Application of the BIM management methodology in the water conduction channel of the Chiticay - Paute irrigation system

Introduction: This research investigates the most relevant programs used in the BIM management methodology worldwide to manage civil projects in terms of linear infrastructures, this information allowed to propose the implementation of this methodology in the management of the irrigation system Chicticay-Paute to optimize the cost of the work with the efficient use of material and human resources. Objective. Obtain information from bibliographic sources and experts distributed in Europe and America on the tools used for BIM management in civil construction processes focused on drinking water networks. Methodology. It began by conducting a survey of different BIM, hydraulic and road specialists who are involved in this type of management from different countries in Europe and America to verify which are the most accessible tools and which gives the best results for the development of the third, fourth and fifth dimension of project management. In addition, a bibliographic review is carried out on investigations that implement the BIM methodology to complement the data presented by the experts and verify the level of maturity in the use of these tools in different countries. In addition, a section of the canal was modeled and the exact items were quantified to optimize the resources and time of the aforementioned irrigation system. Results. From the data obtained by the research tools and the bibliographic review, it was found that BIM technology reduced the costs of executing works for the reconstruction of the canal by 13.08 dollars in the 20 meters analyzed, while, in the 17 km that owns the total dimension of the channel is calculated a saving of $ 11,118.00 dollars. In addition, time is optimized in the design and construction in the change of the hydraulic section of the channel. Conclution. It is concluded that the BIM methodology is suitable to be applied in several irrigation systems in the province of Azuay to save resources and interconnect several management processes in a single collaborative system in real time.

Chica Guzmán Carlos Adrián, Diego Fernando Coronel Sacoto


Profitability of the implementation of photovoltaic panels in relation to the average consumption per home in the 4 natural regions of Ecuador

Introduction. Technological development is an important part of the global framework of our development, in addition to negatively affecting all ecosystems, we also consume a large part of the resources. Therefore, fundamental measures must be taken to counteract this reality. One of these actions is the application of more self-sustainable constructions in current homes, such as photovoltaic panels. Objective. Evaluate the profitability of the application of the photovoltaic panel system with a view to the sustainability of the building in an economic way. Methodology. In the present study, it was based on the elaboration of an Excel book in which the different calculation methods of the sustainability system are applied based on subsequent comparisons of the behavior of the photovoltaic panels, as previously mentioned it was established in 4 different areas of the country that is Costa; Sierra Oriente and Insular, based on the solar radiation of each area. Results. Among the results in the areas where the implementation of photovoltaic energy occurs based on the average consumption per dwelling, it is not economically feasible, given that to recover the initial investment, the useful life of the equipment is exceeded, which is 20 years. which accumulated savings reaches a value of 8,046.36 USD and recovering the investment at 31 years. Conclution. As for the generation of energy in our country, it is at its peak, so it is not necessary to install photovoltaic panels in places where electricity is generated in a sustainable way, except for affordable electricity. However, the effectiveness of implementing these systems lies in areas where they cannot be accessed.

David Ricardo Merchán Sacoto


Criteria for selecting qualified labor for a construction project of sewerage and drinking water networks in the city of Cuenca

Introduction: In order for civil constructions to be completed within the specified deadlines and not incur high costs due to delays, it is necessary to have a qualified workforce that is capable of executing the construction actions with high quality standards in the established times. It is for this reason that it is necessary to identify the necessary characteristics that applicants must possess before assembling the workforce. Objective: Determine selection criteria for qualified labor for civil constructions focused on drinking water and sewerage networks. Methodology: To meet the objective, a bibliographic compilation on selection criteria and factors that affect the productivity of labor in civil projects began. With this information, we proceeded to develop a data collection tool to apply them to a population of civil engineers in the city of Cuenca to inquire about the characteristics that, in their perception, they consider important to consider a worker as qualified. Results: Among the most relevant results, it was determined that the factors of the workforce such as physical condition, age, health and build are not the only determinants to qualify the workers. Conclusion: With all the above raised, it was concluded that the empirical knowledge and skills that the workforce can offer has the same relevance as physical condition and health.

