Financial measures in the business environment, to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Edison Becerra Molina
Gina Cuadrado Sánchez
María Eliza Flores Flores


Introduction. The financial field is the main means of reference for topics related to the economy, constituting a fundamental basis in business by recognizing the value of the information regarding the obtaining and efficient use of money over time. Objective. To analyze the role of the financial system in the Coronavirus crisis Methodology. The research design was based on the positivist research paradigm, type of research based on a non-experimental and transectional field design with documentary support, descriptive research level, the population was 77,289 and the sample 471, the questionnaire instrument was used, the same was validated through the judgment of experts with experience in the financial, accounting and methodology areas, qualifying validity, clarity, coherence and relevance. Results. Regarding the importance of the deferral of debt payments that affected MSMEs, 50.53% stated that this measure ordered by the Monetary Policy and Regulation Board was important, while 25.69% stated that it was very important, and if we combine these trends we have 76.22%, which means a financial relief to the sudden cut in their income and therefore in their ability to meet their payments, it was necessary then to opt for the deferral, 17.83% remained neutral to the deferral of payments for loans granted by financial institutions, 5.10% stated that it was not very important, while 0.85% maintained that it was not important, since they did not consider this benefit under the new conditions because in the end they would end up paying the capital and interest over a longer period of time. Conclusion. The banking sector has to rise to the occasion, guaranteeing the liquidity and financing that companies need, hence the importance of the financial sector to support the country's economy.


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How to Cite
Becerra Molina, E., Cuadrado Sánchez, G., & Flores Flores, M. E. (2021). Financial measures in the business environment, to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 211-231.


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