: The study has a mixed approach, in which different instruments such as the survey, the interview and the focus group were applied to obtain information, while it ends with an intervention proposal through the participation methodology. Results: As main results it was found that citizen participation mechanisms are limited in the canton; there are contradictions between institutional and citizen perceptions regarding participation; and, citizens do not follow up on development projects proposed in the PDOT. Conclusion: A participatory methodology based on open government was proposed, through the LUDO model, with which the integration of organizations, social groups and actors of the Limón Indanza canton is sought.

Boris Adrián Argudo Domínguez, Yonimiller Castillo Ortega


Sustainable management model for the management of the “Tenguel Alto” water basin

Introduction: This proposal proposes the development of a sustainable management model for the management of the “Tenguel Alto” ​​watershed, given the need to solve a problem that arises in daily living in the watershed, the information of which plans to generate an instrument for the proper management of the basin. Objectives: Answer the following questions: What are the theoretical trends on the management of sustainable local development with emphasis on the management of hydrographic basins? What are the effects of watersheds on local development? What are the components of the sustainable management model of the Tenguel Alto watershed? What is the validity of the sustainable management model of the river basin according to the criteria of experts? Methodology: To answer these questions, three stages are established: a theoretical analysis, in order to conceptualize and justify the research, followed by the application of a survey to a sample of 378 participants, to know the socioeconomic reality, finally, papers are analyzed and articles published in scientific journals and conferences on the matter in order to establish the management model. Results: It is determined that 70% have a monthly income less than or equal to the unified basic salary, despite having a hydrographic basin, most of the rural population lacks potable water. Conclusion: Finally, it is concluded, responding to the questions raised, that the EARP management model should focus on an adequate administration of the water formed in the basin through strategies that involve the population in the conservation of water resources, the administration of resources water strengthening the ecosystem.

Sebastián Israel Chavez Barriga, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Territorial planning, a valuation from the prospects of endogenous rural development in the case of the Malacatos parish, of the canton Loja.

Introduction.  Endogenous development emerges as an alternative to traditional development approaches, to incorporate above all a participatory and territorial vision, which goes beyond purely agrarian perspectives and introduces social, environmental, political, economic, institutional connotations, etc.  It promotes the search for "progress" based on the assessments and interests of the key actors in the territory and making use of the material and immaterial resources of each locality.  Objective.  To determine the use of endogenous resources for rural development, which were considered in the territorial planning of the Malacatos parish in the period 2014 - 2019. Methodology. The research design was qualitative, with a descriptive-analytical scope, developed under a case study in the rural Malacatos parish.  Semi-structured interviews were applied to the presidents of the local government of the parish, both from the study period and from the current administration; and, to key territorial actors; Likewise, a documentary review of their study period planning instrument was carried out, based on a standardized assessment matrix.  Results.  The main results show that the parish has the cultivation of sugar cane and tourist activity, as determining endogenous resources and potentialities, however, the territorial planning of the period 2014 - 2019 did not manage to fully focus its interventions on the use of these key elements.  Aspects such as the legal competencies of the local government, the low level of associativity of the population, the dispersion of the participatory process and the intervention priorities due to the lack of definition of a comprehensive development model, were some of the variables that contributed in this regard. Conclusion.  The territorial planning 2014 - 2019 of Malacatos has some important characteristics to be a generator of endogenous development, however, it has not been able to fully take advantage of the territory's own / identity resources for this purpose.

Zulay Natalia Jiménez Aguilera


Evaluation of the impact of linkage with society in the case of the Odontology career of the Catholic University of Cuenca

Introduction. The projects of connection with society, implemented by Ecuadorian universities, are an opportunity of service, and an alternative of approaching their students with society, which will allow them to feel the reality of social problems and be able to propose or provide solutions to them, beyond being the link a mere fulfillment of obligations raised by the institutions of control of higher education. But for these projects to fulfill the service function and respond to the needs of society, they must be evaluated, to make corrections or adjustments if necessary, to guarantee the success of the projects. Objective. Apply a set of indicators that measure the impact of the process of Relationship with the Society of the Dentistry career of the Catholic University of Cuenca. Methodology. The research design is analytical, descriptive, and quali-quantitative of a non-experimental type. The sample is non-probabilistic for convenience, two data collection sheets were made, for the managers and for the beneficiaries with three indicators each and two structured interviews. Results. The project improved the quality of life of 66% of the patients, the care provided was very good (58.33%), this type of project is very useful for the community (91.67%) in terms of planning as well very good (52.94%), fulfillment of the objectives (64.71%), in the level of citizen participation indicator, the project was planned jointly between the university and the beneficiary institution, following up until its completion. Conclusion. It was concluded on the importance of carrying out evaluation processes of the projects of connection with the society and the evaluated project had a positive impact on the beneficiaries.