Nelson Santiago Urgilés Martínez, Juan-Carlos Ortega-Castro


Desarrollo de la capacidad de lectura a través de la metodología CLIL

Introducción. A mediados de los años 90, como resultado de las políticas lingüísticas adoptadas en Europa para mejorar las habilidades lingüísticas de sus ciudadanos, surgió un nuevo enfoque para el aprendizaje de idiomas, este fue denominado Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (CLIL). Con la misma visión, dentro de los cambios realizados en su política educativa, desde 2016 Ecuador implementa este enfoque en su currículo de lenguas extranjeras. Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evidenciar la efectividad del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua (CLIL) en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en contraste con el aprendizaje tradicional de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) en el primer año de Bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Riobamba. Metodología. El estudio basado en un método cuantitativo de diseño cuasi experimental se lo aplicó en dos momentos: pre y pos-test. Con el propósito de identificar las diferencias estadísticas en el proceso de comprensión lectora entre los dos grupos de estudiantes, se aplicaron textos de lectura CLIL a una población de 60 estudiantes, de los cuales 30 estudiantes representaron el grupo de control y los otros 30 conformaron el grupo experimental. El grupo de control fue evaluado luego de utilizar el libro de texto como único material de clase y, el grupo experimental, fue evaluado luego de recibir las clases CLIL utilizando sus correspondientes materiales. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que, al final del proyecto, los estudiantes del grupo experimental lograron alcanzar un desarrollo significativo en comprensión lectora y vocabulario. Conclusión. Así entonces, a través de este trabajo de investigación se determinó que el uso de textos CLIL influyó directamente en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora y requiere que los docentes comiencen a utilizar este enfoque.

Gabriela Margarita Ramírez Casco, Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga


Management of operational risk factors in the institutions of the popular and solidarity financial system

Introduction: in the 21st century there are some risks to which the institutions of the Popular and Solidarity Financial Sector are exposed, such as the Savings and Credit Cooperatives COAC's, one of them is the operational risk that must be managed an efficient way to minimize its nascent impact of four factors that make it up: people, processes, information and communication technology and external events. Objective. Determine the degree of management of operational risk factors in the institutions of the Popular and Solidarity Financial System based on Resolution No. SEPS-IGT-2018-0279. Methodology. The approach, design, type and level of research was mixed considering qualitative and quantitative elements, not experimental, descriptive and documentary. The population was made up of six COACs belonging to segment 1 of the city of Guaranda, from which no sample was drawn due to a reduced group. To collect the information, the technique and the survey and questionnaire instrument were used in that order. The questionnaire was subjected to a validation process developed by ten experts in the field to determine with consistency and reliability. Results. The investigation revealed that the COAC¨s are managing operational risk factors based on Resolution No. SEPS-IGT-2018-0279. Organizations are managing the four operational risk factors according to the tools available to them. Conclusion. The COACs are managing the operational risk based on the regulations issued by the Regulatory Bodies.

Karina Johanna Iza López, Darwin Vladimir Rivera Piñaloza, Oscar Paúl Tanqueño Colcha


Evaluation of the gold (Au) reserves in the alluvial terraces of the San Vicente sector

Introduction: In the Amazon region of Ecuador, there are alluvial gold deposits that are extracted by local communities. under the modality of artisanal mining permit, granted by the Ecuadorian State; as is the case of the San Vicente sector, Patuca parish, in Morona Santiago. The extraction is carried out empirically without a prior technical study. For this reason, the field work includes the prospecting of an area of ​​41.7 ha, a model was made determining with the areas with positive mineralization to be used and finally a method of exploitation is proposed. Objective. Carry out the evaluation of the gold (Au) reserves in the eluvial terraces of the San Vicente Sector, through a technical analysis in order to adopt exploitation systems according to the geological and mineralogical characteristics and the quantity and quality of the mineral existing in the deposit. eluvial. Methodology, consisted of sampling, washing and concentrating of eluvial materials; with a pan and the 10 kg concentrated material, to detect the presence of minerals such as gold (Au); according to the color chart procedure. Results: • In the alluvial terrace, the volume calculation is established by the method of profiles of high concentration mineralized strata in 159,461.98 m3 with a content of 0.56 gr / m3 and reserves of 89,298.70 grams of gold, medium concentration 100,486 , 86 m3 with a content of 0.085 gr / m3 and reserves of 8,541.38 grams of gold, low concentration 29,657.25 m3 with a content of 0.016 gr / m3 and reserves of 474.51 grams of gold, obtaining total proven reserves of 98,314 , 59 grams of gold. Conclution. • Strip start-up and hydraulic start-up have a lower operating cost than strip and mechanical start-up, but with greater investment in mitigation and environmental control works.

