Mobile-learning as a strategy for academic reinforcement in the teaching-learning process of mathematics.

Introduction. Considering that low school performance in the area of ​​mathematics affects and worries the Ecuadorian educational system, the implementation of virtual strategies that contribute to the performance of students, in the cognitive process, autonomy and experience is essential. Objective. Determine the incidence of Mobile - Learning as a strategy for academic reinforcement in the teaching-learning process of mathematics. Methodology. It corresponds to the non-experimental quantitative modality with a longitudinal design and with a correlational explanatory descriptive scope, the deductive-inductive method is attributed; In addition, the survey technique is validated (Maiza, 2018), for this purpose the SPSS Statistical Program is applied, with the Likert Scale: totally disagree (1), disagree (2), neither agree nor disagree (3), agree (4), totally agree (5), with a reliability of 0.953. The sample under study includes 60 students from 10 to 12 years of age, who study sublevel 3: 5th and 6th grades of basic general education. Results. 63% of teachers do not strengthen the interaction between technology, motivation and knowledge, 48% do not use ICT, 50% do not corroborate in the understanding of conceptualizations, 68% do not use the computer, do not access the social networks and the Internet. Once the potential of Mobile - Learning is known. Conclution. The analysis shows that there is an increase from 35% to 100% that the use of active strategies will improve the development of logical and mathematical thinking.

Jorge Enrique Ortiz Acuña, Galo López Sevilla


The self-concept and social skills of Psychopedagogy students (Technical University of Ambato) during the health emergency

Introduction. In the present study it is highlighted that people strengthen their personality through their self-concept and the acquisition of social skills, components that favor the assimilation of procedures, the development of skills, and reflection, articulating conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal knowledge to cope with a changing world. Objective. To determine the influence of Self-concept on the social skills of leveling students, first and second in the Psychopedagogy career of the Technical University of Ambato during the Health Emergency. Methodology. This research has a qualitative-quantitative approach with a documentary and field bibliographic review through the application of the Test AF-5 Self-concept Form 5 and the Gismero Social Skills Scale. The RHO-Sperman statistic shows a slight inverse correlation between the Physical Self-Concept dimension and the Anger Expression area. Outcome. Chi-square approves the hypothesis: Self-concept IF affects the Social Skills of leveling students, first and second in the Psychopedagogy career during the Health Emergency. Based on the research, it is concluded that the students have a Medium Self-concept and Low Social Skills. Conclusion. The Department of Student Welfare is suggested to make use of it so that university students can raise their level of Self-concept and Social Skills, which will help them develop and function in different contexts such as: academic, social, personal and professional and so on. Meet your proposed goals in a specified time.

Bermeo Ochoa Joseline Andrea, Luis René Indacochea Mendoza, Gladys Alexandra Cadena Peralta, Melida Patricia Ochoa Guallpa


The recreational games as way to stimulate the memory in scholars with intellectual disability

All the societies and especially in Cuba they recognize educational and formative value that has the recreational games as part of the development of the processes physique, psychological and cognitive of the scholars with intellectual disability. This it is conceived like an indispensable tool where the professor of Physical Education can work the necessities of his scholars like part of the correction y/o compensation, leaving essentially of his potentialities. With the result that the objective of the investigation is: to elaborate a program of recreational games that contributes to stimulate the memory in scholars with intellectual disability of the special school Camilo Cienfuegos. Methods of the theoretical, empiric and mathematical level were applied; those that allowed determined the theoretical and methodological historical, relating antecedents that sustain the study object, the revision of the clinical files, observations and interviews. In this study one could the characteristic psycho-pedagogical of the sample study object as well as to determine that the memory was the critical route in the psychic development of the same ones, for this one worked with an intentional sample of 18 scholars, to those that were applied a battery of recreational games in a period of time of 10 months. The results reached in the investigation demonstrate that the proposed recreational games contributed to the stimulation of the memory and other psychic processes of these scholars with intellectual disability and they can constitute a tool for the professors of Physical Education and educational psychologists of this school.

Dania Pérez López, Omar Alvarez García, Reymer Sánchez Alberich, Efraín Velasteguí López


STEAM approach as an improvement in the braille teaching/learning process for the visually impaired in Cuenca.

