Virtual education and its impact partner - economic in the educational students and of an educative unit
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The pandemic caused by Covid -19 has left consequences of high impact in all the fields of the society and the education is not free of this impact. Therefore, the educative managers and leaders have had to redefine their practices and models doing it virtual and using the technology by means of the different platforms from the communication. Objective. To define with clarity the impacts at economic and social level in the educational families and of an educative unit, to use different suitable resources and to promote the adaptation to the new educative system and to obtain better advantage of the education in these more vulnerable sectors of the society. Methodology. The paradigms by the type of study were applied, that it requires like instrument of data collection, the survey by means of google forms by the present conditions that do not allow a field study. 2 surveys were made, first second a 31 of plant of the educative unit in study took place to 198 parents of educational family and. As tool to process the data were used SPSS version 24. Results. A strong affectation in the students is observed when having a learning level that goes between the 51%-75%, thus agreeing educational parents and when assuring that they would like to return to the actual modality; educational 61% of and 55% of students have problems of connection by the Internet; it has had to invest in the purchase of some computer for the virtual classes; stress is the main problem for students with educational 27% and with 31% and basically in the case of the students in its free times they are dedicated to tasks of the house or of using the cellular one not with educative aims but through games that generate addiction in youth. Conclusion. The pandemic has generated a new form of education as much for the families as for the educational ones and shows the adaptation capacity before a scene that had to arrive in gradual and nonsudden form.
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