Curricular relevance of the software career at the Bolívar’ State University

Introduction. For some years in Ecuador evaluations of higher education have been carried out as a strategy to guarantee its quality, being the relevance of the careers that plays a crucial role in the evaluation carried out by the Council for the Assurance of the Quality of Education Superior (CACES). Objective. Determine the relevance of the software career at the State University of Bolívar (UEB) by studying its curriculum. Methodology. The research was qualitative and quantitative, retrospective and descriptive, an analysis was made in six dimensions, such as: prospective study of the career, contextual analysis, academic offer, demand, follow-up of graduates and employability through bibliographic review and application of surveys validated by specialists. Results. The results reflected that the Software career curriculum has several positive aspects; In the first instance, the knowledge and learning that allow to solve the actions of future engineers are aligned to the objectives of the National Development Plan, the acceptance of the Software career by high school students and the criteria of graduates in the same branch of specialization as well as the opinion of potential employers were nuances that provided an important input for the curricular readjustment of the software career. Conclusion. The current software career at the UEB is relevant, but it is important to make some updates to its curriculum so that it continues to meet the level of satisfaction with respect to the skills that students acquire during their academic training and their impact on the sector professional.

Galuth Irene García Camacho, Maricela Araceli Espín Morejón, Mónica Elizabeth Bonilla Manobanda, Darwin Paul Carrión Buenaño


Estrategias del enfoque comunicativo para mejorar la producción oral de los estudiantes de nivel A2

Introduction: communication is the essence of life; at all levels, it cannot be seen only verbally or extra verbally, but in the process of interaction with the surrounding environment. Objective: his literature review aimed to analyze the efficiency of the different communicative language teaching strategies applied in the language classroom and their improvement in students’ oral production. Method: it accomplished a bibliographical analysis of 51 sources in the communicative approach field regarding strategies in spoken production of the English language. The searching emphasized the effectiveness of the different communicative language teaching strategies applied in the language classroom and the students’ enhancement in their oral production. This article selected several research tools such as books, scientific articles from indexed journals, and graduate theses. A meticulous search was carried out in databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, Eric, Google scholar, Semantics Scholar, Research Gate, and university digital repositories. Results: the most common and effective communicative approach strategies for oral production in the English language were identified; for example, debate, class presentations, problem-solving, modeling, comprehension questions, dialogs, pair and group work, role play, peer teaching, project-based, jigsaw, games, songs, use of realia, and authentic materials. Conclusion:  the efficiency of the communicative language teaching strategies was widely proved; for that reason, their employment is highly recommended to contribute to the students’ oral production enhancement.

Paula Agustina Vélez Yanza, Luis Antonio Paredes Rodríguez


El impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 sobre el filtro afectivo de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera en un aula virtual

Introducción: la integración de la tecnología en la enseñanza del lenguaje, especialmente en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19, desencadenó un proceso de búsqueda de diferentes estrategias pedagógicas. Debido a este cambio drástico en la educación, más la rapidez con la que se dispone de recursos tecnológicos, ha hecho que la tecnología se sitúe en la herramienta más importante en la enseñanza.  Por lo tanto, el docente debe considerar en la planificación de una clase, herramientas digitales y metodologías dinámicas para agilizar y motivar a los estudiantes y de esta manera, reducir su filtro afectivo. Objetivo: esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la efectividad de Kahoot en la reducción del impacto del filtro afectivo de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Métodos: este estudio desarrolló una investigación aplicada con enfoque mixto y alcance descriptivo, con diseño cuasi -experimental. Participaron activamente 42 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizaron dos herramientas principales de recolección de datos, a saber, una encuesta para buscar información sobre el impacto del filtro afectivo de los estudiantes durante las clases virtuales y una prueba previa y posterior basada en la comprensión lectora para verificar el desempeño de los estudiantes en inglés. Conclusiones: los estudiantes están enfrentando experiencias negativas en su aprendizaje del inglés porque su filtro afectivo es alto. Además, luego de la fase de intervención con el uso de Kahoot, los estudiantes mejoraron su desempeño en inglés en la habilidad de comprensión lectora. Por lo tanto, se recomienda continuar buscando recursos digitales motivantes para un mejor desenvolvimiento de los estudiantes.