Jaime Ramiro Quezada Ortega, Christian Mauricio Banegas Campoverde, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Rural development strategy, an assessment from endogenous perspectives in the case of toquilla straw hat production, Sigsig-Azuay.

Introduction. Local development refers to the generation of coordination and organization spaces between the actors of a territory, seeking the deployment and performance of determining factors through an adequate operation whose objective is to achieve the well-being of its inhabitants. Objective. Faced with this, this research seeks to contribute with the design of a development strategy that stimulates the manufacture of hats, considering political-institutional aspects, of productive development and training. Methodology. The research is based on the collection of primary information. On the one side, in-depth interviews with influential actors in the artisanal sector and, on the other hand, surveys of producers of toquilla straw hats. For the application of the survey, a simple random sampling has been carried out. Result. The weaving of toquilla straw hats is very relevant to the local economy, especially women in rural areas of the cantonal head and in the parishes of Cuchil, Guel, San Bartolomé and Ludo. This activity represents the most important income for each of them. In this sense, the strategy proposes to generate market opportunities, diversify and expand sales channels, improve models and improve the quality of the hat. Conclusion. The manufacture of hats involves various activities, actors and factors, which pose important challenges when it comes to inserting itself as a sector in the local economic development of the canton, ranging from the search for a balance between production costs versus the sale price, the demand for the product in the market, its commercialization and institutional strengthening for its promotion. However, it can be seen that there is progress in the associations that have diversified the products, which comes hand in hand with training and institutional promotion processes for their sustainability.

Juan José Uyaguari Quezada, Dorian Damián Flores Aguilera, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Rendimiento académico de la asignatura “Metodología de la investigación científica” en las diferentes carreras de la ESPOCH sede Morona Santiago

Introduction. Academic performance is a quantitative methodology that allows to measure the amount of information received by students after having completed an academic period, which must be at least 70% to promote to the next higher grade. Objective. Determine the academic performance of the subject Methodology of Scientific Research in the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Morona Santiago headquarters. Methodology: the research was developed considering the 64 students: 32 from the Environmental Engineering career, 17 from the Zootechnical Engineering career and 15 from the Mining career; For which the academic evaluation records of the first, second, third partial and final of the period between September 2018 - February 2019 were used, the results were analyzed with the unbalanced statistical model and comparison of means according to Tukey (p<0.05). Results: The students of the Environmental engineering career in the first quarter reached an average of 7.16 / 8.00 points, being statistically different (p <0.01) from the average reached by the students of the Zootechnics and Mines career. The academic performance of the group of students from the three careers analyzed in the second and third quarter was not significant (p> 0.05), while for the final exam the highest performance corresponds to the Environmental Engineering career and the students of the career Zootechnics registered the lowest average.

Segundo Enrique Vaca Zambrano, Georing Octavio Zambrano Cardenas, Diego Iván Cajamarca Carrazco, Kathia Dayanara Loja Quichimbo


Patrones de comportamiento peatonal en relación a la calidad del espacio público en el borde del Centro Histórico de Cuenca-Ecuador

Introduction. Public space is important in the architecture of cities; however, since the 20th century, it has lost its prominence. Also, it has presented a decrease in the performance of social activities due to the appearance of certain architectural typologies. In this sense, the study of users of public space allows us to understand their needs and diagnose future urban interventions. Cuenca was declared as Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO. "El Barranco" which is the edge of the Historical Center of Cuenca and a major connector with the new planning area, is an elementary setting for social relations. Objective. Determine the influence of the quality of public space on pedestrians’ behavior patterns. Methodology. The research was quantitative, descriptive in nature, carrying out each study point of observations of pedestrian dynamics for two weeks and using a data collection form, surveys were applied to 240 users who frequent the stairways and 3337 forms were obtained. Results. Through the study of five strategic points of "El Barranco", it was determined that the quality of its public space is not good enough and this has provoked that the use of its stairways is mostly devoted for everyday activities rather than social ones. There is very little motivation to develop social activities. It was also found that the age group, nationality, and ethnicity influence on the behavior patterns of pedestrians. Of all the pedestrians who pass through the study points, it was determined that only 20% carry out social activities, 24% optional activities and 56% only use them as connection points to their daily activities.

