Knowledge, habits, confidence levels for solving mathematical problems in pedagogy students

Introduction. Mathematics is one of the disciplines that include a series of contents that on many occasions are difficult for students to understand, hindering their learning, and the acquisition of skills and abilities that are necessary in their academic life and in all kinds of social contexts. -educational. Objective. Analyze the knowledge, habits and levels of confidence for solving mathematical problems in students of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences of Mathematics and Physics at the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" in Esmeraldas. Methodology. It has a quantitative approach, a bibliographic, field and analytical research is applied. The method implemented is the deductive one, the sample used corresponds to 45 students belonging to the Pedagogy career. Results. The results obtained conclude that knowledge, habits and confidence levels influence the resolution of mathematical problems in this group of students; This is because the previous mathematical knowledge that the student possesses allows him to strategically approach the problem that needs to be solved, while habits contribute to the development of skills and abilities necessary in this activity, likewise the level of confidence can contribute In solving mathematical problems, then, if the student feels calm and trusts in their abilities, they show a positive attitude to develop this activity for the benefit of their own personal and academic formation. Conclusion. It is concluded that knowledge, habits and confidence levels influence the resolution of mathematical problems in students of the Pedagogy Career, Experimental Sciences of Mathematics and Physics of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres".

Gonzalo Efrén Hidalgo Portocarrero, Patricio Alejandro Merino Córdova, Byron Fabricio Estupiñan Cox, Omar Edison Tapia Aguilar


Accounting management as a determining element in the sustainable development of Mipymes

Introduction, MSMEs are the main business fabric in the world, these organizations are the product of the existence of a business idea that starts from the need to satisfy something and is undoubtedly materialized with the work of whoever creates them, such as the entrepreneur. According to the legislation of each country where they are located, MSMEs are organizations that are classified by some criteria, one of the main ones is their size, which allows them to be grouped into micro, small and medium-sized companies, which, although they represent a basic pillar in the economies of the countries in which they put their business mission into practice have limitations, one of which is the lack of accounting management, which makes it easier for them to satisfy the variety of people's requirements without affecting the needs of future generations. Objective. Determine if accounting management is a determining element in the sustainable development of MSMEs. Methodology. The type, focus, and scope were non-experimental, qualitative-quantitative, and descriptive. The population taken for the analysis was 969 MSMEs from the Guaranda, from this number a sample of 369 organizations emerged. The information was the result of the application of the survey and the questionnaire, the latter was validated in relation to the reliability of the questions through the collaboration of 5 highly prestigious experts. Results. The owners of MSMEs do not have basic notions about accounting, but they are aware that accounting management is a determining element to bring out essential business skills to achieve a balance between the economic, social and environmental contexts. Conclusion. The scarce accounting knowledge has meant that managers do not reveal elements inherent to sustainable development.

Karina Johanna Iza López


Sexuality in adolescents: A Comparative gender analysis

Introduction: Adolescence involves multiple processes of human development with biological and physiological changes that are psychologically complemented by sexuality. Objective: This research's main objective was to compare the knowledge regarding sexual education adolescents between female and male gender at Unidad Educative Santa Rosa. Method: a quantitative gender comparison was made in 193 First Year High School students. The comparison was made with the use of a survey composed of 15 questions which were divided into three main sections such as generalities and concepts of terms, namely gender, sex, sexual education as a human right; prevention of teenage pregnancy; and, other sexuality issues such as minority groups, and sexual harassment. The data obtained were consolidated and compared with a gender perspective. Results: the results obtained indicate a greater knowledge of sexuality by the female respondents; however, in general, there is little knowledge on these issues. Conclusions: after this process, it is concluded that there is a better knowledge of sexuality topics in the female population; however, there is an urgent need to propose an educational intervention with a sexuality approach with the students at Unidad Educative Santa Rosa.

Angelica de Jesús Valencia Valencia, Mayra Cristina Mena Mena


Emotional intelligence develops successful collaborators in the organizations

Every day we found more evidence than it allows us to confirm that a correct academic formation based on the psychological area that it includes, management of the emotions that go from the childhood, aid greatly to develop emotional intelligence like “the capacity to adapt to the different scenes from the life”. Objective, to analyze the influence that has emotional intelligence in the labor performance of the collaborators/workers within the organizations and knowledge in what emotional level is to manage to harness the performance level. Methodology, one treats to apply descriptive, bibliographical and reflective a methodology, that would help employees of a company to mobilize and to fortify the emotions to prover in them their development, plan of race and systemic formation. On the other hand, the application of the empathy would be due to foment where we recognize the emotions of the others to be able to include/understand the different situations that cross our next ones (family, friends, fellow workers or related others). Results, conscience in  the modern companies for recruitment and contract collaborator with a “great dose” of emotional intelligence for one better coexistence and then they can fit with the diversity that exists at the present time on subjects: generational, cultural, sort, politician, social, religious, etc., this without a doubt will hit in the enterprise culture, productivity and yield. It was demonstrated, that the qualification programs and formation in several workers increased to a 25% the average of emotional intelligence and with this the social abilities a 50%. Finally, it was demonstrated that 65% of the labor success must to a good use of emotional intelligence, not only with itself, but with the others. 

Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín, María Cristina Araque Salazar, Verónica Elizabeth Villarroel Jácome, Tania Magdalena López Villegas


Analysis of the carbon footprint in flexible pavement roads (asphalt): Second order roads in the province of Azuay

Objective. Determine the major pollutants generated during the construction and maintenance stage of the Minas Tablón Pucará highway project. Methodology. 1 km of track was analyzed and all the factors generated by the activities during all phases of the project were established, using the SimaPro software and the ReCiPe Midpoint methodology, different phases were distinguished as definition of the approach and limits of the system , inventory, impact analysis and interpretation of the results, with the guidelines of the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, the environmental impacts were identified and evaluated during all stages of the life cycle. In addition, through the geographic information system ARC-GIS, the shapes of the Ministerium Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 25k, 2018 and the georeferenced points taken in the field, the coverage and land use corresponding to the area where the project is located was determined. Results. Among the results with the highest contamination is the maintenance stage, which generates a high rate of climate change (67.1%), fossil depletion (68%), particulate matter (94.1%) and human toxicity (90.2%). Conclusion. During the maintenance stage, human interventions are more periodic so more contamination is generated, in addition, the study route is asphalt so it presents more chemicals and compounds, even with regard to the construction methodology generates an increase in emissions that contribute considerably to global warming and climate change.

Pablo Esteban Beltrán Castro, Karla Belén García Molina, Carlos Julio Cordero Cabrera


Entrepreneurship management and its incidence of community-based tourism promotion

Community-based tourism is part of a productive strategy for a globalized economy and a research object that provides key elements for study within national and international Pymes programs. This research aims to design a tourism entrepreneurship management model to improve the community-based tourism promotion in the Vinces canton of the Los Ríos province. These processes identify conjunctural variables that feed initiatives to take advantage of the agro-industrial productivity of this geographical area, expanding complementary business possibilities with local and foreign strategic allies. The data obtained through surveys carried out with 200 people, dedicated to entrepreneurships in the cacao sector, reinforce the information on quantitative and qualitative indicators of change and border business connectivity with the quality of tourism products. The interviews conducted with community leaders generate controversy over the efforts made to improve the national and foreign market. The communities demand the fulfillment of firm commitments with the State and with international organizations that integrate the cacao market as a policy of economic reactivation through community-based tourism and the generation of a management model. Entrepreneurs say that it’s necessary to steer their ideas towards circular projection concepts, in terms of technical advice, framed in the synergy of productive businesses complementary with agricultural activities. In Ecuador, community experiences are enhanced by reducing the discriminatory gap on vulnerable groups in recognition of their collective millenary memory.

Glenda Alejandra Parra Cerezo, Fredy Leonardo Ibarra-Sandoval


Beliefs of women victims of violence who belong to a high social stratum in the Province of Tungurahua, Ecuador

Introduction. Violence against women has been a latent social phenomenon in Ecuador, there is a prevalence of 64.9% of emotional, physical, psychological violence and neglect towards women throughout their lives. Women victims of abuse from the upper socio - economical class are not included in social, psychological or legal studies, because they do not file complaints, making it difficult for researchers to focus their attention on studying this issue. For this reason, there is a need to investigate the beliefs held by these women victims of violence and thus contribute to the state of the art. Target. identify personal, family and social beliefs about the violence to which women from the upper socioeconomic strata are subjected. Methodology. It is research of qualitative approach, of nonexperimental type and with descriptive and exploratory scope because it intends to search, specify properties, characteristics and important features through semi-structured interviews to analyze them and identify the beliefs of this population. We had a sample of 10 women between 25 and 60 years. Results. The results were obtained that women of high socioeconomic strata maintain beliefs based on different categories such as: personal, family and social, on the situation of violence of which they were at one time victims and that such beliefs, they continue to keep them in that condition of life. Conclusion. It is concluded that women victims of violence who belong to a high social stratum maintain personal, family and social beliefs.

