Management of operational risk factors in the institutions of the popular and solidarity financial system
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Introduction: in the 21st century there are some risks to which the institutions of the Popular and Solidarity Financial Sector are exposed, such as the Savings and Credit Cooperatives COAC's, one of them is the operational risk that must be managed an efficient way to minimize its nascent impact of four factors that make it up: people, processes, information and communication technology and external events. Objective. Determine the degree of management of operational risk factors in the institutions of the Popular and Solidarity Financial System based on Resolution No. SEPS-IGT-2018-0279. Methodology. The approach, design, type and level of research was mixed considering qualitative and quantitative elements, not experimental, descriptive and documentary. The population was made up of six COACs belonging to segment 1 of the city of Guaranda, from which no sample was drawn due to a reduced group. To collect the information, the technique and the survey and questionnaire instrument were used in that order. The questionnaire was subjected to a validation process developed by ten experts in the field to determine with consistency and reliability. Results. The investigation revealed that the COAC¨s are managing operational risk factors based on Resolution No. SEPS-IGT-2018-0279. Organizations are managing the four operational risk factors according to the tools available to them. Conclusion. The COACs are managing the operational risk based on the regulations issued by the Regulatory Bodies.
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