Estrategias del enfoque comunicativo para mejorar la producción oral de los estudiantes de nivel A2

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Paula Agustina Vélez Yanza
Luis Antonio Paredes Rodríguez


Introduction: communication is the essence of life; at all levels, it cannot be seen only verbally or extra verbally, but in the process of interaction with the surrounding environment. Objective: his literature review aimed to analyze the efficiency of the different communicative language teaching strategies applied in the language classroom and their improvement in students’ oral production. Method: it accomplished a bibliographical analysis of 51 sources in the communicative approach field regarding strategies in spoken production of the English language. The searching emphasized the effectiveness of the different communicative language teaching strategies applied in the language classroom and the students’ enhancement in their oral production. This article selected several research tools such as books, scientific articles from indexed journals, and graduate theses. A meticulous search was carried out in databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, Eric, Google scholar, Semantics Scholar, Research Gate, and university digital repositories. Results: the most common and effective communicative approach strategies for oral production in the English language were identified; for example, debate, class presentations, problem-solving, modeling, comprehension questions, dialogs, pair and group work, role play, peer teaching, project-based, jigsaw, games, songs, use of realia, and authentic materials. Conclusion:  the efficiency of the communicative language teaching strategies was widely proved; for that reason, their employment is highly recommended to contribute to the students’ oral production enhancement.


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Vélez Yanza, P. A., & Paredes Rodríguez, L. A. (2021). Estrategias del enfoque comunicativo para mejorar la producción oral de los estudiantes de nivel A2 . ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.2), 22-41.


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