Using crossword puzzles to improve English Level One students’ spelling skill

This paper entitled Using Crossword Puzzles to improve English Level One students’ spelling skill, aims to improve spelling skills through crossword puzzles implementation in Level A1 students at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. The research design was quasi-experimental in which two groups, the control and the experimental were involved.  For data collection, a 20 item questionnaire were designed and administered on 60 students belonging to the English Center at ESPOCH. The questionnaire was used for data collection. The research had a qualitative-quantitative approach conducted to analyze the problem, demonstrate the relation between variables, simplify and regulate the results gathered from the sample as well as the studied groups. In addition, a pre-test and a post-test were given to student to measure the effectiveness of the crossword puzzles implementation in the acquisition of the English spelling skill and data were tabulated by applying the software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The students' answers to the questionnaire showed that the attitude towards spelling skill and using of crossword puzzles was extremely positive. Therefore, the study concludes that the use of crosswords was one of the most effective ways for helping students to develop, improve and consolidate their spelling skill as well as being motivated to learn.

Angela Cecibel Moreno Novillo, Martha Lucia Lara Freire, Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga, Ana Jazmina Vera de La Torre


Grassland monitoring of the paramo a climate change measurement strategy in the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve

The Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve (RPFCH) is one of the most important protected areas in Ecuador whose fundamental objective is the preservation of the fauna and flora of the Andes, this work was carried out with the purpose of monitoring the grassland of the paramo, which is One of the eight plant formations that the reserve has to evaluate the changes that this altimontano ecosystem undergoes due to climate change, 128 orthophotos from the entire study area were used and with the help of the Arc Gis 10.1 software, everything related to cartography, for statistical analysis, the formulas of the Forest Management Manual of Andalusia were used, where the number of sample units was defined, working with 5% error and 95% certainty, optimal plots were used where the size of the approximate sample to estimate p with a limit of B for the estimation error, to inventory the flora the GLORIA methodology was used by the survey of four quadrants of 1 m2 x 1 m2 in 10 plots where the wealth, abundance, dominance and IVIE were established, the results of which were tabulated by the PAST 4.0 software, the sampling effort was validated with the help of the Eco Sim software, it was specified that the Poaceae, Asteraceae and Apiaceae families are the most dominant, alpha diversity indicated a value of 0.95 for the Simpson index and for Shannon Wiener of 3.31 high values ​​for biological diversity, a value of 0.67% in similarity Floristics (beta) Due to the large presence of Calamagrostis intermedia, the Correspondence Analysis determined two ecological niches with 23 species, adding 51.05% of the total of sampled individuals, indicating that these are the most susceptible to disappear due to global warming.

Daniel Adrian Vistin Guamantaqui, Eduardo Antonio Muñoz Jácome, Guicela Margoth Ati Cutiupala Ati Cutiupala


Financial strategies for the sustainability and growth of banco internacional agency Riobamba period 2019 - 2021

This research was carried out at the Banco Internacional Agencia Riobamba, through a situational diagnosis and comparative financial analysis in which the limited growth of financial intermediation in relation to local competition was established, within the same operating segment. The purpose of the study was to design financial strategies oriented to the growth and sustainability of the entity and therefore to the economic and social development of its clients through long-term financial relationships. In its development, various research techniques were applied, such as: a structured survey of clients in the Sierra Centro Zone, interviews with officials of the banking institution, as well as a diagnostic sheet applied to all employees of the Banco Internacional Riobamba offices. The population constitutes 1,357 clients corresponding to the different segments: executives, independent professionals, own business and companies. To determine the sample size, the proportional stratified sampling technique was used, obtaining a sample size of 300 surveys. The chi-square statistical test was applied in order to test the research hypothesis. It was concluded that the variables: independent "Financial Strategies" and the dependent "Social Economic Growth", are related, demonstrating their reliability by calculating Cronbach's Alpha to the correlation data. In this way it was verified that "financial strategies do contribute significantly to social economic growth", regarding the case study.

