Role of the family in the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An indissoluble nexus

Introduction. The arrival of a child in the family is a reason for great happiness; But when the child is born with some type of disability, multiple concerns, challenges and uncertainties are generated that are difficult to resolve early. In the case of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, due to their characteristics, together with their parents' ignorance, it is very complex to attend to them properly Objective. Develop a System of Workshops for the guidance, counseling and support of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, included in Higher Basic Education. Methodology. The research followed a mixed, descriptive, field approach, with the use of theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as the survey, interview and documentary review. The sample under study consisted of 4 students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, from two Educational Institutions in the North of the City of Guayaquil. Results. 1. Through the bibliographic review, the importance of the role of the family in the processes of care and educational inclusion of cases with Autism Spectrum Disorders is systematized, highlighting the indissoluble link between the family component and the processes of educational inclusion. 2. A System of 15 Workshops is provided, containing guidelines for the advice and support of parents with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders included in Basic Education. Conclusions. The care and inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders continues to constitute a great challenge for both the family and educational environment, the solution lies in achieving harmony between the role of the family and the educational institution that receives it; This implies guiding and advising families in a timely manner so that they can offer favorable levels of support to their children and maintain the link between them, school and home.

Jorge Andres Monje Santana


Teacher awareness in efficient processes of educational inclusion

Basis. Inclusion in education is a right of students with Special Educational NEEADds, when accessing formal educational institutions, the learning processes are complex due to multiple factors that are not consistent with the basic requirements to include them efficiently. One of the aspects of greatest incidence for inclusion is teacher awareness, which is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome when the institution lacks the mechanisms to improve the capacities of teachers. Objective. This scientific article was written with the objective of analyzing teacher awareness processes for the implementation of efficient educational inclusion. Methodology. It is a non-experimental, descriptive research, based on the analysis of the results of an interview applied to 10 teachers linked to the inclusion processes of students with Special Educational NEEADds. Results. The first part of the work reviews the legal aspects related to educational inclusion and the mandatory nature of its application, emphasizing the duties and rights of the actors in the educational process, the second part of the article breaks down the opinion of the teachers interviewed considering the role of the institution in the inclusion processes; the treatment that should be given to the curriculum as an essential factor of sensitization for inclusion; It also deals with the ways in which the support to the students was carried out. The role of parents in the process was considered and the institutional resources to carry out educational inclusion were analyzed. All of this was discussed with the results of other investigations. Conclusions: The NEEADds for educational inclusion depend on a great diversity of factors that make this process complex; Inclusion requires institutions to change infrastructure, resources and programmatic training for teacher awareness.

Mercedes Jacqueline Aranda, Cecilia del Carmen Jiménez Sánchez


Comparative analysis of the motor development of children of 4 and 5 years old in urban and rural educational contexts

Introduction. The adequate development of motor skills is an important factor for a correct adaptation of the child, this process is aimed at strengthening skills in order to lay the foundations so that subsequent learning that involves motor skills will be easier for the student. According to the guidelines of education in Ecuador, this factor must be standardized and respond to the mandatory curriculum established for initial education. However, the conditions of educational centers in urban and rural settings are influenced by different environmental, social and pedagogical factors. Objective. Establish if there are important differences in the acquisition of motor skills according to urban and rural learning environments. Methodology. For this, a study was carried out in 160 children from urban and rural schools, to which a test was applied to measure the level of gross and fine motor development, the results obtained were contrasted with the data obtained from a focus group made up of boys. family, teachers and technical specialists. Results. Statistical results indicate significant differences for gross motor skills, but there are no significant differences in fine motor skills. Conclusions. The findings found indicate that gross motor skills vary depending on the environments and based on the students' needs to adapt to them. Key Words: Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Urban Environment, Rural Environment, Motor Development

Jessica Paola Colcha Concha, Carolina Elizabeth San Lucas Solórzano


Virtual education and its impact partner - economic in the educational students and of an educative unit

The pandemic caused by Covid -19 has left consequences of high impact in all the fields of the society and the education is not free of this impact. Therefore, the educative managers and leaders have had to redefine their practices and models doing it virtual and using the technology by means of the different platforms from the communication. Objective. To define with clarity the impacts at economic and social level in the educational families and of an educative unit, to use different suitable resources and to promote the adaptation to the new educative system and to obtain better advantage of the education in these more vulnerable sectors of the society. Methodology. The paradigms by the type of study were applied, that it requires like instrument of data collection, the survey by means of google forms by the present conditions that do not allow a field study. 2 surveys were made, first second a 31 of plant of the educative unit in study took place to 198 parents of educational family and. As tool to process the data were used SPSS version 24. Results. A strong affectation in the students is observed when having a learning level that goes between the 51%-75%, thus agreeing educational parents and when assuring that they would like to return to the actual modality; educational 61% of and 55% of students have problems of connection by the Internet; it has had to invest in the purchase of some computer for the virtual classes; stress is the main problem  for students with educational 27% and with 31% and basically in the case of the students in its free times they are dedicated to tasks of the house or of using the cellular one not with educative aims but through games that generate addiction in youth. Conclusion. The pandemic has generated a new form of education as much for the families as for the educational ones and shows the adaptation capacity before a scene that had to arrive in gradual and nonsudden form.  

