Using crossword puzzles to improve English Level One students’ spelling skill
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This paper entitled Using Crossword Puzzles to improve English Level One students’ spelling skill, aims to improve spelling skills through crossword puzzles implementation in Level A1 students at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. The research design was quasi-experimental in which two groups, the control and the experimental were involved. For data collection, a 20 item questionnaire were designed and administered on 60 students belonging to the English Center at ESPOCH. The questionnaire was used for data collection. The research had a qualitative-quantitative approach conducted to analyze the problem, demonstrate the relation between variables, simplify and regulate the results gathered from the sample as well as the studied groups. In addition, a pre-test and a post-test were given to student to measure the effectiveness of the crossword puzzles implementation in the acquisition of the English spelling skill and data were tabulated by applying the software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The students' answers to the questionnaire showed that the attitude towards spelling skill and using of crossword puzzles was extremely positive. Therefore, the study concludes that the use of crosswords was one of the most effective ways for helping students to develop, improve and consolidate their spelling skill as well as being motivated to learn.
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