Shirley Katherine Argotti Pilataxi, Ana Elizabeth Jaramillo Zambrano


Life cycle analysis applied for environmental assessment in the reuse of rigid pavement. Case study via Cuenca- Giron- Santa Isabel

Introduction: The state road network is exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters, and climate change increases the risks of destruction, threatening current and future infrastructure. The geographical location of Ecuador and its geomorphology make the roads of the national network prone to threats of earthquakes, landslides, floods and volcanic activity, conditions that generate interruptions in activities and services that depend on the national road network, added to this, the fact that many roads have already fulfilled their life cycle. Objective: The objective of this research is to analyze the possible environmental impacts that could be reduced with the reuse of rigid pavement, on the Cuenca-Giron-Santa Isabel road, applying the Life Cycle Analysis tool. Methodology: The standardized methodology of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) was used, as established by ISO 14040, using the SimaPro 9.1.1 software, licensed by the Catholic University of Cuenca, using the cml-ia baseline evaluation method, and the Ecoinvent database, which allows the analysis of impact categories. Results: The results show that the categories with the greatest contribution to environmental impacts are: Abiotic depletion (80%), Global Warming (40%), Abiotic depletion (fossil fuels) (50%), Human toxicity (80%), Marine aquatic ecotoxicity (30%), Freshwater aquatic ecotox (30%), and the stage that contributes most to environmental pollution is the stage of transport of heavy cargo with 80% of emissions this due to the consumption and product of the combustion of diesel and other fuels. Conclusion: The reuse of rigid pavement if it presents less environmental impacts, however, the use and consumption of fuel would determine its feasibility in terms of the costs generated for the reuse of the pavement that has fulfilled its life cycle. The LCA methodology can be used as a tool with certain limitations, for environmental assessment and feasibility for dissemination in the country.

Sandy Tamara Orellana Albán, Diego Fernando Coronel Sacoto


Learning individual volleyball techniques: an experience from leisure activities

Introduction. The teaching-learning of different sports in the context of School Physical Education constitutes a fundamental issue, hence the Physical Education curriculum in Ecuador integrates within the Sports Practices curricular block, the teaching-learning process of various sports, Volleyball being one of the sports that students must learn. In an observation carried out at the Eloy Alfaro Educational Unit "of the Canton Chone, specifically in the 10th year of Basic General Education, it was possible to detect limitations in the teaching process of individual Volleyball techniques in online mode, causing difficulties in the learning of the students evidenced in inconsistencies in the execution of individual techniques and poor fluency in games. Objective. To verify the validity of recreational activities in the teaching-learning process of individual Volleyball techniques in online mode. Methodology. The research followed a mixed approach, of an experimental type with the use of theoretical and empirical methods that allowed to solve the problem under study through the development of five phases (diagnosis, documentary review, elaboration, application and validation). Results. 1. Scientific theory the importance of recreational activities in s Physical Education teaching-learning processes, showing in practice its usefulness in learning individual techniques of Volleyball in online mode. 2. The validity of the recreational activities carried out as a viable alternative to improve the teaching-learning process of individual Volleyball techniques in online mode was confirmed. 3. A game program is provided that, given its structure, is feasible to be applied and widespread. Conclusions. The planned objectives were met, providing a program of recreational activities that is valid to improve the learning of individual techniques of Volleyball in the online mode.

Gabriela Maricela Álava Párraga


Tourist planning strategy and the participatory functions of stakeholders in the province of Los Ríos

Introduction. In recent years, the tourism planning strategy of Stakeholders at the international level has begun to rotate from the administration, it has had a considerable shift in governance, one of the main characteristics, the agents involved in the sector are integrated into the processes, decision-making, management and evaluation of the results of the public administration, expanding its favorable participation and effectiveness in the sector. In Ecuador, the strategic planning of tourism and the functions of the Stakeholders are unified and organized in a line of commercial coexistence, with the use of participatory diagnostic technological tools, becoming a necessity for the optimal development of tourist destinations, these agents are considered important for the creation of new policies and procedures in the tourism field. The objective of this work is to identify tourism planning strategies to define the roles of Stakeholders in these activities. Methodology. The research followed a descriptive methodology, with the use of theoretical methods and documentary review, the deductive method was also used to identify the direct beneficiaries of this research, surveys were applied to 10 professionals in the tourism field of the Province of Los Ríos, who stated that they did not know the actors that have to do with the tourist activity identified in a strategic tourism plan. Results. Tourism in the Province of Los Ríos is a sector that has been positioning itself as a destination irregularly, since the tourist attractions, tourist plant do not provide the conditions to provide a service according to tourist requirements. Conclusions. The limited notion of administration in the public sector towards the locality has produced little emphasis on the development of this activity, limiting the population towards other horizons of local and national productivity.

Christian Rivera García, Glenda Parra Cerezo, Alicia Zavala Santana
