Consequences on employment due to the impact of COVID-19, in the business environment of Region 6
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Introduction. The work environment is the activity that people carry out either as a duty or an activity dependent on the profession to cover their needs and desires, as the result of the interaction of motivational factors and salary. Target. Analyze the effects on employment in times of pandemic in MSMEs through an analysis of the strategies adopted by employers and the measures taken by the government. Methodology. The research design started from the positivist research paradigm, non-experimental and transectional field design with documentary support, descriptive research level, the population was 77,289 and the sample 471, the questionnaire instrument was used, it was validated by trial of experts with experience in the labor area and methodology, qualifying validity, clarity, coherence, and relevance. Results. The reasons for dismissing workers due to the presence of COVID-19 were 40.55% did not have to resort to this measure, however, the main causes for which personnel were dismissed 23.57% opted for untimely dismissal, 12.53% resigned, 11.04 % termination of employment contract, 5.52% termination of the job, 4.03% due to company liquidation, 2.76% took retirement. It was possible to show that there is a high percentage of people who ceased their functions due to the suppression of their activities, these measures were assumed by the business owners due to the temporary nature of the pandemic that resulted in large losses and casualties in the sale of its products and services, due to the temporary suspension of its activities, which led to countless layoffs and closure of companies. Conclution. The negative effects on the economic aspect that the pandemic brings, show that employment has been affected, by the increase in unemployment and underemployment, by the closure and reduction of wages and less access to social protection, however, the prompt The government's response mitigated this panorama through a series of public policies.
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