Karina Alexandra Cherrez Rodas, Myrian Alexandra Larco Benítez, Fredy Rafael Llulluna Llumiquinga


The influence of the agroecological factor as an attribute on the brand building of the milk product

Introduction. The Agroecological is a sector little studying within the production system, given that with new technological advances, all processes have been automated, leaving aside the own and natural characteristics of the products. Objective. In the present investigation, it seeks to analyze the agroecological factor as an attribute of the milk product in the construction of the brand of farmers that produce and market agroecological milk in the canton Cuenca. Methodology. The results of the surveys applied to a sample of 384 people from the urban sector of the canton Cuenca of social class C-, D, (lower middle class, low according to (INEC, 2011)). Using data collection techniques in which structured surveys were obtained, obtaining quantitative and qualitative data, tastes and preferences, consumer characteristics were analyzed with multivariable statistical analysis, positioning maps, options and perceptions about ecological and organic. Results. The results show that 12% do not consume dairy products and 88% do consume. Additionally, results were obtained in the type of milk they consume, milk brands in the Top of Mind, positioning map in relation to milk brand attributes, and information on agroecological food. Conclusions. This research makes it known that milk producing and marketing companies, which are currently positioned in the city of Cuenca, do not care about being agroecological.

Jonnathan Patricio García Garnica, Gabriela Isabel Araujo Ochoa


Incidence of mining activity on sustainable local development in the case of the canton camilo ponce enríquez

Introduction,  The  impacts of mining are evaluated with different sets of indicators and targets at the global level. This paper presents a review of the literature associated with the mining activity from which a survey has been prepared that was applied to the actors of the mining sector of the Camilo Ponce Enríquez Canton. Objective is to analyze sustainable local development and the incidence of mining activity, identifying the essential relationships between mining activity and economic, social, territorial and environmental variables in the case of the Camilo Ponce Enríquez canton. Methodology. It should be noted that this study presents a mixed approach, since it uses more than one method for its execution, therefore, this was a cross-sectional study which allowed the identification of the essential relationships between mining activity and the different variables Results. After conducting an analysis of the entire population of the Camilo Ponce Enríquez song, a scenario of 72 people whose income depends directly or indirectly on mining was involved, dealing with the topics Economy, security, Employment, Education, Land use, territorial aspects, Demography, Environment, Human Rights. Conclusion, it must change its approach and be oriented mainly to the well-being of the citizens of the area, it must promote an economy of "circular return" and with a solidarity approach. Differentiating  them from the soils that will be used as green spaces, for agricultural production, recreation, and from the areas suitable for inhabiting.

Guillermo Esteban Matute Saquicela, Daniele Covri Rivera, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Promoting Speaking Skills in Online Environments

Introduction. The use of digital technologies as a means of instruction has transformed the way languages are learned and taught. Easier access to information, as well, makes it simpler for learners to develop reading, listening, and writing skills. However, for speaking to develop it is still necessary to think of a speaker and a listener who can both interact with each other. Currently, and as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, speaking scenarios have moved – even more so – from face-to-face environments to other spaces such as video conferencing rooms, audio messages on chat apps, video calls, among others. Objective. To establish activities that promote development of speaking in online educational settings. Methodology. This article presents a review of state-of-the-art literature illustrating how speaking could be promoted and enhanced by resorting to online environments, considering what are described as best practices. Results. Activities and ideas that could be adapted to different levels of performance, in different learning environments, are presented. Conclusion.  Taking advantage of technology and the different tools in which, it is present is without a doubt, one to the best ways in which language learning encounters a supporting means. The advent of more developed resources has allowed for improved and, in some cases, novel strategies for application in the EFL class.

Diana Carolina Campaña Días, Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema, Stalyn Alejandro Ávila Herrera., Daysi Valeria Fierro López


Valuation implications on the role of scientific research in the resizing of Higher Education.

Introduction: the knowledge society imposes on the universities the need for a paradigm shift in the training of professionals, in order to bring career profiles closer to the occupational needs in the different sectors of the administration of productive operations and services, where the use of information and communication technologies, transform the dynamics of laws and essential relationships between objects and phenomena of reality. Objective: to offer timely reflections that allow to revalue the role of scientific research in the context of higher education, as well as the approach of a set of evaluative guidelines and intrinsic qualities, which allow the reader from their area of ​​performance to redefine the role of the research you do at your university. Methodology: it is based on methods of theoretical, empirical level. Results: Scientific Research is a conscious process, determining essential laws and relationships of the research object that are independent of man's consciousness (although they are specified through it), in order to solve a scientific problem. Conclusion the traditional notion of scientific research and its procedure in the contemporary university, understanding it evolves according to the human need for new knowledge.