Ximena Patricia Rivera Gallardo, Janine Matts


Cost accounting as a management tool in Yoha’s Style microenterprise

Introduction. The growth of micro-enterprises is conditioned by the management that is applied. These should not be tied to the tax category or its size to implement management tools such as accounting, which provides information for decision-making. Objective. Analyze cost accounting as a management tool in the Yoha’s Style microenterprise, using economic and financial analysis techniques to determine its profitability during the January 2020 period. Methodology. The study has a non-experimental quantitative approach since the data is not manipulated, it is considered a cross-sectional, descriptive study. There was information on real and nominal accounts provided by the owner and accountant of the microenterprise. The results obtained in the survey of 416 microentrepreneurs in the province of El Oro were taken as a basis. Information processing was carried out using the VISUALFAC accounting system and the Microsoft Excel program until obtaining financial information and subsequent quantitative analysis. Results. Among the results, it is evident that the operational performance of the microenterprise in relation to the equity is very low, obtaining only 4% as a return to the owners; Likewise, in the net profitability of the asset and financial profitability it generates only 3% and 4% respectively. Conclusions. Cost accounting provides quantitative information to managers on the resources, obligations and assets that the microentrepreneur owns.

Ruth Maryury Delgado Olaya, Mariana Marisol Yánez Sarmiento, Betzy Lizbeth Orellana Arévalo, Jessenia Maribel Camacho Yunga, Kenia Elizabeth Espinoza Criollo


Effect of cracks on the tensile strength of A36 steel welded joints by means of numerical simulation

Introduction: The most critical discontinuities that occur in welding are cracks, showing a high concentration of stresses and therefore a reduction in the loads that can be applied to welded joints, the construction standards for pipeline transportation systems such as API 1104 are very strict regarding the acceptance of these discontinuities, but only with an empirical foundation. Objective: Determine the influence of the length of the cracks on the yield stress of joints welded with ASTM A36 steel, using numerical simulation by finite elements. Methodology: A qualitative analysis was carried out to determine the load that can be applied to pipes joined by welding, the independent variables are the thickness of the pipe, the length of the crack and the diameter of the pipe. Commercial pipes are selected from 101.4 to 508 mm (4 to 20 inches) in nominal diameter, with 3 thicknesses schedule 40, XS and 80, in addition, two cracks are introduced in the surface of the welded joint of 2 and 4 mm in length, the geometric model was made using Solidworks software and the static analysis with finite elements was carried out using ANSYS software, the results were analyzed in SPSS with the multiple linear regression method. Results. The independent variable with the greatest influence on the dependent one is the diameter of the pipe, followed by the length of the crack and finally the thickness of the pipes, this measured by the correlation between the variables and the stepwise regression model. Conclusion: All the variables have a linear behavior and directly proportional to the allowed force applicable to the welded joint.

Carlos Oswaldo Serrano Aguiar, Marcelo Esteban Calispa Aguilar, Marco Antonio Ordoñez Viñan, Luis Santiago Choto Chariguamán


Information and Communication Technologies and their relationship with the management of Human Talent

Introduction. Information and Communication Technologies have impacted all areas of human and social development. In the case of Human Talent Management, it continues to be a topic of interest, however, it is not always possible to visualize what to do in order to optimize the management of human talent from the perspective of Information and Communication Technology. Target. Establish the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and the quality of the Human Talent Management process. Methodology. The study used a descriptive, non-experimental methodology based on theoretical methods that allowed us to review the preceding literature and establish the main arguments related to the topic. Results. 1. The theoretical foundations confirm the importance of using Information and Communication Technologies as a fundamental tool to improve Human Talent Management in different institutions. 2. Work is required to eliminate digital gaps, which still persist; This implies achieving accessibility to computers, the Internet and the technology itself, eliminating the existing inequality. 3. An integrated development strategy is proposed in five phases: Diagnosis, Planning, Application, Reorganization, which allows optimizing the Human Talent Management process from the perspective of Information and Communication Technology. Conclusions. A review of the theoretical references confirms the importance of using Information and Communication Technology as a fundamental tool for improving Human Talent Management in different institutions or companies. A possible development strategy is provided to be applied in the different ones for the optimization of the development of competences and management of ICTs, with a view to improving Human Talent Management.

