Connectivity and use of digital tools in English language learning among university students in times of covid-19
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Introduction. The online modality has been implemented in times of COVID-19 for the development of academic activities which puts at risk the accessibility to educational environments due to the lack of digital tools and poor connectivity. Objective. To know the reality of connectivity and accessibility to digital tools of the students of the Escuela Politécnica de Chimborazo. Methodology. 136 students participated in a descriptive survey with a total of 13 questions divided into 4 categories: Place of connectivity, electronic device, connectivity efficiency and virtual platforms. Results. 35.29% of students belong to Riobamba, 86.76% of students stay at home to receive online classes, 61.76% use computers to connect to their online classes, 61.03% do not own more than one device to connect to classes, 68.03% need to share their electronic device at home, 91. 91% would choose a computer as a digital tool to attend their online classes, 77.21% did not specifically contract an internet service for their online classes, 53.28% have CNT as their provider, 47.06% have a slow internet speed and 41.18% have a fast internet speed. The quality of the Internet in 52.21% negatively affects the development of online classes in the option "sometimes". As for the platforms, 93.38% agreed that the Microsoft Team Platform is intuitive and easy to use, 51.47% use the Virtual Classroom as a means of support and 90.44% prefer the Microsoft Teams Platform for the development of their classes. Conclusion. It was concluded that not all students enjoy the same conditions of connectivity and digital tools which are necessary for a full academic development in a completely virtual environment in times of Covid-19.
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