The applicability of Ecuadorian legal regulations, around cantonal PDOTs. Case study of the Municipal GAD of the canton Cuenca.

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Juan Andrés Carpio Arévalo


In Ecuador, twelve years after the reform of the Constitution of the Republic and, after several processes of legal reforms and the implementation of new technical and legal instruments at the national level, the cantonal Autonomous Decentralized Governments are in the stage of updating the Plans of Territorial Development and Planning. This article addresses the most relevant aspects in terms of current regulations to structure and develop land use planning plans at the cantonal level, following as a sample type, the case study of the Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Canton Cuenca. To support this research, a qualitative analysis has been carried out, with the review of the main normative bodies of Ecuadorian legislation, as well as different theoretical elements and professional and academic criteria. Likewise, the conducting of interviews with experts in the area, allowed to characterize the process of updating the development plan, land use, land use and management, within the case study. The analysis reveals, in the opinion of the authors, that the Ecuadorian legal framework presents flaws that limit and hinder the exercise of powers and autonomy, guaranteed in the Constitution and the Law, on the use and management of land by the cantonal Autonomous Decentralized Governments.


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How to Cite
Carpio Arévalo, J. A. (2021). The applicability of Ecuadorian legal regulations, around cantonal PDOTs. Case study of the Municipal GAD of the canton Cuenca. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.1), 6-21.


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