The influence of the agroecological factor as an attribute on the brand building of the milk product

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Jonnathan Patricio García Garnica
Gabriela Isabel Araujo Ochoa


Introduction. The Agroecological is a sector little studying within the production system, given that with new technological advances, all processes have been automated, leaving aside the own and natural characteristics of the products. Objective. In the present investigation, it seeks to analyze the agroecological factor as an attribute of the milk product in the construction of the brand of farmers that produce and market agroecological milk in the canton Cuenca. Methodology. The results of the surveys applied to a sample of 384 people from the urban sector of the canton Cuenca of social class C-, D, (lower middle class, low according to (INEC, 2011)). Using data collection techniques in which structured surveys were obtained, obtaining quantitative and qualitative data, tastes and preferences, consumer characteristics were analyzed with multivariable statistical analysis, positioning maps, options and perceptions about ecological and organic. Results. The results show that 12% do not consume dairy products and 88% do consume. Additionally, results were obtained in the type of milk they consume, milk brands in the Top of Mind, positioning map in relation to milk brand attributes, and information on agroecological food. Conclusions. This research makes it known that milk producing and marketing companies, which are currently positioned in the city of Cuenca, do not care about being agroecological.


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How to Cite
García Garnica, J. P., & Araujo Ochoa, G. I. (2021). The influence of the agroecological factor as an attribute on the brand building of the milk product. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.1), 198-212.


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