Marco Antonio Mejía Flores, Jenny Priscila Granja Carrera, Faustino Ampam Tsenkush Chamik


Evaluation of radiotherapeutic treatments with different dosimetric systems

 Introduction: The AMEPLAN system is used for the dose calculation in radiotherapeutic treatments, in the radiotherapy service of Matanzas City. This system reduces considerably, the dosimetric calculation time. However, it is based on one-dimensional calculations (punctual), looking down on the effects present in all the irradiated volume, except some concessions in the dose determination of the irregular fields module, which allows visualizing the isodosis curves on a surface. Moreover, the use of 3D dosimetric planning systems, allow a qualitative leap in the prosecution of the dose calculation. Objective: to show the differences between the use of the AMEPLAN and the 3D planning systems. Methodology: dose calculations with both planning systems were done, for which its was taken into consideration the same techniques used in the annual control tests cases and commissioning for source changing. Measurements were performed in order to compare dose in each case calculated by both systems. Some plannings were performed on ideal patients in a second phase, simulating pathologies that allow the use of some of the techniques employed in the radiotherapy services in Matanzas in order to compare the treatment times of both systems.  Results: Calculations were performed taking into account a dose of 200cGy to be given in all the cases, with equal field dimensions and radiotherapeutic techniques in both dosimetric systems, which allowed compararing the real measured dose, with those calculated by them. Conclusions: With the use of 3D calculation systems, the approximation of the prescribed dose by the radiotherapist turns more real since it provides anatomical information of CAT images and makes possible to define various treatment volumes and organs at risk.

Cristina de los Ángeles González Rodríguez, Alexander Torres Hernández, Dairan Torriente Díaz


Newspaper transition in Ecuador from 1906 to 2016, daily case study El Comercio

Introduction: El Comercio is an Ecuadorian newspaper that is 115 years old in the market. It is an independent newspaper that has evolved together with printing, technology, communication and the market. The Commercial Group in 2006 published a book in which it collects the first page of its publications for 100 years. Objective: The objective of this research is to determine the evolution of the newspaper El Comercio by applying the fundamentals of diagraming and composition to identify the handling and accommodation of text and image on the cover of its publications in these 110 years of history. Methodology: The qualitative methodology based on an observation sheet has been used, 14 publications are analysed, considering: the date of publication, the format ( descriptive graph applying a grid), the fundamentals: typography, colour and composition; the grid elements and a conclusion of the analysis carried out. Results: As a result, it is evident that each publication has its quality as the type of grid, the use of the typography, the color, the organization and distribution of the information that adapts to the necessity of the time when it was published. Conclution: It can be concluded that since the first publication has worked on an organized and functional composition, the fundamentals of design are used in one of them, the use of typography, color and composition transcends to organize and hierarchize each compositional element used, it is evident t he evolution until 2016 that reaches a functional publication for both a printed medium and a digital medium.

Ana Lucía Rivera Abarca, Héctor Oswaldo Aguilar Cajas, Heidy Elizabeth Vergara Zurita, Erika Nataly Alvarado Ramos


Structured programming algorithm, focused on the detection and intelligent counting of vehicles at an intersection

Introduction. The use of Matlab is approached through the creation of an algorithm with structured programming, implementing a software that determines the presence and classification of vehicles that pass through a road through a camera, considering it a traffic problem at peak hours. Objective. To propose an algorithm coded in Matlab that allows to recognize through a video the different cars on a road according to their dimensions. Methodology. The implemented methodology is a hybrid between software development and intelligent systems development. 8 tests were carried out to establish if the algorithm presents us with the expected results in the recognition of different cars, using tools and functions that come with Matlab. Results. The applied algorithm gives a margin of error of plus minus 8%, but to reach this it had to go from an error in the first test of 80% to 7.5% of it, since it is still necessary to make some adjustments in the performance of the algorithm with respect to the dimensions of the vehicles, especially when we have more of them and of different types. Conclusion. The importance is that based on this intelligent application, you can process videos that are captured from a camera at the intersection of the roads, with this you can obtain vehicular flow with up to 92% effectiveness, classification of vehicles daily and at peak hours . I consider that it is a very useful tool so that the problem of vehicular flow has a solution.

