Evaluation of cortisol and testosterone levels during the semen collection process by electroejaculator in rams with and without tranquilizer.
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The most commonly used techniques for collecting semen, either for conservation purposes of genetic or reproductive material are: the artificial vagina and the electro-ejaculator. There has been controversy over the use of the electroejaculator by the scientific community due to the stress caused by this method and it would be considered to be an attempt to animal welfare. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of stress caused by the use of the electro ejaculator in rams treated with tranquilizers and without tranquilizers. Cortisol and testosterone levels were measured in sexually mature rams of the Corriedale breed between 2-3 years of age, with weights of 60-90kg. 8 collects were made to the rams, where 4 collections were administered Xylazine (2%) IV at a dose of 0.05mg / kg live weight 10 minutes before the collection, and the remaining 4 collections were not administered tranquilizer. For the determination of the hormonal cortisol levels and testosterone blood samples were taken 20 minutes after using the electro ejaculator, the hormonal levels were measured by the ELISA test. For the results analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tables were taken as reference for hormonal analyzes with and without Xylazine, as well as the Mann-Whitney parametric tests were used as a basis. The statistical tests showed no significant difference in the use of the 2 treatments, resulting in similar levels of cortisol and testosterone in the treatments.
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