Hernán Octavio Arellano Diaz, Victor Oswaldo Cevallos Vique, Glenda Marisol Santillán Valle, Paulina Elizabeth Valverde Aguirre


Evaluation of cortisol and testosterone levels during the semen collection process by electroejaculator in rams with and without tranquilizer.

The most commonly used techniques for collecting semen, either for conservation purposes of genetic or reproductive material are: the artificial vagina and the electro-ejaculator. There has been controversy over the use of the electroejaculator by the scientific community due to the stress caused by this method and it would be considered to be an attempt to animal welfare. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of stress caused by the use of the electro ejaculator in rams treated with tranquilizers and without tranquilizers. Cortisol and testosterone levels were measured in sexually mature rams of the Corriedale breed between 2-3 years of age, with weights of 60-90kg. 8 collects were made to the rams, where 4 collections were administered Xylazine (2%) IV at a dose of 0.05mg / kg live weight 10 minutes before the collection, and the remaining 4 collections were not administered tranquilizer. For the determination of the hormonal cortisol levels and testosterone blood samples were taken 20 minutes after using the electro ejaculator, the hormonal levels were measured by the ELISA test. For the results analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tables were taken as reference for hormonal analyzes with and without Xylazine, as well as the Mann-Whitney parametric tests were used as a basis. The statistical tests showed no significant difference in the use of the 2 treatments, resulting in similar levels of cortisol and testosterone in the treatments.

Luis Alejandro Ulloa Ramones, Diego Alberto Ulloa Ramones


Using illustrated stories based on multiple intelligences with university students

The main objective of developing this research article is to publicize the real and didactic use of illustrated stories as a didactic instrument in University Education classrooms, following an easy, appropriate and creative way and idea to learn English that you could use in any content in the English learning process. The use of illustrated stories in a university English classroom will favor all those who are in it to create a correct atmosphere for the development of motivation, critical thinking by Atkinson (1997), and meaningful learning in Espoch university students. It is so because of this foundation that illustrated stories can be considered as a creative way of connecting student learning with society and with their real life. All over this article, we will discover the imperative characteristics and features that may happen in the English language learning process. We investigate the benefits of using illustrated tales in university students’ learning that can be settled working with multiple intelligences (MI), with artistic illustrated tales for the teaching of the English language as a didactic supply inside and outside the classroom, the ones that they will encourage the motivation, interest, and control in students. To settle, an illustrated tale was applied into an English teaching hour class in university education level to take all the important data to be investigated and to be evaluated into this research article with the important work and help of the students from the university Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo in the Renewable Natural Resources Career of the fourth semester during an English Subject II day of class in Tunshi- Ecuador to show the real importance of illustrated tales to improve Multiple intelligences and university students’ learning approach based in the English learning process in university students.

Gilma Alexandra Gordillo Obregón, Ángel Paul Obregón Mayorga, Mónica Alejandra Logroño Becerra, Edgar Eduardo Heredia Arboleda


Compliance with legal rules in the merits contest and opposition of the ecuadorian educational system

This article includes the process of the contest of merits and opposition in which professionals in education from all over the country participate, to obtain a destination in the public teaching through the program of the Ministry of Education affected "I want to be a teacher". Systematization is manifested to obtain eligibility divided into a merit phase and an opposition phase supported by current regulations and the Information System oef the Ministry of Education (SIME). The modality is bibliographic and field, the purpose of this research is to identify compliance with legal regulations. This is indicated by the Organic Law on Intercultural Education (LOEI) in the second chapter of the merits and opposition contest to fill vacancies for public teachers, in order to see the development and transparency of the process. For this purpose, a self-assessment questionnaire was designed that includes 10 questions, 7 of which are open questions; and 3 questions of alternatives with a section to detail the selected option. This questionnaire was applied to 10 teachers from various institutions that participate or participate in the contest. From the results there are 3 profiles (high, medium and low) in knowledge about the application of legal regulations. The results that the investigation shows are the transparency of the process, which takes a long time to complete its phases according to the established schedule and also the ignorance of the bonuses

Luis David Velasco Almachi, Estefanía del Rosario Ortega Araus Ortega Araus, Raúl Yungán Yungán Yungán Yungán, Verónica Janeth Tenelema Toapanta
