The use of Duolingo as a Support Tool in English Language Learning
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This article explores the benefits of using the Duolingo mobile application in the classroom as a support tool in learning English as a second language in a course for students with a basic level (A1), at a public university in Ecuador. As today we know many institutions and teachers are using technology to teach their classes and it is more difficult to motivate and make students learn, for this reason, teachers are forced to look for new alternatives in order to be able to teach virtually in a single way. a way that is enjoyable for students. This article explains how Duolingo was used in English class, what activities can be done, and how it benefits students. Previous studies suggest that Duolingo is a very powerful application since this mobile application uses gamification as a learning technique, which allows students to learn through games which become challenges, creating healthy competition among students since all They compete by trying to complete the tasks, which are increased at different levels. This article also explains how the teacher assigns homework to his students and how he can keep track of each student.
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