Evaluation of radiotherapeutic treatments with different dosimetric systems

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Cristina de los Ángeles González Rodríguez
Alexander Torres Hernández
Dairan Torriente Díaz


 Introduction: The AMEPLAN system is used for the dose calculation in radiotherapeutic treatments, in the radiotherapy service of Matanzas City. This system reduces considerably, the dosimetric calculation time. However, it is based on one-dimensional calculations (punctual), looking down on the effects present in all the irradiated volume, except some concessions in the dose determination of the irregular fields module, which allows visualizing the isodosis curves on a surface. Moreover, the use of 3D dosimetric planning systems, allow a qualitative leap in the prosecution of the dose calculation. Objective: to show the differences between the use of the AMEPLAN and the 3D planning systems. Methodology: dose calculations with both planning systems were done, for which its was taken into consideration the same techniques used in the annual control tests cases and commissioning for source changing. Measurements were performed in order to compare dose in each case calculated by both systems. Some plannings were performed on ideal patients in a second phase, simulating pathologies that allow the use of some of the techniques employed in the radiotherapy services in Matanzas in order to compare the treatment times of both systems.  Results: Calculations were performed taking into account a dose of 200cGy to be given in all the cases, with equal field dimensions and radiotherapeutic techniques in both dosimetric systems, which allowed compararing the real measured dose, with those calculated by them. Conclusions: With the use of 3D calculation systems, the approximation of the prescribed dose by the radiotherapist turns more real since it provides anatomical information of CAT images and makes possible to define various treatment volumes and organs at risk.


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How to Cite
González Rodríguez, C. de los Ángeles, Torres Hernández, A., & Torriente Díaz, D. (2021). Evaluation of radiotherapeutic treatments with different dosimetric systems. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 111-125. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i3.1770


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