In the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, the pandemic has hit hard affecting the main areas: economic, political and social. As a consequence, several vulnerable groups of the population have been forced to change their way of life, the population group that is the focus of this work are people with visual impairment. They manifest a degree of impairment to a greater or lesser extent to the perception of light in the ocular system, causing them not to distinguish clearly objects around them, hindering their quality of life. As a consequence, their other senses, for example, touch and hearing, become more acute. In order to be included in the social and work environment, they must learn a means of communication that allows them to perform autonomously with society, for this reason, they learn the Braille system, which consists of six dots located in two columns and three rows, Braille integrates letters, numbers and signs. Learning this system is complex at the beginning, even more so using traditional methods such as the ruler and the stylus. Objectives: To design an electronic device to improve the Braille teaching-learning system for people with visual disabilities. Methodology: The descriptive methodology is applied with a quantitative approach, non-experimental type and to obtain greater precision in the results, it is used longitudinally, to facilitate the adaptation of the individual with the technological device, STEAM is integrated to the teaching-learning process. Contributions: This article aims to achieve as a result that people with visual impairment not only learn letters and numbers, but also acquire more autonomous skills in their instruction and thus in the future the project would benefit the inclusion in different areas of society.

Mateo Elian Buestán Abril, Henry David Curillo Suin, Galo Patricio Hurtado Crespo


Role of the family in the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An indissoluble nexus

Introduction. The arrival of a child in the family is a reason for great happiness; But when the child is born with some type of disability, multiple concerns, challenges and uncertainties are generated that are difficult to resolve early. In the case of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, due to their characteristics, together with their parents' ignorance, it is very complex to attend to them properly Objective. Develop a System of Workshops for the guidance, counseling and support of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, included in Higher Basic Education. Methodology. The research followed a mixed, descriptive, field approach, with the use of theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as the survey, interview and documentary review. The sample under study consisted of 4 students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, from two Educational Institutions in the North of the City of Guayaquil. Results. 1. Through the bibliographic review, the importance of the role of the family in the processes of care and educational inclusion of cases with Autism Spectrum Disorders is systematized, highlighting the indissoluble link between the family component and the processes of educational inclusion. 2. A System of 15 Workshops is provided, containing guidelines for the advice and support of parents with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders included in Basic Education. Conclusions. The care and inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders continues to constitute a great challenge for both the family and educational environment, the solution lies in achieving harmony between the role of the family and the educational institution that receives it; This implies guiding and advising families in a timely manner so that they can offer favorable levels of support to their children and maintain the link between them, school and home.

Jorge Andres Monje Santana


Análisis de factores socioeconómicos en la participación de los padres en el contexto educativo ecuatoriano

Introducción, la familia es el eje sobre el cual la estructura social se desenvuelve, y es por eso que investigar como la familia participa en la vida escolar de los niños se va convirtiendo al pasar de los años en algo de importancia, es necesario conocer cómo se desarrolla la participación desde algunas de las variables que pueden influenciarla. Objetivo, relacionar si la participación de los padres en las actividades escolares tiene algo que ver con la escolaridad, ocupación, género, estado civil, edad de los padres, la región, sector y tipo de sostenimiento de la escuela en la que estudian sus hijos. Metodología, se realizó una investigación de campo de tipo transeccional de alcance descriptivo, para comprobar los niveles de relación, entre las variables de este estudio se utilizó la prueba chi cuadrado con el software estadístico R Project. Resultados, se encontró como principales resultados que las variables escolaridad (2.255e-12), ocupación (9.578e-13), género (6.43e-15), estado civil (0.04333), sector (0.0006822) y tipo de sostenimiento de la escuela (0.0001065) tienen relación con los niveles de participación de los padres, mientras que la edad de los padres (0.2975), y la región (0.6784) no tienen niveles de relación significativos. Conclusión, se concluye en el estudio que el nivel de participación de los padres en el contexto educativo ecuatoriano es alto, se deben tomar en consideración las variables que se relacionan de manera positiva o negativa para mejorar los procesos escolares que necesitan de esa colaboración conjunta.

Morayma Jimena Bustos Yépez, Lourdes Elizabeth Navas Franco, Fernando Sebastián Vega Buenaño