Edwin Fernando Mejía Peñafiel


Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) in the analysis of consumer behavior in the purchase of dairy products

Introduction: The study of consumer behavior has made it possible to address various multivariate techniques applied in the area of consumer psychology, economics, marketing, tourism and education, trying to explain the behavior of consumers when choosing a certain product and its influence on decision-making. Objective: In this sense, the present study aims to analyze consumer behavior when buying dairy products in the city of Riobamba, in the middle of a sanitary situation that involves the whole world. Methodology: Through the use of non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS), starting from a hierarchical matrix related to the importance of the most influential attributes when choosing a dairy product, the multidimensional analysis was optimized through a SMACOF algorithm implemented in the free software RStudio. Results: Consequently, the results obtained allowed to distinguish 2 dimensions, where the relevance of each variable with the consumer behavior at the time of purchase, the brand is definitely far from the rest of variables, being the aspect of less importance for the consumer, Conclusions: it was possible to distinguish a group of factors that associate and confirm that the taste, quality and nutritional value are the most important attributes, the price is a factor that represents a medium importance at the time of purchase of dairy products. It is demonstrated that the Multidimensional Scaling technique can be used in marketing studies on consumer behavior as an alternative to other multivariate techniques.

Paulina Fernanda Bolaños Logroño, Fernando Ricardo Márquez Sañay, Carmen Elena Mantilla Cabrera


Stochastic mathematical model to diagnose water and sediment quality in areas influenced by oil activity in the province of Orellana.

Introduction. Contamination of water by heavy metals due to oil activity constitutes one of the problems of greatest concern at the local, regional and global levels, since it constitutes a danger to aquatic biota and human health. Objective. Determine the stochastic mathematical model to diagnose water and sediment quality in areas influenced by oil activity in the province of Orellana, Methodology. Data was collected through the 24 monitoring points currently active within the province, in the case of sediments, except Mini Culebra station, because they do not have data for the established years 2015-2019. The concentrations of the non-conservative compounds under study were recorded, such as: cadmium, nickel, lead and total petroleum hydrocarbons, through descriptive statistics, the river or natural channel of the first order (Napo river) and the second order (river Payamino, Coca River, Jivino River, Huamayacu River, Blanco River and Sacha River). Results. Once the mathematical model was applied in the SWAT modeling, it indicated that the TPH cover a greater range of sedimentation with a concentration of 18,704.4 to 90080 mg / ha in most micro-watersheds, the sedimentation of (Ni) ranges from 1332.68 to 1512.34 mg / ha. With the highest concentration in the micro-basins of the north and central-east zone, the concentration of (Pb) ranges from 269,948 to 323.55 mg / ha in the micro-basins of the north zone, and lastly (Cd) which is the pollutant with the lowest sedimentation presents with a concentration of 49.49 to 187.88 mg / ha, Conclusion. The data obtained exceed the carrying capacity, assuming a virtual accumulation of said pollutants analyzed in the rivers, so it is recommended to establish an environmental management plan for the control and treatment of hydrocarbon emissions caused by oil activity in the province of Orellana.

Carlos Rolando Rosero Erazo, Fausto Manolo Yaulema Garces, Jorge Luis Yaulema Castañeda


Experimental techniques to characterize photoconductive materials

Introduction. Photoconductive materials are those that, when exposed to electromagnetic radiation, vary their electrical conductivity. Its applications are diverse and highly valuable in science and industry. Among the experimental techniques used to characterize these materials are scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, ray diffraction, the tunneling effect, among others. Objective. It presents a documentary review of the experimental techniques for the characterization of photoconductive materials. Methodology. The methodology was qualitative, related to the review of scientific papers, articles and texts, which allowed establishing an approximate state of the art in this field of study. Results. Among the relevant results, it was found that the characterization depends on the nature of the material and the source of electromagnetic radiation that is used to stimulate it, such as the intensity of the light, the frequency, the number of photons, among other properties. it is possible, with due caution, to use photoconductivity as a diagnostic tool in the study of new materials and electronic devices. Also, it was observed that the majority of samples analyzed and classified reveal a tendency to increase photoconduction, in addition to the use of numerical methods to carry out virtual experiments assisted by computer simulations, whose usefulness lies in the corroboration of the results obtained. by the empirical and analytical route.

