Emotional intelligence develops successful collaborators in the organizations

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Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín
María Cristina Araque Salazar
Verónica Elizabeth Villarroel Jácome
Tania Magdalena López Villegas


Every day we found more evidence than it allows us to confirm that a correct academic formation based on the psychological area that it includes, management of the emotions that go from the childhood, aid greatly to develop emotional intelligence like “the capacity to adapt to the different scenes from the life”. Objective, to analyze the influence that has emotional intelligence in the labor performance of the collaborators/workers within the organizations and knowledge in what emotional level is to manage to harness the performance level. Methodology, one treats to apply descriptive, bibliographical and reflective a methodology, that would help employees of a company to mobilize and to fortify the emotions to prover in them their development, plan of race and systemic formation. On the other hand, the application of the empathy would be due to foment where we recognize the emotions of the others to be able to include/understand the different situations that cross our next ones (family, friends, fellow workers or related others). Results, conscience in  the modern companies for recruitment and contract collaborator with a “great dose” of emotional intelligence for one better coexistence and then they can fit with the diversity that exists at the present time on subjects: generational, cultural, sort, politician, social, religious, etc., this without a doubt will hit in the enterprise culture, productivity and yield. It was demonstrated, that the qualification programs and formation in several workers increased to a 25% the average of emotional intelligence and with this the social abilities a 50%. Finally, it was demonstrated that 65% of the labor success must to a good use of emotional intelligence, not only with itself, but with the others. 


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How to Cite
Santillán Marroquín, W. E., Araque Salazar, M. C., Villarroel Jácome, V. E., & López Villegas, T. M. (2021). Emotional intelligence develops successful collaborators in the organizations. ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.1), 67-80. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i4.1.1926


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