Sandro Oscar Muela Proaño, Luis Ricardo Villacis Monar, María Fernanda Duran Veloz, Oscar Paúl Tanqueño Colcha


Impact of influencers on students of the Faculty of Busindess Sciences of the State Technical University of Quevedo.

Introduction: the knowledge society imposes a paradigm shift in the training of professionals, considering that the occupational needs in the different sectors of the administration of productive operations and services, where the use of information and communication technologies, transform the dynamics of the Results, laws and essential relationships between objects and phenomena of reality. Objective: to identify the role and impact of the figure of the influencer in the training of students of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the State Technical University of Quevedo. Methodology: it is based on methods of theoretical and empirical level; in this sense. Results: for the sake of deepening this topic, a compilation of information has been made about the phenomenon of influencers, its evolution, features and characteristics, classifications, as well as the qualities of influences that have occurred in the area of ​​management knowledge. commercial, economic, financial and accounting Conclusion: it is determined that the influencers have communication strategy for brand positioning, which has obtained great relevance in the 2.0 panorama in a short period of time

José Fabián Fonseca Vasconez, Erika Yessenia Ballesteros Ballesteros , Hugo Andrés Vinueza Peralta


Sustainable use of the Río Blanco Micro-basin: Possible solutions from an Environmental Management Program.

Introduction. The progressive deterioration that occurs worldwide as a consequence of the indiscriminate use of natural resources and the environment, constitutes a serious problem, which demands urgent responses directed to the management and sustainability of the environment. Ecuador, regardless of the efforts made, does not escape this reality. An example of this is the use of the Rio Blanco Micro-basin, of the Penipe canton, of Chimborazo. Objective. Provide an Environmental Management Program, which allows in parallel the protection of the water resources of the micro-basin and in turn contributes to sustainable local development. Methodology. The study followed a qualitative, descriptive, non-experimental methodology, accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods. The investigative procedure was framed in three stages: Verification and diagnosis of the problem under study, determination of the objectives and strategy to be followed and design of the Environmental Management Program. Results. 1. The existence of the problem under study and the need to search for alternatives that guarantee the sustainable use of the reference micro-basin are corroborated. 2. An Environmental Management Program is provided, which, given its structure, conformation and planned schedule for its implementation, allows the protection of the water resources of the “Río Blanco” micro-basin and in turn contributes to sustainable local development. Conclusions. The conservation and proper management of environmental resources, in addition to being an extremely high priority, requires a timely intervention process, which must be supported by a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan, which favors not only the protection of water resources. , but also the sustainability and local development of the Río Blanco micro-basin ”, this will allow improving the conservation and availability of natural resources as well as the survival of the different species that make up the ecosystem, including human life.

María Soledad Nuñez Moreno, Cristina Gabriela Calderón Tapia


Connectivity and use of digital tools in English language learning among university students in times of covid-19

Introduction. The online modality has been implemented in times of COVID-19 for the development of academic activities which puts at risk the accessibility to educational environments due to the lack of digital tools and poor connectivity. Objective. To know the reality of connectivity and accessibility to digital tools of the students of the Escuela Politécnica de Chimborazo. Methodology. 136 students participated in a descriptive survey with a total of 13 questions divided into 4 categories: Place of connectivity, electronic device, connectivity efficiency and virtual platforms. Results. 35.29% of students belong to Riobamba, 86.76% of students stay at home to receive online classes, 61.76% use computers to connect to their online classes, 61.03% do not own more than one device to connect to classes, 68.03% need to share their electronic device at home, 91. 91% would choose a computer as a digital tool to attend their online classes, 77.21% did not specifically contract an internet service for their online classes, 53.28% have CNT as their provider, 47.06% have a slow internet speed and 41.18% have a fast internet speed. The quality of the Internet in 52.21% negatively affects the development of online classes in the option "sometimes". As for the platforms, 93.38% agreed that the Microsoft Team Platform is intuitive and easy to use, 51.47% use the Virtual Classroom as a means of support and 90.44% prefer the Microsoft Teams Platform for the development of their classes. Conclusion. It was concluded that not all students enjoy the same conditions of connectivity and digital tools which are necessary for a full academic development in a completely virtual environment in times of Covid-19.

Leonardo Efraín Cabezas, María Eugenia Rodríguez Durán , Patricia Pilar Moyota Amaguaya