Cristian Daniel Arambulo Almendariz, Luis Santiago Carrera Almendáriz


Financial measures in the business environment, to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Introduction. The financial field is the main means of reference for topics related to the economy, constituting a fundamental basis in business by recognizing the value of the information regarding the obtaining and efficient use of money over time. Objective. To analyze the role of the financial system in the Coronavirus crisis Methodology. The research design was based on the positivist research paradigm, type of research based on a non-experimental and transectional field design with documentary support, descriptive research level, the population was 77,289 and the sample 471, the questionnaire instrument was used, the same was validated through the judgment of experts with experience in the financial, accounting and methodology areas, qualifying validity, clarity, coherence and relevance. Results. Regarding the importance of the deferral of debt payments that affected MSMEs, 50.53% stated that this measure ordered by the Monetary Policy and Regulation Board was important, while 25.69% stated that it was very important, and if we combine these trends we have 76.22%, which means a financial relief to the sudden cut in their income and therefore in their ability to meet their payments, it was necessary then to opt for the deferral, 17.83% remained neutral to the deferral of payments for loans granted by financial institutions, 5.10% stated that it was not very important, while 0.85% maintained that it was not important, since they did not consider this benefit under the new conditions because in the end they would end up paying the capital and interest over a longer period of time. Conclusion. The banking sector has to rise to the occasion, guaranteeing the liquidity and financing that companies need, hence the importance of the financial sector to support the country's economy.

Edison Becerra Molina, Gina Cuadrado Sánchez, María Eliza Flores Flores


The food routes: a tourist strategy based on the Ambato’s culinary identity

Introduction. This research is focused on the canton Ambato, which is considered as the largest collection center in the central area of the country, having a fertile land has the advantage of being a purely productive city achieving a growth in image and identity based on its culinary history being this a differentiating factor from the other cities of Ecuador. Objective. Generate a food route with axis in the revaluation of the Ambato’s gastronomic identity, enhancing the kitchen in the tourist activity, becoming a preponderant factor in the motivation of choice of destination, due to the fact that the premise is increasingly evident: "you travel to eat". Methodology. A prospective descriptive research is developed applying a methodological model FAVA-SENA for the elaboration of the tourist route that embodies the Ambatos’s food identity, carrying a historical knowledge through the traditions that each of the preparations has. Results. The representative dishes of the city give rise to the so-called "Route of the Agape", in search of giving a different meaning, that is, to create a fraternal link between the gastronomy and the tourist, which has an 83% of acceptability among the studied population. On the other hand, a nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed obtaining a significance of 0.000 thus affirming the hypothesis raised. Conclusion. The tourist routes based on the identity of the food mark in the traveler an unforgettable experience and promote the tourist activity of the sector.

María Verónica Montalvo - Moncayo, Maria Fernanda Viteri - Toro, Camilo Francisco Torres - Oñate, Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez - Guerrero


The purification of wastewater. Studies of solutions for the municipality of Ambato. Ecuador.

Introduction. The quality of wastewater treatment is essentially important for the protection of the environment and the survival of life on the planet. In the city of Ambato. Ecuador does not have an adequate strategy and technology that meets the parameters established by the regulatory entity for these purposes. Objective Provide a proposal for a solution containing the design of a station for the purification and improvement of the quality of wastewater in the city of Ambato. Methodology. The methodology was descriptive, prospective diagnosis, accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods. Results. 1. The design of a station for the purification of wastewater in the city of Ambato is provided. Ecuador; Its characteristics allow to guarantee its reliability and usefulness in solving the problem under study. 2. The wastewater treatment processes differ in each case, given their differences in origin-effluents, agricultural drains, municipal or industrial discharge, implying a correct selection of the technology to be used. 3. It should be planned to incorporate sludge treatment into wastewater treatment, making up the comprehensive set of water and sludge treatment. 4. The effectiveness of the Biodisco alternative is evident, constituting the solution with the best performance in terms of technologies and benefits. Conclusions. The selection of the technology to be used in wastewater treatment plants must be coupled with environmental, economic and long-term sustainability concepts, as an essential component for compliance with the parameters established by the regulatory entity for the protection of the environment. environment and quality of life on the planet. 2. Among the most effective solutions with the best performance, the Biodiscos solution alternative should be evaluated, due to its high degree of technological effectiveness and its contribution to the practical solution.

Santiago Andrés Ortiz Montero, Galo Wilfrido Núnez Aldás, Alex Gustavo López Arboleda, Alex Xavier Frías Torres
