Evaluation of the gold (Au) reserves in the alluvial terraces of the San Vicente sector

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Marco Antonio Mejía Flores
Jenny Priscila Granja Carrera
Faustino Ampam Tsenkush Chamik


Introduction: In the Amazon region of Ecuador, there are alluvial gold deposits that are extracted by local communities. under the modality of artisanal mining permit, granted by the Ecuadorian State; as is the case of the San Vicente sector, Patuca parish, in Morona Santiago. The extraction is carried out empirically without a prior technical study. For this reason, the field work includes the prospecting of an area of ​​41.7 ha, a model was made determining with the areas with positive mineralization to be used and finally a method of exploitation is proposed. Objective. Carry out the evaluation of the gold (Au) reserves in the eluvial terraces of the San Vicente Sector, through a technical analysis in order to adopt exploitation systems according to the geological and mineralogical characteristics and the quantity and quality of the mineral existing in the deposit. eluvial. Methodology, consisted of sampling, washing and concentrating of eluvial materials; with a pan and the 10 kg concentrated material, to detect the presence of minerals such as gold (Au); according to the color chart procedure. Results: • In the alluvial terrace, the volume calculation is established by the method of profiles of high concentration mineralized strata in 159,461.98 m3 with a content of 0.56 gr / m3 and reserves of 89,298.70 grams of gold, medium concentration 100,486 , 86 m3 with a content of 0.085 gr / m3 and reserves of 8,541.38 grams of gold, low concentration 29,657.25 m3 with a content of 0.016 gr / m3 and reserves of 474.51 grams of gold, obtaining total proven reserves of 98,314 , 59 grams of gold. Conclution. • Strip start-up and hydraulic start-up have a lower operating cost than strip and mechanical start-up, but with greater investment in mitigation and environmental control works.


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How to Cite
Mejía Flores, M. A., Granja Carrera, J. P., & Tsenkush Chamik, F. A. (2021). Evaluation of the gold (Au) reserves in the alluvial terraces of the San Vicente sector. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 94-110. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i3.1766


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