Hólguer Rodrigo Altamirano P, Vilma Janeth Cadena P, Bella Eloísa Arias V


Recreation in adolescents. Its importance in biopsychosocial development: A theoretical-descriptive approach.

Introduction. The biopsychosocial development and comprehensive care of adolescents includes multiple actions, within which Recreation occupies a fundamental place; Especially if we bear in mind that worldwide the indices of chronic non-communicable diseases are growing disproportionately, many of these due to the scarce practice of physical, sports and recreational activities. Objective. Systematize the theories related to the importance of Recreation in the biopsychosocial development of adolescents for the improvement of intervention strategies and implementation in practice. Methodology. The research followed a descriptive methodology, supported by the Systematic Literature Review (RSL), with the use of theoretical methods and the documentary review of different sources and databases between 2000 and 2021. Results. 1. It was possible to delve into the generalities and importance of Recreation and its incidence in comprehensive care and biopsychosocial development of adolescents, establishing general guidelines to consider for the implementation in practice of intervention strategies through Recreation, as an essential component for the progress of physical, motor, social, behavioral and cognitive skills of adolescents. 2. The need to work on the selection of recreational activities from the perspective of diagnosing the tastes, motivations and interests of adolescents was confirmed. Conclusions. Adolescence is a time of great change that requires permanent attention. The inclusion and participation in recreational activities properly planned and in correspondence with the tastes and preferences of adolescents constitute an effective alternative to prevent the appearance of possible diseases and enhance their biopsychosocial development. The joint responsibility that is achieved by all those involved in developing quality recreational strategies, including adolescents, will guarantee the success and fulfillment of the objectives to be achieved.

Cristhian Steven Morillo Hurtado, Stevens Mauricio Cajiao Narváez, María Lorena Sandoval Jaramillo



Introduction. Children with intellectual disabilities present problems in the development of basic motor skills, negatively influencing the inclusion processes. Considering the benefits that sports practice has for the achievement of their skills and especially Karate-Do, the research is aimed at. Objective. To determine the influence of the practice of Karate-Do on the development of motor skills in children with intellectual disabilities, from the Centro de Desarrollo Integral el Niño Fundación Tierra Nueva. Methodology. The research was of a correlative, quasi-experimental type, accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods. The sample consisted of 28 children, with intellectual disabilities, to whom the Ozeretski Guillman Test was applied in two pretest and posttest moments. Determined the results of the pretest, 4 weeks of intervention were carried out by applying a Karate-Do Session Program, using the Kihon technique. Subsequently, he made a second measurement (post-test), to assess the development achieved in the following skills: Oculo-manual coordination, general dynamics, postural control and balance. Results. 1. It was demonstrated through the application of the Student's t test that when comparing the results derived from the initial and final measurements, there was a significant difference in the means of the levels achieved in the motor skills of the children. 2. It is appreciated that the applied program had very positive effects on the development of motor skills of students with intellectual disabilities, with special interest in children with Down syndrome. Conclusions. The effectiveness of the program carried out through the practice of Karate-Do based on the Kihon technique as a viable alternative for the integral development process of children with intellectual disabilities, with an emphasis on their motor skills.

Cuzco Yamasca María Angelica, Rodríguez Muñoz Solange Stephanie, Caicedo Merizalde José Guillermo


Illustration of the legends of the city Riobamba, as a strategy for strengthening the cultural identity in the child population.

Introduction This research corresponds to the third phase of the research project "Illustration of Riobamba legends as a strategy for strengthening identity in the child population of the Riobamba canton.", Objective Which objective to develop illustrations of the legends of the city ​​of Riobamba. For this, a general investigation was carried out which the historical, social and cultural context of each legend was established. Methodology After this, a detailed study of each legend was carried out, which consisted of an investigation in which information was investigated in various sources: a bibliographic investigation in which different versions of the legends of various authors were obtained; a field investigation in which visits were made to the environments where the events are believed to have taken place; Also, interviews were conducted with citizens from the places, and with expert historians of the city who provided precise and detailed data. All information was recorded in technical files, this process was replicated in each of the legends. Results Once the material was obtained, the illustrations were created, starting with the reading and understanding of the legend, later, the fragmentation of the story to establish the visual narrative and the choice of the appropriate narrative elements to tell the story and finally the development of illustrations applying digital illustration techniques. As a result, 6 illustrated legends were obtained.

Rosa Belén Ramos Jiménez, Edison Fernando Martínez Espinoza, Fabián Alfonso Calderón Cruz, Miriam Elizabeth Erazo Rodríguez