Marco Antonio Gavilanes Sagñay, Fredy Gavilanes Sagnay, Nathalie Azucena Chávez Granados


Socio-economic activities and strategic allies in tourism, city of Babahoyo - Los Ríos

Introduction. The paralysis of the tourism sector due to the pandemic caused great economic losses in the country, families without sources of income, totally desolate tourist sectors, temporary and permanent closure of many businesses, all this generating great concerns in the tourist services sector. Socio-economic activity are actions of exchange and consumption, which compromise the productivity of a country in conjunction with its goods, services, products and recreational processes, from the field of tourism in general, strategic allies provide the tourism sector with the help that these They require to increase their income, and facilitate the process of attending to tourists, such as science, technology and innovation, necessary and indispensable tools in the desire to provide a full and pleasant quality service. Objective, analyze socio-economic activities to take advantage of the disposition of strategic allies in tourism. Methodology. Application of the types of research: descriptive, exploratory, explanatory and correlational, the descriptive method allowed detail and analyze the socioeconomic activities of the country and the strategic allies linked to this activity, specifying the current situation in its different levels and concepts of commercial positioning as a national tourist subject, the quantitative method led to the number of companies trying to invest in tourist activities in Ecuador. Results. The was asked 160 students with a series of five questions referring to the country's tourist socio-economic activities and its strategic allies. Conclusions. The main economic activity is gastronomy, the public sector that links economic productivity is the Mintur and the private sector presenting attractive investment plans by the Provincial Chamber of Tourism.

Christian Rivera García, Maricela Izurieta Puente, Jazminia Zuñiga Mayorga


Emotional resilience levels and virtual learning in the tourism students in the UTB

Resumen: La resistencia, el soporte y la adaptabilidad son la base de la resiliencia que permite realizar actividades con una gran descarga de estrés en procesos de aprendizaje universitario. En educación superior, la resiliencia es una habilidad significativa de cambio y transformación emocional gradual, que permite ampliar las posibilidades del ser humano frente a diferentes realidades contextuales difíciles. En esta investigación se consideró como objetivo: identificar los niveles de resiliencia emocional para mejorar el aprendizaje virtual en actividades académicas de formación profesional de pregrado. Como escenario para la aplicación de esta investigación se consideró realizar tipos de investigación como: descriptivo, exploratorio, explicativo y correlacional, utilizando los métodos de análisis, síntesis, inductivo, deductivo, etnográfico, y socio crítico en aplicación de un cuestionario para realizar la encuesta a los estudiantes de la Carrera de Turismo de la UTB en apoyo a la encuesta aplicada a 203 participantes se obtuvieron como resultados que el grupo encuestado muestra una capacidad media de resiliencia, con dificultades emocionales para afrontar acciones inesperadas en sus vidas familiares, personales y universitarias, en el campo del aprendizaje virtual los estudiantes han desarrollado nuevas estrategias  para aprender desde un orden investigativo, mejorando su experticia en la utilización de herramientas tecnológicas, los participantes han desarrollado actividades sincrónicas creando nuevas experiencias, y fortalezas emocionales, individuales y grupales, estos resultados demuestran un interés en la adquisición de nexos sociales y académicos, la tecnología permite regenerar el espíritu intuitivo de estudiantes de vanguardia en procesos de solución de problemas y toma de decisiones.

Christian Rivera García, Cecilia Cáneppa, Victoria Guijarro, Maricela Izurieta


Analysis of the production system of the central oil production company

Introduction.  At present, thanks to the incessant work for the recovery of the economy, it is sought that each process is properly organized with the purpose of achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency and therefore an increase in productivity. Objective. The objectives that are pursued with the realization of this work are: Characterize the Oil Production Company of the Center by means of the application of the variables; Describe the crude oil treatment process at the Plant belonging to the Central Oil Production Company; Apply the General Problem-Solving Method when a fault occurs in the Varadero-Cárdenas pipeline. Methodology.  A characterization of the Crude Processing Plant is offered, which represents the area under study within the Company.  Together, the procedure and the tools that were used are presented. Results.  It is recommended to apply solutions such as: improving the preparation of the workers in charge of operating the Varadero-Cárdenas pipeline.  Apply the missing coating in a section of the duct; check more frequently the valves present in the pipeline on a weekly basis; make workers aware of the need to work correctly in the pipeline to avoid environmental contamination. Conclusion.  The main existing problems in the area that affect the health of workers and their performance in the company's production plan were detected.  The procedure used evidenced its convenient use to comply with the objectives set and allowed the preparation of a proposal for actions.

José Carlos Aguila Pérez, Tomás Espinosa Achong, Elías Junco Galindo, Alexander Javier Ballagas Suárez
