Impact of influencers on students of the Faculty of Busindess Sciences of the State Technical University of Quevedo.

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José Fabián Fonseca Vasconez
Erika Yessenia Ballesteros Ballesteros
Hugo Andrés Vinueza Peralta


Introduction: the knowledge society imposes a paradigm shift in the training of professionals, considering that the occupational needs in the different sectors of the administration of productive operations and services, where the use of information and communication technologies, transform the dynamics of the Results, laws and essential relationships between objects and phenomena of reality. Objective: to identify the role and impact of the figure of the influencer in the training of students of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the State Technical University of Quevedo. Methodology: it is based on methods of theoretical and empirical level; in this sense. Results: for the sake of deepening this topic, a compilation of information has been made about the phenomenon of influencers, its evolution, features and characteristics, classifications, as well as the qualities of influences that have occurred in the area of ​​management knowledge. commercial, economic, financial and accounting Conclusion: it is determined that the influencers have communication strategy for brand positioning, which has obtained great relevance in the 2.0 panorama in a short period of time


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How to Cite
Fonseca Vasconez, J. F., Ballesteros Ballesteros , E. Y., & Vinueza Peralta, H. A. (2021). Impact of influencers on students of the Faculty of Busindess Sciences of the State Technical University of Quevedo. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.1), 279-293.


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